Chennai Jan CPers, is any of you getting Police Certificate?


Registered Users (C)
I have Jan CP date from Chennai Consulate. I am not planning to get any
Police Certificate.

Those of you who are going for CP at Chennai in January, are you planning to get the Police Certificate?

Please let me know.
No need of pcc

I got my P4 and they have not asked for PCC. I guess this was same reply given by Chennai Consulate many times and finally they got pissed of and they refused to even to take any calls from last tuesday. I also read some of them are still trying to get it, but my 2 cents is if it is not required then just don\'t waste your time.

Aishri, BNair, Chennai Packet 4 asks for PCC

I recieved P4 from Chennai for Jan interview. They have very clearly mentioned that we need Police Certificate(s) in the required documentation list.

Please look into your P4 thoroughly. My folks in Madras scanned and send the forms to me. It very clearly asks for Police Certificate(s) in required documentation. Although they have not mentioned it in the documents to bring list.
No Title


I am also concerned regarding the PCC. However, I again checked the IV FAQ on chennai site just a minute ago. It still says, if the applicant has stayed only in India and US there is no need for a PCC.

Hope this helps. I am not getting any PCC because I do not think there is enough time for it now.
I am not getting it either

There were umpteen number of confirmations from Chennai via email / phone that Indian pcc is not required. I am banking on their consistent "not required" answer. They won\'t throw us in to a soup.
A wait: Does the required documentation list specify PCC from INDIA explicitly?

The reason I am asking is - a sizeable percentage of people had been in other countries before coming to US and they need to get pcc from those countries. Also, Family based immigrants all the while needed it.
Also, if you don\'t mind can you upload the scanned Packet4 JPGs as an attachment (you can hide your details by blackening them)?
By the way, are you getting the PCC?
Here is the response(dated 12/17) from Chennai about PCC!!!..

My Question:
Dear Sir/Madam,

My IV appointment(CASE#: MDR2001xxxxxx)is on January 24, 2002.

I am living in the U.S for the last 6 years. Before that, I was living in
India. I have not lived in any other countries.

Is it required for me to get the Police Clearance Certificate from
India or U.S.A?

Thank you very much,

Their Answer:
If it is required, we will send you the instructions.

Customer Service Unit
American Consulate General
220, Anna Salai
Chennai 600006
PCC - not required

Just got an email from Chennai Consulate saying No PCC is required. That clears everything.
This is the 16th conformation I heard so far from Chennai.

Guys, Don\'t irritate Chennai Consulate any more on this PCC. How many times do we need to hear from them before we get convinced on this ?.
PCC not Reqd. I got the same confirmation via email from Chennai consulate

FYI.. for future CP\'ers.
CGNY issues PCC in a day if the passport was issued by them.
MuthuS is this confirmation after the website update on PCC for Chennai


Did you receive the confirmation after the website update on PCC for Chennai please confirm.
Watch out! Chennai just updated PCC requirement.

Guys, read out Chennai web site. They just updated Friday regarding PCC requirements. Also becareful with Chennai customer service. They are faking with their non-sense knowledge. All Jan guys check the web site again and refer to the same when you talk to Chennai customer service next time.
Folks..... better safe than sorry

Technically, I think there is no doubt regarding PCC being required from Jan. DOS, consulates/embassy in Delhi and mumbai, AILA and lawyers here have clearly said so. Ofcourse, Chennai has consistently said no, and haven\'t made any specific mention in pkt 4 (arguably the appointment letter suggests it is), but looks like they are waking up now, since their web site says so. The big question obviously is whether they will enforce this for Jan CPers given that their customer service people have been saying that it is not required. Well, there your guess is as good as mine till people start going for the interviews and we have confirmed reports. But by then obviously it will be too late to do anything about it.
I would suggest to be on the safe side apply to the consulates here. If you had your passport renewed/issued from here, you should get it latest within a week (if you mail it), if you go in person you can get it the same day. If it hasn\'t been issued from here, then we can get a letter from them stating we have applied for it and will take x days. Combine that with the responses we have got from Chennai consulate and I would say we have a strong stance and maybe they will see sense.

Just my 2c worth.... I have just sent in the application for mine.
New CP

I just got my I140 approved and my lawyer chose CP during filing I140.Is there any way i can opt for AC140 by filing and geting the receipt of I824 ??

Thanks in advance.
Rajesh, Reg. PCC:

My new passport was issued at chicago. They said it will take 45-90 days. Only some consulates are able to issue on the same day if the PP is issued by them. Not all. There is no doubt that Consulates in India are going to implement PCC in the future. But the big question is "WHEN". There is no way they can do it for Jan. Some of us just cannot get it from the consulates in US. May be we can get Local cert. Techinically, we need both consulate in US and Local. Any way, let\'s try our best but not worry about it too much. Good Luck to all of us.
No Title

Are you planning on sending an email or calling chennai for clarification? Obviously there is no way most of us can get a PCC from the consulate here which may take upto 45 days for the letter to be issued.

I am just surprised how they can start implementing something as big as PCC with such a short notice! I hope they will not implement till at least March, because this needs time!
45 to 90 days ??

Sup, Hey whats the deal with Chicago consulate ? They\'re being the Chennai in US eh ? Most others NY, Houston, SF, DC have said 1 day if the passport was issued from that post, 30-45 days if not. Strange ! And about the US and local, I think it is pretty clear that people in US just need the consulate PCC. The local police one is for people in India and that too only if their passports were issued more than 6 months back. NVC does a background check in US anyways so why would they need additional checks ? Oh well, who knows, anything is possible....
gc_hopeful: PCC req is not that new

Folks got to know about this about a month back thanks to one CPer who noticed some announcement at the Mumbai consulate. What is new is that Chennai has kind of turned coat and said it is needed on their website. Ofcourse, to add to the confusion they have not mentioned from what date this is need. I am concerned because other consulates are asking for this from Jan. Anyways, hope we get a clarification from Chennai soon that they will not enforce this for Jan, but they have not answered to an email I sent about a week back (not regarding PCC though), so lets keep our fingers crossed.
I am not planning to get the 21st conformation.

So far, we have 20 conformations saying that Chennai do not need PCC for Jan. Interviews. Although they updated their website now, It does not mean that we have to get the PCCs now. If they need for Jan. they would have stated the date and send letters to our addresses. This is clearly for the future. Don\'t get nervous on this now. There is no point in asking Chennai again and again. It is almost impossible for Jan. CPers to get PCC from Chicago. Only option is to postphone the Interview. We can do that anytime before the Interview. Don\'t need to do it now. Jan. CPers Just Relax.
Feb./March CPers apply for PCC Now. Now. Now. Right Now. No Option buddies.