Children at the interview


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This might sound crazy, but has anyone ever brought their children to the AOS interview?
They are a proof of marriage...:)
Well, we have two and my husband is debating if we should bring them. I'm not that confident that it's a good idea.
EspoMan, if you say it has been done, do you know someone who did that and was it a good idea?
This might sound crazy, but has anyone ever brought their children to the AOS interview?
They are a proof of marriage...:)

Hi Ninyte,

We have a 3 month old son and our interview was 2 weeks after he was born. We had taken him there with us. The officer asked us whether he was our first etc etc and then asked us for his birth certificate...which we hadn't received till then. We showed her the application copy and the hospital records which were sufficient.
Also, our lawyer said that we SHOULD take our child. According to him it subconsciously increases the officer's confidence in the marriage!!
I would say take 'em, but remember to take their birth certificates and any other item of proof like pictures with them.

Good Luck.:)

If the child is not adjusting his status - you don't have to take them with you. Unless you just can't get a babysitter, you shouldn't take the children with you. The officer may not like children, a child may throw a fit and go hysterical in an unfamiliar place, throw up all over the office, etc.

if you just take the birth certificates of your mutual children with you, it will increase the officer's confidence in the marriage anyway.
take em

I would say take those children with you because they are proof of a bonafide marriage and have a lot more to give than a piece of paper, Birth certificates.
I don't think that anything to extreme would happen like the throw up, etc.
I took my 5 day old baby to my NATZ interview and the officer said that she would get my oath ceremony date scheduled ASAP given my situation, which was that my husband was not able to attend her birth because his I130 was not approved. She actually did not give my application any special treatment, but in that interview I think she meant well and was sympathetic to our family's situation.
Regardless children are beautiful and carry charm, love, and light.

Best of luck
Regardless children are beautiful and carry charm, love, and light.
once again, parents usually think the world of their own children, and at the same time somebody else looking from the sidelines may think they are the most spoiled and worst-behaving children in the world.

A 5-day old baby would probably need to be with you anyway, and can safely stay in the car seat in the office - asleep and not bothering the officer, however, a 2-year old may go into a stubborn screaming fit at any time. It may happen, it has happened and it will happen. And one officer may feel very friendly and sympathetic, while the other may get extremely annoyed.
once again, parents usually think the world of their own children, and at the same time somebody else looking from the sidelines may think they are the most spoiled and worst-behaving children in the world.

A 5-day old baby would probably need to be with you anyway, and can safely stay in the car seat in the office - asleep and not bothering the officer, however, a 2-year old may go into a stubborn screaming fit at any time. It may happen, it has happened and it will happen. And one officer may feel very friendly and sympathetic, while the other may get extremely annoyed.

hi bring your kids....definately a major proved of your marriage..seriously..

names on paper...blah if someone really want a fake marriage..all this can be done without a problem..but a kid thats a different ball game..
if is fake marriage..dont think the person will even sleep with them ahha..Does it make sense?
names on paper...blah if someone really want a fake marriage..all this can be done without a problem..but a kid thats a different ball game..
so, one can produce a fake birth certificate, but wouldn't think of bringing a nephew in and telling the officer it's a mutual kid? since he has to produce a birth certificate anyway? could one bring a "fake" kid and a fake certificate then? :)
My interview is coming up on the 13th and we have 2 kids, one is 2 the other 9 months. I wouldn't dream of bringing them to the interview. My 2 year old gets into everything particularly drawers in offices and my 9 month old likes to show how powerful her lungs are!!!!
I agree kids are the biggest proof of a bonafide marriage but the best way to prove it to the officer is to give him their birth certificates and have a lot of the photos of you, your spouse and the kids together. If you have the birth certs and multiple photos of the 2 of you with your kids at various different stages it won't be misconstrued as "fake" unless the officer is very cynical!!!
Thank you all for replies.
I guess I will see if I'm bringing the kids when the time comes. I am a stay at home mom, and I do not have a regular nanny. SO it will all depend on what time is the interview, will I have a sitter, etc. I am a little scared because of their age and previous post (mine are 3 and 1) so most likely they will get into everything or will be so scared that will cry all the time. I will definitely think about it, and if I do bring them I will post how it went.
For now, thanks for your input.
so, one can produce a fake birth certificate, but wouldn't think of bringing a nephew in and telling the officer it's a mutual kid? since he has to produce a birth certificate anyway? could one bring a "fake" kid and a fake certificate then? :)

ya true that but producing a fakey birth vs producing some bills is whole a diff ball game.