Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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Classification as EB2 or EB3


I have a question regarding the classification as EB2 or EB3. I appreciate if anybody could answer this for me.

Who decides the LC classification as EB2 or EB3 ? In my application, we have mentioned (in Item 14, ETA - 750 A) Education: Bachelor's Degree in Electronics & Communication Engg or Computer Science
Experience: 5 years.

I beleive that in the employer letter as well as in attorney covering letter, the classification is not mentioned. So, my question is : Is the classification decided by DOL at the time of approval or it is the employer (& attorney) who decides this at the time we file I-140 ?

My case is received at DOL Chicago on 11/12/2003 and I am waiting for my LC approval.

can u tell me when u filed the LC in MI SESA? I checked the tracker ..and didnt see the date sent to SESA in your entry ..
Chicago DOL

My Case was forwarded from SESA Kansas to DOL Chicago on 12/20/02, and I got a letter from SESA Kansas

With the information.

RE: 0X0.0XX-0X0 Software Engineer
Employer: Company Name

and before this letter i never got case # or anything else. is this number 0X0.0XX-0X0, my case number or something else, but when i tried to find status at DOL Chicago it speaks out 8 digit case number, and the number i received seems to be 9 digit.

Please help me out if this is my case number or not.

rpanwar's question..

The XXX-XXX.XXX that you have mentioned seems to be the DOT code.
Now, to find out your case number, you need to have the employer's TELEPHONE NUMBER (The One that is mentioned in your ETA-750), or TAX ID NUMBER..
If you have one of this you might be able to use the automated e-mail update.
Here is how I got my case number:
- Send an e-mail to with either one of three things in the text of the message (It is underlined and italicized here for emphasis. People should not underline or italicize in typing in the body of the message!):
(1) Employer Tel #. In the body of the message, please type Employer Phone (555)888-9999 (employer phone number) and send;
(2) Employer Tax ID#. In the body of the message, please type Tax ID 99-999999 (employer tax id number) and send;
(3) LC Case #. In the body of the message, please type Case 99999 (your case number) and send. Only one case at a time will be accepted.
* Status report will be e-mailed back to you almost instantly.
* Status database is updated everyday at 5:00 a.m.
Hi Yasvish,

My case was sent to MI SESA - Priority Date of 12/12/2001.
It got approved on 10/10/2002 and Received at DOL on 10/17/2002. Dina could you please update the tracker with my MI SESA info. Thanks.
My Case

Is anyone can tell why Non-RIR is much slower than RIR case.

My case: 05414xxx, Received by DOL on 09/27/2002. No response yet. Please add me to the trend.
Re: My Case

In a non RIR case the employer has to go through a process of advertising, interviewing and proving to the IDES that the employer was not able to find any citizens/permanent residents for the position. This whole process takes around 5 to 6 months.
In a non RIR case for the same position the employer would have to provide information that recruitment has been ongoing for over 6 months period. RIR cases are filed by employers where there is constant recruitment going on.

The major reason for the delay is detailed supervision by the DOL of the recruitment process compared to the RIR cases where most of the work has already been completed and DOL has to only review the documents.

Hope I was able to answer your question.


Originally posted by micahel1008
Is anyone can tell why Non-RIR is much slower than RIR case.

My case: 05414xxx, Received by DOL on 09/27/2002. No response yet. Please add me to the trend.
Hi guys,

I am new to this forum, finally got the permission to post to the forum. BTW my receipt date at Chicago DOL is 10/28/02....Kindly, update the tracker.

case forwarded to Chicago 10/24

ucnair, thanks for your replay


Thank you so much for the replay, it really helps.
Maybe you have been here for a long time, can you tell me how long it takes for NON-RIR gets approved. Most of RIR takes three months for approving. I really have no idea for NON-RIR.

Many thanks to you.



I am a new member ,Please add my case to the tracker.

Case # : 05417xxx,Software Engineer
Sent to SESA(ILLINOIS) : 11/01/02
Recieved in DOL : 12/20/02


Congrats on your LC approval. If you do not mind, it will be lot helpful for the others in the forum, if you could share the details on your - NOF.

Thanks and Congrats again !!!
LC Thru Sprint

Anyone who filed his LC thru Sprint after September 2002. If anyone got approval please share the information.

Case # : 05417xxx,Software Engineer
Sent to SESA(ILLINOIS) : 11/01/02
Recieved in DOL : 12/20/02


Hi gc_03,

When did you get your case# after received by DOL? I enquired at SESA and lady told me my application sent to DOL on 1/5/03. But still I havent received my case#. I mailed them for my case# and tried automated phone system. So far no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

Case Number

Hi Akash Sharma,

I believe that DOL won't send you the Case Number..

To find out your case number, you need to have the employer's TELEPHONE NUMBER (The One that is mentioned in your ETA-750), or TAX ID NUMBER..
If you have one of this you might be able to use the automated e-mail update.
Here is how I got my case number:
- Send an e-mail to with either one of three things in the text of the message (It is underlined and italicized here for emphasis. People should not underline or italicize in typing in the body of the message!):
(1) Employer Tel #. In the body of the message, please type Employer Phone (555)888-9999 (employer phone number) and send;
(2) Employer Tax ID#. In the body of the message, please type Tax ID 99-999999 (employer tax id number) and send;
(3) LC Case #. In the body of the message, please type Case 99999 (your case number) and send. Only one case at a time will be accepted.
* Status report will be e-mailed back to you almost instantly.
* Status database is updated everyday at 5:00 a.m.


From my experience, DOL posted my case on their system a month after they got it form SESA - so, don't worry.
Good luck and thanks for keeping the rest of us updated.

Any one who's case got to DOL in Nov got approved, yet?
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DOL Pots

Hi Akash

It took a month for DOL to post my case,so dont worry....
I got my case info by ,mailing to the automated system using the employer phone number....

Thanks Dina and gc,

Now I can sleep with peace of mind! Dina, if you want to upgrade, SESA received my application on Nov 20 and they sent to DOL on 1/5.

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