Chicago Regional DOL Tracker

45 Day letter

Hi all,
My PD:01/2003

My Colleague PD:11/2002
BEC Case#: D-05004-09XXX
We didn't get 45 Day letter.
Funeky Dude said:
This is the actual extract of reply from status@DAL.DFLC.US

Dear Requestor:

The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your request regarding the status of the above-referenced case.

The new case number is: D-05012-20XXX

The above-referenced case has been transferred to one of the Division of Foreign Labor Certification’s Backlog Processing Centers. At this time, we are unable to provide any status information on Permanent Labor Certifications. All Processing Center files are in the process of being transferred into a new database. Once the data entry process is completed, a 45-day letter will be issued on all applications requesting additional information from the employer if needed.

Please do not request additional status information for at least 90 days after responding to the 45-day letter.


DFLC Backlog Processing Center

Now does this mean (if needed) that not every one would get the 45 day letter ?

RD June 04
Chicago , IL
This is what I just received today. I see a difference between "Funeky Dude" and Mine.

case# D-05007-12XXX

The above-referenced case has been transferred to one of the Division of
Foreign Labor Certification's Backlog Processing Centers. At this time,
we are unable to provide any additional status information on Permanent
Labor Certifications. All Processing Center files are in the process of
being transferred into a new database. Once the data entry process is
completed, a 45-day letter will be issued on all applications and
additional information will be requested from the employer if needed.
i too got the reply yesterday my description also matches with gth999. But my colleague's reply (he got it 10 days back) matches with Funeky Dude's letter. I think they changed their message body recently. So i hope every one gets 45 days letter first.
all you guys,please post BEC case info in the Chicago BEC tracker..other people might miss out on your case details
Thanks to

02/25/2005: DOL Transition Guidance for Labor Certification Applications, February 2005

On February 16, 2005, the DOL Deputy Secretary issued the transition guidance for the labor certification application, and the DOL Region V (Chicago) issued its own transition guidance to the SWAs in its jurisdiction on February 18, 2005 as follows:

HQ Transition Guidance

Region V Transition Guidance

There are all sorts of rumors and confusions in the immigration community on the actual operation of the Backlog Processing Centers in Philadelphia and and Dallas. We want to clarify the following two points:

These Guidances made it clear that the DOL had changed its initial policy reflected in the first Transition Guidance of Bill Carlson, Chief of Foreign Labr Certificaion Division that the cases which were received after January 1, 2005 would be processed by the National Processing Centers. Under the Transition Guidance of the Deputy Secretary, currently all the cases which were received after January 1, 2005 have been shipped and forwarded by the SWAs to the Backlog Processing Centers after the date stamping.
The deadline for filing of current labor certification application under the current law is March 27, 2005 and any cases received by the SWAs after March 27, 2005 will be rejected and returned to the applicants. Some applicants may wish to file the applications, particularly RIR, before the DOL launchs the new system of PERM on March 28, 2005. The TG reminds the last minute filers that the deadline is determined not by the actual physical receipt but by "postmark." Accordingly, in the event that the RIR applications cannot be filed in person or by delivery services sufficiently ahead of time, they should make it sure that it is filed at the Postal Services with the postmark of March 27, 2005.

The name of the new backlog processing offices is one other area which the immigration legal community and immigrant community are confused. For that matter, the DOL itself was confused. It used Backlog Elimination Center, Backlog Reduction Center, and Backlog Processing Center inter-mixedly. It also happened with the USCIS when there was reorganization and BCIS and USCIS were used inter-mixedly by the community as well as the government itself. By now, people should know that the official name of the offices is neither Backlog Elimination Center nor Backlog Reduction Center but Backlog Processing Center.
med2005 said:
Seems like no one getting 45 day letter for State:MI labour

I guess , you are right, I a have not seen any one getting 45 day letter form MICHIGAN .

MI PD:- jul 2003
Chicago DOL :- Oct 2004

Bec:- transfered :- T-05010-15*** (Pl.add this)

No letter yet
Recevied 45 Day Letter for Michigan

I just got a note from my attorney , that see received my 45 day letter.

Michigan PD 13-DEC-2003
Chicago RD 21-JAN-2004
EB3 Category
The new case number is: D-05005-0XXXX

Hope things move fast from here.
PD Date update

I just got a note from my attorney , that see received my 45 day letter.

Michigan PD 13-DEC-2002
Chicago RD 21-JAN-2004
EB3 Category
The new case number is: D-05005-0XXXX

Hope things move fast from here.
Congratulations Madhu_kms.

My Michigan PD is 4-Dec-2002, and Chicago RD is 27 Jan 2004. So, my attorney should be receiving the letter soon too.

Thanks for the info..

madhu_kms said:
I just got a note from my attorney , that see received my 45 day letter.

Michigan PD 13-DEC-2002
Chicago RD 21-JAN-2004
EB3 Category
The new case number is: D-05005-0XXXX

Hope things move fast from here.
45 Day Letter for Nebraska SESA?

Has anyone of you or anyone you know reseived 45 day letter for chicago DOL cases from Nebraska SESA?
I think its time to just forget and be surprised when it comes!

PD: 6/9/2003
RD: 12/29/2004
Dont know if transferred from Chicago DOL to BEC Dallas
No reply to that email 'status@DAL.DFLC.US'
Just waiting to get the new case number and 45-day letter
Two EB2 cases!!


I probably have one very unique situation, good or bad, I don’t know.

I have two EB2 cases pending with Dallas BEC from the same company.

