Citizenship process Step by Step


Registered Users (C)
I searched but could not find any posting on his.

It would be nice if gurus can list down all steps that happens during application to oath and normally how long it takes.

These are the things I know of, please fill in the gaps:

1. Application filed.
2. check cashed (within 1-2 weeks of application)
3. Receive a Receipt Notice
4. Finger printing notice (4 weeks after filing)
5. Fingerprinted
6. Name check
7. Interview Lletter
8. Interview
9. Letter for Oath ceremony
10. Oath Ceremony.
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You've named all the main steps. Processing times vary between DOs (anywhere from 4-8 months seems to be the norm).
Couple of questions related to steps

Clarify these for me -
1) When do you have to return your green card - at the Interview or the Oath?
2) When do you actually become a citizen - at the interview or the oath?
3) When and HOW do you get your Naturalization Certificate? Do you get it at the oath ceremony? Or do they mail it to you later?

Clarify these for me -
1) When do you have to return your green card - at the Interview or the Oath?
2) When do you actually become a citizen - at the interview or the oath?
3) When and HOW do you get your Naturalization Certificate? Do you get it at the oath ceremony? Or do they mail it to you later?


1. You return the green card at the Oath Ceremony.
2. You become an US Citizen after the Oath Ceremony.
3. You get the Naturalization Certification at the Oath Ceremony.
One of the important steps is left out here which is about receving a Receipt Notice that applicants receive after filing the application. Also, name checking process could start, with or without submitting fingerprints, anytime after submitting the application....
Thanks all. I also updated just in case might help some newbie like me.

From what i saw from other posters, that even check cashing, fingerprinting could take months. I was under impression that these t hings happen fairly quickly like within 3-4 weeks afetr sending in the application.

BTW, do you get to know if namecheck is happening or done? or this is something that happens in background without you knowing it. (Of course you will know if your application takes years)

One of the important steps is left out here which is about receving a Receipt Notice that applicants receive after filing the application. Also, name checking process could start, with or without submitting fingerprints, anytime after submitting the application....
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From what i saw from other posters, that even check cashing, fingerprinting could take months. I was under impression that these t hings happen fairly quickly like within 3-4 weeks afetr sending in the application.

Yeah, I think it happened last July 2007 during the visa bulletin fiasco. They were so deluged with applications, that they were taking a long time to even cash checks.