Citizenship intervew - HAD - But they need affidavit of voter registration.


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Hello please help me,

I just had my citizenship interview last week. passed all tests, however my case was kept on hold asking the following,

1- letter from my county explaining the voter registration
2- self affidavit from me why I was called for a jury duty 5 years back and I removed my name from all the voters list & jury list

I got letter to serve on a jury 5 years back and immediately I replied them saying I cannot serve on a jury because I am not a citizen yet. they also send a email saying I was excused.

Now I contacted my county elections dept and they said, I am not registered and never voted in any election.

Anyone here gone through the same? or do you have a template of the affidavit? please send to me.

This is strange. I don't remmeber N-400 ask if applicant ever got a jury notice etc and since you never registered to vote and you must have answerr No to teh voter question. So what can prompt the IO to request you for such fuirther information?
I got a letter to serve on a jury 5 years back and immediately I replied them saying I cannot serve on a jury because I am not a citizen yet. they also send a email saying I was excused.
But IO was asking me why I got the letter. so I need to produce the foll.

1- letter from my county explaining the voter registration
2- self affidavit from me why I was called for a jury duty 5 years back and I removed my name from all the voters list & jury list

anyone has the self affidavit form?
I got a letter to serve on a jury 5 years back and immediately I replied them saying I cannot serve on a jury because I am not a citizen yet. they also send a email saying I was excused.
But IO was asking me why I got the letter. so I need to produce the foll.

1- letter from my county explaining the voter registration
2- self affidavit from me why I was called for a jury duty 5 years back and I removed my name from all the voters list & jury list

anyone has the self affidavit form?

Sounds like the case of an incompetent IO.

How did the issue of the jury summons even come up at the interview? Did you mention it yourself?

Regarding item 2, the IO's request is absurd. You can't possibly know for sure why you got the jury summons letter.
Most likely, the information was pulled from the DMV records: the jury pool is typically based on collecting a variety of records, including DMV records, voter registration data, unemployment benefits applications, and all sorts of other records available to the state. In most states, all DMV records, regardless of the citizenship status of the drivers license holder, are used for jury pool creation, and most likely this is how your name ended up being in the jury pool. Most people in this forum probably have gotten jury summons at one point or another, before becoming U.S. citizens, because of the DMV records. I remember that I myself got jury summons while I was still on an H-1B visa.

Regarding voter registration: did you actually ever register to vote? If not, how did the issue of voter registration even come up at the interview?
thanks for the reply. I never registered to vote. I called all the counties that I lived in and verified I never registered to vote.
also I called the DMV of the state office, they also verified that I am not registered to VOTE.
thanks for the reply. I never registered to vote. I called all the counties that I lived in and verified I never registered to vote.
also I called the DMV of the state office, they also verified that I am not registered to VOTE.

So how exactly did the issues of voter registration and jury summons come up at the interview?
But IO was asking me why I got the letter. so I need to produce the foll.

How did the IO know you once got such a letter? Many of us got such letter before and
sinmply told court we were not citizens. N-400 does not ask if we have got such letter
so the IO do not even know. Juror candidates can be selected from voter regitration, and driver record, and vehicle records getting such letter does not mean you once registered to vote
I really don't know how the IO got the history. But they do have all the info regarding the voter registration + the jury duty etc
I really don't know how the IO got the history. But they do have all the info regarding the voter registration + the jury duty etc

You are still being very unclear.
Please be precise and specific:

1) Who brought up the issues of voter registration and jury summons at the interview?

2) Did you ever register to vote anywhere?

3) Did you ever vote anywhere?

4) Did you even indicate to the DMV that you are a U.S. citizen?

5) Did the IO tell you that according to his/her information, you were registered to vote?
thanks again,

1) Who brought up the issues of voter registration and jury summons at the interview?
The IO asked the question. I see you were called for jury. why they called you.

2) Did you ever register to vote anywhere?
NO- I called my state election commission and confirmed that NO.

3) Did you ever vote anywhere?

4) Did you even indicate to the DMV that you are a U.S. citizen?
I Called my state dept for DMV and confirmed that I didn't choose the option "register to vote"

5) Did the IO tell you that according to his/her information, you were registered to vote?
No, the IO asked why I was called for jury duty. I said I never registered to vote any where. so i don't know why they called me.

Now I got letter from county election commission that I am not registered to vote.
And I am getting a letter from jury commission that they don't have my records of voters registration information.

