Citizenship intervew - HAD - But they need affidavit of voter registration.

thanks for your time, yes I think this is most probably the case exactly what happened. I just went to jury commission and the clerk said, all they need is state ID, tax records and license. they will send summons randomly they don't need to check the citizenship status. :(
1) Got a letter from election commission of my county
2) got a letter from jury commission
3) self affidavit

>>> sending all to USCIS local office and cross my finger & wait for several months (probably 7 months - just guessing)
Could this be the case? :

(1) Criminal history is searched for all applicants
(2) For 1-2% of applicants: oen more kind of backgound background is searched:
these non-crminal backgrounds include voter registration, jury slection records, child support records, alcohol purchase records, marriage records, party affliation records, employment
history, tax records, title of nobility records, gambling history records, prostituion records,
military service records

May be, could be - but who knows.
I think they definitely know about if you get a jury summon regardless of you served on a jury or excused.
1) Got a letter from election commission of my county
2) got a letter from jury commission
3) self affidavit

>>> sending all to USCIS local office and cross my finger & wait for several months (probably 7 months - just guessing)

Make sure to send it via registered mail to cover yourself.
Some people on this board have a tendency to crucify posters when they can't provide a direct answer to their question. Don't worry, just ignore them.

It does buffudle many people. I think that it is normal that a normal person here would be shocked that an IO can easily know any aprticular person onece received a jury summon.
So it is quite understanble that many question the OP's story.

I myself refuse to believe an IO has an easy way to check if any applicant once got a jury summon. If that were the case, we would indeed be living under watch of Big Brother
(well this may be a good thing if the safety is top priority).
It does buffudle many people. I think that it is normal that a normal person here would be shocked that an IO can easily know any aprticular person onece received a jury summon.
So it is quite understanble that many question the OP's story.

I myself refuse to believe an IO has an easy way to check if any applicant once got a jury summon. If that were the case, we would indeed be living under watch of Big Brother
(well this may be a good thing if the safety is top priority).

Yes, thanks. I will be sending Registered USPS with delivery proof etc.
And I agree that we would indeed be living under watch of Big Brother.

That's applicable to anyone living in US not only new citizens.
Yes, thanks. I will be sending Registered USPS with delivery proof etc.
And I agree that we would indeed be living under watch of Big Brother.

That's applicable to anyone living in US not only new citizens.

Not long ago there was a report that USCIS is checking what friends citizenship applicants
made thru facebook

USCIS looks at applicants' Facebook pages?
FOIA request shows that USCIS is using some new methods to detect fraud

From the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital civil liberties group based in San Francisco, has received information through a federal Freedom of Information Act request documenting how U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services uses social networking sites to investigate petitions for citizenship.

EFF obtained a June 20 Citizen and Immigration Services memo shedding insight into how social networking sites are used by agencies and what kind of individual information can be taken from them...

"Department of Homeland Security sources said that the department may use publicly available information posted to a citizenship applicant’s Facebook page to determine if they are lying to the government about their marital status."

Full article is here:

Here's the interesting part of the memo in question:

Generally, people on these sites speak honestly in their network because all of their friends and family are interacting with them via lM's (Instant Messages), Blogs (Weblog journals), etc. This social networking gives FDNS an opportunity to reveal fraud by browsing these sites to see if petitioners and beneficiaries are in a valid relationship or are attempting to deceive CIS about their relationship. Once a user posts online, they create a public record and timeline of their activities. In essence* using MySpace and other like sites is akin to doing an unannounced cyber "site-visit" on a petitioners and beneficiaries.
If people are so silly and ignorant that they either cannot set up appropriate privacy settings or give more thought to whom they accept as a new friend, then I say more power to the USCIS. Some people actually leave all their privacy settings at minimum, so anybody on-line can see all the personal stuff without even being added as a friend. I despise all social networking websites, and the only site I was forced to register on was Linked-in just to be able to find a job in my speciality field.
I myself refuse to believe an IO has an easy way to check if any applicant once got a jury summon. .

Each county/sate has a master jury list. It's entirely possible that USCIS has access to a jury list database, or that the OP's name showed up during a cross reference search related to public records.