Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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Re: Non-RIR

I think there is some confusion about the processing dates for Non-RIR. Some websites show the processing date as Jan 2002 while others show Nov 2001. However, in this forum one person whose DOL RD was 1/8/2002 (Non-RIR) had his case approved about 2-3 weeks ago. So, I am quite sure that they are processing Jan 2002 cases.

My case number is 054586X (DOL RD: 1/30/2002). I hope it will be cleared soon... What is your Received date at DOL?
Any New Approvals In Last Week?(Region 5)?


Please let me know your DOL status, I will create a DOL tracking Table, So that we are all can share our information through that table.
Still Processing 02/12/2002

I don\'t know where did you get the information that they are processing Cases 0540631x. Because mine is 054062xx, still is not approved.
RIR filing on-hold

I\'m working at Motorola. My RIR application was intended to file in Feb. 2001, but due to layoff issues, all RIR applications at Motorola have been on-hold since Feb.2001. Till now I still don\'t when my RIR application can be filed. Anyone in the same situation? Does anyone know what are the companies facing the same problem? Can anyone name some hi-tech companies that still have the RIR filing moving forward? Thanks.
Do you know which date they(Chicago DOL) are processing currently?

Hi! Friends,
Do you know which date they(Chicago DOL)are processing currently?

Please post the details!!

Do you know which date they(Chicago DOL)are processing currently?

Hi! Friends,
Do you know which date they(Chicago DOL)are processing currently?
Please post the details!!

SDD, Priya_nnn, puneet_gcard any update from SESA to DOL ?

This link suggested SESA is processing 04/19/02 . Any Transfer from SESA to DOL ? It won\'t be bad idea to check with DOL number with your company phone number in case SESA application cleared and moved to DOL. The number is 1-312-353-1059 (use your company 10 digit number)
Re: Chicago DOL Processing date

Right now, I believe is March 6 (Non Computer, not sure if RIR or non RIR) , I heard some approval on June 18 (Do not count on it, since email is not working and AVM seems not get updated)

On June 12, theay are saying that they process RIR application
in last week of Feb and first week of March
IL SESA To DOL - How much time?

Dear All,
     My attorney said that he filed my GC-RIR in January 1st week. I found out that my case went to DOL (from SESA) in April last week.
Does SESA take 4 months to send a case to DOL?
 Do you think my attorney may not have filed the case in January (as promised) but in March?
 Please tell me how much time it takes for a case to go from IL SESA to Chicago DOL.

IL SESA update

My attorneys spoke with IL SESA. They are currently processing my case, PD March 15th and needed some clarification on the title . The attorneys say I should receive an approval or a formal request for clarification in anothr week.

My case should have been, but god only knows the working of INS.
I believe SESA sends it directly to DoL.
it also takes 10-30 days for the DOL to open your file

SESA send my file on March 5, but DOL received on March 28, 23 days diffrence. states that IL SESA is processing apr19th

 but states that IL SESA is processing your case shouls have been finished right.Mine was sent to SESA on according to sdd may be I shouls also hear from attorney some news abt mine.

does anyone have any idea about sending from SESA to SESA eopole send it or otherwise attoneny shd apply for it?
can ayone help me with answer.

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