citizenship for my son

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I am glad jack solved this complicated issue for you... It is acceptable to father children abroad too... plane were invented for that purpose, ever heard of getting it in the lavatories of airplane? This man used his semen for a good deed, create a 17 yr old son. However, there are those you use their semen for felony offense with a possibility of time in jail...a long time for that matter...
Who and why the hell will someone wait 20 YEARS to go through this process?? Geez. God knows how many pages you would have to attach to the N400 application about involvement with the law (civil, traffic, criminal, etc), travel outside the US, etc. Good thing at least some details only require information 5 years back otherwise your application may end up being more than one shipping box and may take much longer to process. Now this also risks your son not being able to meet the age limit to benefit form it. I know of some people who have lost the green cards just because they neglected filing for citizenship for so long that certain things happened to them and they became inadmissible in the US and subject to deportation. Some even fled to Canada and filed for asylum there with no link to the US; meaning all their achievements and even education in the US is gone/wasted because they can't mention ever being in the US on the Canadian asylum forms because then the Canadian authorities can report them to US authorities to come get them and the asylum rules also say you MUST file for asylum in either the US or Canada, wherever you arrive first or be automatically denied. Guys, this is serious business.

I have had my Aunt naturalizing after living 38 yrs in the US. So it is personal preference!
I have had my Aunt naturalizing after living 38 yrs in the US. So it is personal preference!

Definitely. I recently met a woman who naturalized this spring after 20-something years as a permanent resident. For some people, it's a simple decision, for others, not. Most of us probably agree that it's significant and serious.
Definitely. I recently met a woman who naturalized this spring after 20-something years as a permanent resident. For some people, it's a simple decision, for others, not. Most of us probably agree that it's significant and serious.

Oh really!!!! Maybe she committed a crime that required 20 years of strong moral!!! If you ever get involved in a drive by arguing, then you might have to wait for 35 years to!!!
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