H-2 might not the issue...in Chicago DOL
Some one mentioned that due to heavy load of w-2 cases Chicago is slow... But look at the stats...
Eariler then Dec. Chicago DOL used to tackel 1000 cases/month (look at case #s.) Based on some posts from murthy time tracer... they have about 6000 cases pending including h-2 cases since Dec.
But sad thing is that before dec16 th thye had same workload and clearing about 1000 cases/month. but not now...Why ??
Many of these certified cases are...Tree Planter (452.687-018) and Laborer, Brush Clearing (459.687-010)
1. case# 05430400 recd on feb 5, 2004, has been certified.
2. Case #s 05430500: recd feb 11, 2004 has been certified on feb 18, 2004
3. 05430600: recd on feb18, 2004 has been certified.
4. 05430700: recd in regional office on feb25 has been certified
5. 05430800: recd on march 2, 2004 has been certified
6. 05430900: recd on march 10, 2004 has been denied.
7. 05431000 recd on dec 18, 2003, has been recd.
8. 05431100 recd on march 24, 2004 has been recd.
9. 05431200 recd on april5, 2004 has been certified.
10. 05431300 recd on april12, 2004 has been certified.
11. 05431400 recd on dec30, 2003 has been recd.
12. 05431600 recd on jan12, 2004 has been recd.
05427536 sep 29 2003 030.162-014 certified nov 25 03
05430067 dec 1 2003 030.167-014 -->remand on may 6 04 (2531 cases dec 16 - Sep 29)
05430818 dec 16 2003 030.167-014 -->remand on jun 21 04
05431834 jan 21 2004 030.167-014 -->recv. (1016 cases Jan21-Dec 16)
05432773 feb 24 2004 030.062-010 -->recv. (939 cases Feb24 - Jan21)
05433258 mar 23 2004 030.062-010 -->recv. (485 cases Mar23 - Feb 24)
05433994 apr 30 2004 030.167-014 -->recv. (736 cases Apr 30 - Mar 23)
05435049 may 24 2004 030.062-010 -->recv. (1055 cases May 24 - Apr 30)
05436158 jun 29 2004 030.162-014 -->recv. (1109 cases Jun 29 - May 24)
Total 6091 cases (June 29 2004 - Dec 1 2003) including H-2's and others.