Incomplete FAQ on Labor Certification in Chicago
updated July 23, 2002
- Seems there are two analysts working on RIR case
- It usually takes 3 to 3.5 months for RIR cases (for most of IT) and
takes about 2.5 years for Regular from your receipt date
- It usually takes about 6 to 10 days to receive Hard Copy after your case get certified
- If you running out of time in your H1-B (close to 6 years), Is possible to make a request
to DOL officer to expedite your case (give them your request and proof that you're 6 years
- List of phone number and email of DOL officers
Abraytis, John 312-886-2928
Carroll, Sarah 312-353-1550
Gonzalez, Marie 312-353-3333
Johnson, Marsha 312-353-1509
Kimmons, Belinda 312-353-1207
Smith, MaryAnn 312-353-7536
Van, Renee 312-353-3448
Warren, Waconda 312-353-1054
- Many attorneys advise that it is better not to call DOL officers directly asking about your case, because it will irritate DOL officer and some attorneys said if they get irritated, they will try to find fault on your file
- Automated Voice Message number 312-353-1059
- (From Nanaji) If you want to talk to DOL officer, the best time is around 8.30 to 9am
Chicago Time
- Currently email
lcstatus05@doleta.gov does not work
Here some notes regarding the status
Here is reply from DOL webmaster
From: FLC-DOL [FLC-DOL@doleta.gov]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 12:30 PM
Subject: RE: status line
We have been having trouble with our national status system.
It is being worked on, and hopefully will be backup soon.
In the meantime you can get general information
from our web site: OWS.DOLETA.GOV/foreign.asp
Select Processing time on the right hand side of the screen (about 2 pages down)
- The status is updated on 5 am from Monday to Thursday (according to official)
- Based on observation, the status SEEMS updated on 9 am Chicago Time from Monday to Thursday and seems on 9 pm on Friday afternoon also sometimes on saturday
- (Fron mnew) On every monday, Automatic Voice Message gets updated (very long update). When you call AVM and the phone keep ringing, it means AVM update is in progress
- Based on observation
when DOL officers review cases depends on DOT Code and RIR/Non RIR
for example if you are Prof / Teacher for some college/university
it gets approved very fast , within 2 weeks after RD
if you are IT related jobs, it takes about 3 to 3.5 months
for RIR
if you are chef, it takes about 3-5 months for RIR
if you are cleaner/gardener , it just take couple days after RD
because they have to wait very long time in local
and when they take RIR case, seems they follow the RD
but it depends on the officer which case # he/she wants to
- Currently it takes less than 1 month for your cases to be put on Automated Voice message
after Local SESA send it to Chicago
- DOL Chicago WebSite
- DOL Website for all region
- jbm already provide excellent DOL Chicago tracker with the file called "chicago dol tracker excel.xls"
Please give me more suggestion to make this FAQ useful for anybody that needs it
Attached is chicago tracker.xls by jbm