Now I need to come up with a self affidavit and get notarized signature. anyone have any sample affidavit form.
thanks again,

1) Who brought up the issues of voter registration and jury summons at the interview?
The IO asked the question. I see you were called for jury. why they called you.

2) Did you ever register to vote anywhere?
NO- I called my state election commission and confirmed that NO.

3) Did you ever vote anywhere?

4) Did you even indicate to the DMV that you are a U.S. citizen?
I Called my state dept for DMV and confirmed that I didn't choose the option "register to vote"

5) Did the IO tell you that according to his/her information, you were registered to vote?
No, the IO asked why I was called for jury duty. I said I never registered to vote any where. so i don't know why they called me.

Now I got letter from county election commission that I am not registered to vote.
And I am getting a letter from jury commission that they don't have my records of voters registration information.

Now I need to come up with a self affidavit and get notarized signature. anyone have any sample affidavit form.

OK, I see. Still sounds like the case of an incompetent and inexperienced IO.

I suggest that you do the following:

1) Get a letter from the local election board stating three things:
a) You are not registered to vote
b) You were never registered to vote
c) You never voted.

2) For the "self affidavit", there are most definitely no samples of anything like that anywhere - the situation you are describing is unique and unusual.

Just writing a statement, in your own words, saying that you have no idea why you received the jury summons, that you never claimed to be a U.S. citizen anywhere.
Then sign this statement in front of a notary public and have your signature notarized.
thanks again,

1) Who brought up the issues of voter registration and jury summons at the interview?
The IO asked the question. I see you were called for jury. why they called you.

Just out of the blue they asked about jury duty, without you saying anything about it first? C'mon, admit that you mentioned jury duty before the IO asked you. It's extremely strange that an IO would have the initiative to search the jury duty summons lists to for naturalization applicants but be too ignorant to know that noncitizens routinely get summoned for jury duty.
This is really weird. Is it possible that the USCIS dug deeper in the OP's case? I received a jury letter once, and so did my wife and both of my parents, but none of us were registered to vote and the issue never came up at the interview. I am with Jacko on this one.
Just out of the blue they asked about jury duty, without you saying anything about it first? C'mon, admit that you mentioned jury duty before the IO asked you. It's extremely strange that an IO would have the initiative to search the jury duty summons lists to for naturalization applicants but be too ignorant to know that noncitizens routinely get summoned for jury duty.

I attended the interview. I never mentioned about the jury duty before IO asked. Common, If you don't know or cannot help, just don't answer. I am not asking you how I got the jury letter or how the IO knew about it.

I am asking how to proceed with it. and how to write a affidavit. If you don't know that ok and don't bother about about asking too many question. Also It depends on the IO whether they can dig deep or leave it.
It's extremely strange that an IO would have the initiative to search the jury duty summons lists

I don't even think USCIScan access jury duty summon lists (1) Such lists are not open to the public or other government agencies but the court itself (2) There are so many county court in
the USA there is no way USCIS can link to so many databases.
I know its weird. But the IO had my jury duty summon. ITS FACT AND TRUE. why would I lie to you. or why would I dig my own.
They had your actual jury duty summons? Wow. Maybe something happened like this:

You responded to the summons by asserting that you're not a citizen. The court contacted USCIS to find out if you're really not a citizen. In doing so, they faxed or mailed a copy of your summons to USCIS. Then USCIS replied to them, and added the summons to your A-file. 5 years later you apply for naturalization and the IO sees the jury summons.
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Could this be the case? :

(1) Criminal history is searched for all applicants
(2) For 1-2% of applicants: oen more kind of backgound background is searched:
these non-crminal backgrounds include voter registration, jury slection records, child support records, alcohol purchase records, marriage records, party affliation records, employment
history, tax records, title of nobility records, gambling history records, prostituion records,
military service records
I really don't know how the IO got the history. But they do have all the info regarding the voter registration + the jury duty etc

There are numerous ways (besides voter registration and DL) that courts come up with jury pools, including tax records, and professional associations. The IO somehow noticed you were once called for jury duty and figured that you may have appeared (albeit inadvertently) on a voter registration list.

Contact the election board and ask them to send you a letter confirming you aren't registered.
Also, contact the court who selected you for jury duty to determine how they pulled your name. Use their answer on the basis of your self affidavit letter.
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I know its weird. But the IO had my jury duty summon. ITS FACT AND TRUE. why would I lie to you. or why would I dig my own.

Some people on this board have a tendency to crucify posters when they can't provide a direct answer to their question. Don't worry, just ignore them.