child birth in India after CG?


Registered Users (C)
Dear friends,

My wife and I are planning to go to India for the birth of our first baby. WE both have our GC's approved.
My question is when we head back to the US, Is it going to be tough getting our child back. Do we need to start the GC process for the kid again.

Originally posted by fisa
My wife and I are planning to go to India for the birth of our first baby. WE both have our GC's approved.

A child born abroad to GC holders will automatically get a GC if he/she returns to the US before two years of age.

Any reason why you're choosing to deny your child US citizenship by birth and forcing it to be naturalized?
To add on to what Realcanadian mentioned :
the child will get the GC automatically provided and this is a big if :
If the child comes to US within 2 yrs of birth ALONG WITH THE PARENTS ON THEIR FIRST TRIP BACK TO US after having the baby.

So if the baby is not well after the birth or something and the parents still have to come back to US for any reason temporarily, then the GC for child is gone.

goodluck and be carefull....
fisa. .. I am curious as many others will be

Since we are all annonymous would you please answere this personal question.
Why do you want to deny US citizenship to your child. ?

-- BK
For what ever reason it is, they want to have the baby in India and we should respect that..
He or she is intelligent enough to know the pros and cons of the decision. And what is the big deal about US Citizenship. ..
Thanks for the response guys

Your replies are defnitly beneficial.

Well BK,
I know getting the citizenship for the kid is nice to have but on the same note, my wife and I feel, being with the family is also nice especially for the first kid.

You do make a good point and I will defnitly be considering all options before we decide what to do.

Thank you

I was in similar situation sometime ago when we had our child. I somehow did not wanted to trust
anybody here with my wifes medicals ( And I now know it was a stupid thing).

Any.. ways .. I just wanted to get his view point.
I never said I disrespect his choise nor have I ever suggested to have baby in any one place.

I guess thats what a annonymous forums are for ( IMHO). We share each others experiences.
We sometimes overlook things in our life and someone elses perspective might help.

BTW: US citizen might not be a big thing but ita a big convenience an option that you get to chose only once in a life.

-- BK
fisa... congratulation (with regard to your kid) and I liked your decision to be with your parents for the first kid. Before you go check your attorney also so that you will have no problem while returning.
Thank you all

Appretiate all your Input.

thank you yudhister for your kind words.

I guess you chose to have your kid in india too. Did you have any issues. Once we return after the birth of our child, can we apply for his/her citizenship soon or do we have to wait till he/she is 18.
I am going to be talking to my lawers before I make a decission, else the only other solution that I see is visit India after the birth. Being with our families at this time means a lot to my wife and I and hence I have been asking these questions.

If you plan it correctly, the best is that the child will get is an GC stamp at the airport.

Once the child has spent the required time in US, then the child can apply the citizenship..

Re: Thanks for the response guys

Originally posted by fisa
Your replies are defnitly beneficial.

Well BK,
I know getting the citizenship for the kid is nice to have but on the same note, my wife and I feel, being with the family is also nice especially for the first kid.

You do make a good point and I will defnitly be considering all options before we decide what to do.

Thank you

Father's or Mother's family?
Re: Thank you all

Originally posted by fisa
can we apply for his/her citizenship soon or do we have to wait till he/she is 18. I am going to be talking to my lawers before I make a decission, else the only other solution that I see is visit India after the birth.

The child can naturalize after 5 years or when you do, whenever comes first. The latter choice (going to India a few months after the birth) might be the best choice all around.

I hate to mention it, but complications do happen. My youngest daughter needed delicate spinal surgery the day she was born - are you confident you can get this back home?
Originally posted by zztop
Another option would be to bring your parents and/or your spouse's parents here in US.

Absolutely. My in-laws were here for the birth of our oldest, and if the younger one hadn't come early they would have been here for her too.
Note citizenship granted by birth is more powerfull than citizenship granted by naturalization. Latter one it can always be revoked and can be deported back.
Its only under very excruciating circumstances it can happen. So Please !! there is no need for worrying about that.....

Originally posted by PRASUKEER
Note citizenship granted by birth is more powerfull than citizenship granted by naturalization. Latter one it can always be revoked and can be deported back.
Having the US citizenship might give more option in the future (atleast for now that is what it looks like) to your baby. I am in the same situation like fisa and decided for the baby's delivery in the US. AND WE ARE GOING TO DO IT ALONE, we are going to have a nany's help for a month or two.

I don't want to start a debate on how and why US citizenship will better and so forth. But, there is nothing wrong in having an extra option. The baby can have citizenship of parents country anytime.

This thread has really helped me

Thanks you all,

This thread had defnitly helped me a lot. I am sure there are others who must be in the same situation.
I do agree birth in the US has its advantages. I will ask my IN-LAW's and parents to try and get a visitors visa for now.

Thank you.

Hope this thread helps every one else, as much as it has helped me.


Never mention to the immigration officer that
parents are coming to help after deliveries.
They have refused visas in past.
They do not want to outsource after delivery
care jobs( I guess) :).

-- BK
Hats off to this great forum !!!

We, as individuals may or may not be as good, but collectively, we are the best !!!!

Continuing this discussion further as We are in the same boat and decided to have the baby in US. My Sister will be here for the occasion.

When I was at crossroads and was unable to decide where to have the baby, I thought of one scenario :

My baby grows up and thinks of my decision of having her in US/India, It would be totally immaterial to her if I wanted to be with my family at the time of her birth. Only thing that would matter to her is what would have been her options if I had taken the other decision.

Guys, Dont think that I do not want to be with my family, I'm dying to see my parents and so are they to see me, but, we have to be ready for some small sacrifices for the sake of our children..After all, that's what parenthood is all about !!!

I have always been a home-sick animal, but the moment we got pregnant, Our baby is our everything !!!! If one small decision can open a world of options for her, I'm all for it ...

Good luck to all