Citizenship/G.C question...


Yes, my lawer is here in the midwest and I don't really know much about south california to help you find a good lawer there, but usually they have free referal services in big cities and they provide you with # of lawers to call then you can call and check different ones to get the one that you feel most comfortable with and I would ask the lawer what is the percentage of the wining asylum cases he/she handled, good luck


responding to your question what should we do?
I think the best free way in my openion is to go to the public and media, they are the ones who move this country and our case will be heard by millions of people if it goes on a national television, sometimes you here about a case where cats and dogs are suffering in this country or the "Run Away Bride"...We are over 200,000 asylees in this country, that is a big minority and I am sure one of the networks will find a good and a meaty subject to talk about for a whole show (20/20, 60 min, etc....)
Let the public see what we go through and if it makes sence that to get an RTD so you can travel, it takes 6 months to get and then it is only valid for one year then if you want to renew it, you have to send the Original RTD 6 months before it expires, so technically, you can only use the RTD in the best case for only 6 months and actually most countries they require the RTD to be valid for at least 6 months. Not to mention our suffering waiting for the GC and that we should get the time wasted toward our citizenship.
When did you watch last a show about asylees and what they have to go through on a national televsion...

This is just one idea we can do, but I am sure lots of you have different ideas and they can help by expressing thier own mind to help us and help his/her self as well.....Anyone else got a better idea???

Regarding your question about my lawer, the last time I talked to him was when he called to ask about the second medical test since I already done it and sent it back the first time with the papers. I just called him yesterday to ask about if there is a possiblity to apply for citizenship after getting the GC since I have been waiting for over 6 years since I got my asylum, but he is in a vacation and I'll try again when he gets back
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Let's take it to court again

I believe the Gov. by settling the Ngwanyia case admitted for delaying our adjutment at least by three years. If that is the case we do have a pretty strong case to force them to settle even without going to a full trial.

Most Law firms will be morethan happy to take such an easy case pro-bono. Any idea's or suggestions???
Ohio Asylee said:
...Regarding your question about my lawer, the last time I talked to him was when he called to ask about the second medical test since I already done it and sent it back the first time with the papers. I just called him yesterday to ask about if there is a possiblity to apply for citizenship after getting the GC since I have been waiting for over 6 years since I got my asylum, but he is in a vacation and I'll try again when he gets back...

Make sure to keep us up to date as to what his answer is.
As I said before, I'm definately considering this option.
It's completely absurd for human being's life to be "put on hold" because of bureaucratic red tape B*llsh*t!!
This is starting to tick me the hell off!!
let's make it happen

Well everybody as i mentioned before let's stick together and make this dream come true, if we can contact a big attorney the laws can change to benefit all of us asylees. Now let's call for early citizenship for asylee, meaning 5 years since the date asylum was granted.
if it takes money....i'm the first one to start
guys, since we are discussing this, i read it on this forum a link about USCIS treating asylee as permanent resident for something....only. Does anyone remember that link and would be able to post it. thanks
I think we might be on to something!

If you keep in mind that USCIS is going to reduce or even eliminate backlog by the end of FY2006, and that by then an Asylum Adjustment Application for GC would take 6 months and then 4 years after that for Citizenship, then in the near future, asylees would be looking at a total timeline of about 5 1/2 years from the time they get approved for asylum to the moment they get Citizenship. With that in mind, I don't think it's too far-fetched to consider that we might be treated the same at the present time. How? I'm not exactly sure, but I know one thing: I'll give it a try!
bornTwice said:
Below is CIS' definition for PERMANENT RESIDENT ALIEN. I don't believe that asylees fall into this category.

Permanent Resident Alien - an alien admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident. Permanent residents are also commonly referred to as immigrants; however, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) broadly defines an immigrant as any alien in the United States, except one legally admitted under specific nonimmigrant categories (INA section 101(a)(15)). An illegal alien who entered the United States without inspection, for example, would be strictly defined as an immigrant under the INA but is not a permanent resident alien. Lawful permanent residents are legally accorded the privilege of residing permanently in the United States. They may be issued immigrant visas by the Department of State overseas or adjusted to permanent resident status by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the United States.

You say asylee do not fall in this category and I can see why. But it also sais that the ones who were legally admitted into US and were issued immigration visas overseas are treated as Permenant Resident Alien. My question is since I am beneficiary ( my mom was the principal asylum) and came here with immigration visa, do I fall in the same category or I am defined as a refugee??? I am lost ...
Ohio Asylee said:
here is my 2nd 2 cents :rolleyes:

WE live in America, most of you came from third world countries and oppressive governments that don't allow you to think or express your mind. you have to realize that there is a hole in every law specially here in A merica. This the country where a killer like O.J. simpson got a way with a murder infront of everyone in the world. This is the country where a woman got $1000,000, yes 1 million dollar for spilling HER OWN COFFE on herself from Mc donolds because she was stupid and retard and was drinking while driving, etc, etc. etc.. If these people can get away with things like these, we have a much better apportunity, because we deserve those years to be counted toward our citizenships, we have a legitimate case, we need solutions, ideas what we have to do next, a PLAN to get what we want, put your brains together, we all have the same suffering and we should act soon.


You need to get the real story about the "Coffe". That lady was not stupid, and she was not driving. her coffe was over 130F hot. let me remind you that 112F will slow cook your flesh. That poor girl was 27 or 28 years old and had to have multiple surgeries (and some reconstructive surgeries too) on her groin area. All she asked about was hospital bills, but court gave her profits from one day of coffe selling from MC"Donalds. I studied her case in a Nursing shcool. And last, she didn't spill her coffe on her self. Mc'Donalds employee at the at the window spilled it on her. That stupid ass put wrong sized top on the cup and that is how he/she spilled that coffe. When that employee was handing her the coffe employee was holding it by the top. To make long story short that employee just cooked that girls female organs.
My best regards,