Ist case:
PD: Jan 8, 2003
RD August 2004
45 Day letter received Feb 28
Replied by Fax March 3

IInd case:
PD: March 14, 2003
RD September 2004
Case # recd
45 day letter not recd yet

As far history, my attorney found some errors in advertisements in first case after it was applied at SESA in Jan 2003 & we received NOF for that. So my attorney applied another one in March 2003 without pulling the original & somehow SESA approved both & sent to Chicago DOL.

My attorney received the phone call yesterday from BEC asking why he has 2 cases pending & my attorney explained them why & told them that he wants to continue with both cases!! BEC asked him to fax them a letter saying that he wants to continue with both cases & he did that today, he told me.

My questions:
Do you guys see any risk for the labor approval, now that I have two EB2 cases pending at a time with BEC? I am really worried because, the first case has wrong advertisements & if they reject that case it could very well affect my second case which is in good standing. Nothing that I can do about it but thought of sharing with you all & get some info.

Leogsb :confused:
Please add/update your info to BEC Tracker

Hi all,

If your name is not in BEC tracker yet or if you have any additional update, please post your(/updated) info in the following thread.

This will give you and all others in the forum a better idea of how things are going. Just_watching is taking the trouble of updating the tracker almost everyday. By adding your details on to above forum it will be little less effort for Just_watching.

So please help to maintain the tracker with your current information.

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45Days Letter rxd

My company has got the 45 days letter today.

PD: Aug 2003
RD: Jan 15, 2004.
45Day letter: Mar 17 2005
WI RIR shifted to which BEC?

I have a strange problem.
All cases that have been transferred to Dallas have a new case number that looks like D-xxxx-xxxx. Accordingly all those transferrred to Philly have P-xxxx-xxxx.
When I checked on my case status (WI,RIR, Chicago DOL RD 14th Oct 2004), I got a response from DAL.DFLC (Dallas) mentioning the new case number as P-T-xxxxx-xxxxx.
a) Is my case with Dallas or Philly ?
b)According to a memo on the movement of cases from specific states to Dallas & Philly, all WI cases should have been transferred to Dallas, and hence all new case numbers should look like D-xxxx-xxxxx.

Does anyone have any clue about this?

Your estimates/opinions please

Hello All,

I have one regular labor certification application (EB2, PD Jan 03) and one RIR (EB2, PD Aug 04) application pending with the DOL. Both applications have been shipped to the backlog reduction center, though I am yet to receive the 45 day letters from the DOL.

My lawyer keeps telling me that the DOL would be cleariing both these applications by this summer. How realistic does this sound? DOL has promised that within 2 years it is planning to clear all the backlog. Do you guys think thats reasonable/realistic?

I am fed up with having to depend on this GC issue for making my career plans, hence planning to abolish this whole process by converting to a student visa for a full time MBA program at a Top 10 US Business school.

What do you guys think as a reasonable estimate for me to get a GC from here on, given my PDs as above (the regular EB2 application has a PD of Jan 03 and RIR EB2 application has a PD of aug 04).

I'd appreciate your comments/opinions/estimates.


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hey amol - I am in EXACTLY in the same situation as you - my PD is Jan03 (RIR EB3)..and i have been planning to do full time MBA sometime next year (couldn't figure out from your post if you are studying this year or not), and this GC delay has frustrated my career plans intending to go through the CP route for the last stage but as of now, every news item I read points to indefinite labor delay...the USCIS is very muddy in conveying news and timelines.
I am not sure our cases will be done by this summer - if you browse through the DOL trackers on the forum, you will learn that cases from Cali and NY/NJ will come first..and i am getting conflicting news regarding approvals - some say they will start approving only after summer, and some say that few approvals have already come in but no one knows what about the rest of cases like ours from Chicago.
But as i said above, whenever our labors are done, the next stage is I-140, which takes 1-2 months for approval if you go thro the CP route instead of I-485..and after that another 6-7 months for CP..if I can get my labor cleared before this year end, that will be my best chance - (2+6 =8 months) and just in time for fall 06..this is assuming no other delays happen in I-140 too!!!

amolkool said:
Hello All,

I have one regular labor certification application (EB2, PD Jan 03) and one RIR (EB2, PD Aug 04) application pending with the DOL. Both applications have been shipped to the backlog reduction center, though I am yet to receive the 45 day letters from the DOL.

My lawyer keeps telling me that the DOL would be cleariing both these applications by this summer. How realistic does this sound? DOL has promised that within 2 years it is planning to clear all the backlog. Do you guys think thats reasonable/realistic?

I am fed up with having to depend on this GC issue for making my career plans, hence planning to abolish this whole process by converting to a student visa for a full time MBA program at a Top 10 US Business school.

What do you guys think as a reasonable estimate for me to get a GC from here on, given my PDs as above (the regular EB2 application has a PD of Jan 03 and RIR EB2 application has a PD of aug 04).

I'd appreciate your comments/opinions/estimates.


No 45 day letter yet

July 2003 PD OH
July 2004 RD CHIC

No 45 day letter yet, anybody in this state??

Please send me a PM I would be appreciate it.

Extremely Urgent!

11/01/2005: Senate Judiciary Bill at the Brink of Collapse Unless Everybody Contacts Senators and Congressmen!!!

The full Senate failed to take a roll call for this bill today. Believe it or not, Senator Byrd intends to offer an amendment tomorrow (11/2/05) to remove the H-1B and immigrant visa retrogression provisions passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee from the Budget Reconciliation Package.

Please call your Senators and urge a "NO vote on the Bird Amendment Immediately!!"

Everyone should call tonight. I mean EVERYONE. Call your friends and relatives and ask them to participate in this urgent campaign and call their Senators tonight. Call or send e-mails to your immigrant friends and alert them IMMEDIATELY! Ask them to call or send e-mails to everyone they know and ask them to call the Senators tonight. TIME IS OF ESSENCE.
