Cherry Hill Processing Times for N400


Registered Users (C)
Priority Date - March 9th 2005
Finger Print - May 30th 2005 in Newark
Waiting for interview call.

Does anyone here have an idea on how long it takes to get an interview call from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Also for Cherry Hill applicants is the Finger Print always done in Newark ?

My ND - 12/2004
FP - 03/05

Have not heard anything yet. Online status is - Status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system........ in RED.

FP was done in Philly. (my county is Camden)

What county you are at? (since ur FP in Newark)

Is any one out there for Cherry HIll dates? please share?
Also, how long does it take for Oath after interview? I believe it is not on the same day.

Hope this helps.
I live in Mercer country. My Online status is also - Status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system.

What is your exact notice date.
Glad to see a post on Cherry Hill. I will be applying for my N400 soon thru that DO. Please keep us posted of any progress on your status. There are very few posts on CH

Cherry Hill/NJ

My details are as follows. I also live in Mercer county.

ND June 1

FP July 28 (Newark)

Waiting for interview call. How long the FP is valid? Please keep us updated.

Not sure how long the FP is valid, I am hoping it should be valid for a year. Spoke to a local lawyer yesterday and was told that Cherry Hill takes about 10 months to process - hoping I will have mine by the end of the year. Also lawyer mentioned that interview and oath are on the same day at Cherry Hill.

My exact ND : 12-dec-04.
Also, if u live in Mercer county how come u fall in Cherry HIll? I think u will be interviewed at Newark?
Also, are u sure that interview and oath on same day at Cherry HIll ? A friend of mine got his citizenship 2 yrs back from CH (also another friend got it 6 months back) and it was not on the same day. Did anything change recently?
Now if it takes 10 months, I should be pretty close. almost 9 months completed.
But my online status still not found.

I wish it was in Newark, but I think Mercer country does fall under Cherry Hill. Not sure what changed recently regarding oath but this is what the attorney told me regarding CH.

I am kind of surprised you haven't gotten your letter for interview yet. As of August (based on website) CH was processing early October applications, I figured you would have atleast gotten your interview letter.

Also regarding your friend who got it 6 months back from CH, how long did the whole process take. And how long apart were the oath and interview.

If you can post to the board as soon as you get your interview call it will be very much appreciated.

i had my fingerprints donr in July 12 2005 in Hackensak NJ and today received note for interveiw on December7 in Newark.
Sure I will let u know when Interview letter arrives.

BTW, YESTERDAY online status message had some activity.
Prev. it was in RED:
Validation Error(s)
You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:
Status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the service center where you submitted your application.

Yesterday it changed to (All black):
The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.
My message is still in red.

Validation Error(s)

You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:

Status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the service center where you submitted your application.
Here is my situation-

I was out of country for 177 days returned to US on 8/31. The immigration officer at entry started questioning and at the end wrote in passport out of country for 6 months.
Is this going to cause any problems?

Any suggestions please ....
177 days - technically less than 6 months right, or were you out of the country for longer than six months.
Hi Srivenu,

I am happy to hear that it takes about 10mths to process N400 at CH office and that interview and oath are done the same day... but was your lawyer 100% confident about it? From what I have heard and read, Newark is the only DO where interview and oath are done the same day... Did your lawyer mention that it wasn't the case earlier and that it's a recent change at CH office.. It's GREAT if it's true.

Also Ghadiwala, could you please let us know the total time it took your friend to get N400 processed at CH office?

Thanks in advance.
Hi madhuri_dhar,

My lawyer said that fairly confidently. Since I was not aware I did not ask her if it was something that changed in the recent past. I plan on talking to her tomorrow regarding some other stuff and will bring this up as well and update the board.

I am kind of frustrated with the whole Cherry Hill thing considering it takes only about 7 months or so to get Citizenship done in Newark. Also with Cherry Hill I have no first hand reports from anyone regarding accurate timelines, however with Newark I know like a dozen people who got it in the last year or so.

Gadhiwala will probably be our best bet for timelines since he is earlier in the queue.


What was your friend's time-line, the one that got his citizenship six months ago from CH.

that's true.. it's really very frustrating to see so much time difference b/w Newark and CH processing times. I guess all this time we were living in Middlesex county (which falls under Newark DO) and now when it's time to apply for my citizenship, we are moving to mercer county...

Please keep us posted on any progress on your case..
Spoke to another lawyer in the same practice today. He told me that interview and oath are not done on the same day in Cherry Hill, which means another few weeks wait to get this process done.
