Case transfered in MIAMI !!!


Registered Users (C)
:confused: Hi , anybody has any info about the cases transfered in MIAMI ??? My case was transfered in Miami on February 2005 and still no response from them !!! The dates of proccesing in Miami are dated 2004 , but i do not understand if they process the cases with the Receipt date from TSC , or they process the cases with Receipt date at the time when the cases were transfered to them !!! Any ideea ??? Somebody is meeting same problems ??? What do you think i should do to find an answer to this ???Thanks in advance !!!
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My EBGC-3 case got transferred to Miami on Dec 2004, still heard nothing from them, not even confirmation that they got it or anything.. I keep going and asking them through INFOPASS, but it seems that it's no use, they just say keep waiting.. Let me know if you hear anything..

Hi amerikanka !!!

amerikanka said:

My EBGC-3 case got transferred to Miami on Dec 2004, still heard nothing from them, not even confirmation that they got it or anything.. I keep going and asking them through INFOPASS, but it seems that it's no use, they just say keep waiting.. Let me know if you hear anything..


Finally i hear from somebody in the same situation like mine !!! I'm still waiting for an answer , but looks like your case is earlier than mine , so maibe you'll have answers soon !!! Please continue to keep in touch about this , and also i'll let you know if i have any news !!!
Thanks for reply :)
my case was tranfered to miami sometime in april of this year, and i got interview letter 2 weeks ago for me and my wife for sept 19 at 8:00am im pretty nervous.
485-oct 2002
3 ead's
2 ap's
ad sept 19 ?????? i hope and pray
All the best wishes for you !!!

jpsilos said:
my case was tranfered to miami sometime in april of this year, and i got interview letter 2 weeks ago for me and my wife for sept 19 at 8:00am im pretty nervous.
485-oct 2002
3 ead's
2 ap's
ad sept 19 ?????? i hope and pray

Hi jpsilos !!!
I'm happy to see that you have received an answer from Miami's office !!! I wish you GOOD LUCK at your interviu , and stay strong , because everything will be OK !!! The only thing , probably , will be that you'll have to wait for the new Visa Bulletin to show up , so a number will be asessed to your case so you can get your GC !!! All the best wishes to you and your family !!! And we'll keep in touch !!! Did you have any contact from the local office during this waiting time , any LUD changes ????
No contact at all during my waiting time and no lud change, since case transfered to miami. And your probably right about the visa ### will have to wait till OCT. Thanks for the support.
Good luck to you as well.
but i do not understand if they process the cases with the Receipt date from TSC , or they process the cases with Receipt date at the time when the cases were transfered to them

When I visited the Miami office in mid-late 2004 I asked this exact question. The answer given to me was that Miami does not provide a processing date for employment based I-485 cases. The date that is provided is for family based cases, since employment based cases are not in Miami's jurisdiction. I challenged this answer, and reminded them that although these cases are the jurisdiction of the Service Center, the fact is that they have been transferred to Miami, and are now the responsibility of the Miami local office. The CSR repeated that they are not in Miami's jurisdiction, and they have very few transferred employment based I-485 cases, and they have hundreds of thousands of family based cases. I agreed, that these transferred cases are the exception to the rule, but the fact remains that there are actual transferred employment based I-485 cases in Miami, including mine, and just as all other categories of cases are given updates on their processing times, I should also have this benefit. She nodded her head and looked away. I demanded to speak to her supervisor.

The supervisor told me the exact same thing, except in much more broken English.

I spoke to my lawyer about this, and he was confused with this response, so he scheduled a meeting in person with the director of the Miami office to discuss my case. (AILA lawyers have this power)

He came back with the exact same response, even from the director of the Miami Local office!!

Essentially this means that Miami does not go by any specific date; they just sort of do the cases as they get them. For this reason I believe they look at a combination of the priority date (not the receipt date of the I-485) along with the transfer date. The best way to guage how long your case will be in Miami is to talk to your lawyer and others on this forum who are also waiting in Miami.

You'll eventualy get an interview date, but its just hard to sit around and wonder "when" you'll get the interview notice, especially when you read all these other posts of people getting approved every day at the service centers. I understand your pain, trust me, I've been though it. Sit tight, keep checking with the local office, and evenually you'll get the interview notice in the mail.

My whole story:

My transfer depression:
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Hi again !!!

jpsilos said:
No contact at all during my waiting time and no lud change, since case transfered to miami. And your probably right about the visa ### will have to wait till OCT. Thanks for the support.
Good luck to you as well.

Dear jpsilos ,
I'm happy to help with with as little as i know !!! I'm reading the messages from this forum and i learn a lot from this too !!! Hopefully at the end we all will be happy , i think now we need more patience and everything will be OK at the end of this !!! If you want , you can keep in touch with Curious George , his a log time member here on the forum and he gave me a lot of info , and i'm sure that he we'll do this with everybody !!! I also want to wish you good luck at the interviu , and continue to keep in touch !!!
Best wishes !!! :)
Hi Curious George !!!

curiousGeorge said:
When I visited the Miami office in mid-late 2004 I asked this exact question. The answer given to me was that Miami does not provide a processing date for employment based I-485 cases. The date that is provided is for family based cases, since employment based cases are not in Miami's jurisdiction. I challenged this answer, and reminded them that although these cases are the jurisdiction of the Service Center, the fact is that they have been transferred to Miami, and are now the responsibility of the Miami local office. The CSR repeated that they are not in Miami's jurisdiction, and they have very few transferred employment based I-485 cases, and they have hundreds of thousands of family based cases. I agreed, that these transferred cases are the exception to the rule, but the fact remains that there are actual transferred employment based I-485 cases in Miami, including mine, and just as all other categories of cases are given updates on their processing times, I should also have this benefit. She nodded her head and looked away. I demanded to speak to her supervisor.

The supervisor told me the exact same thing, except in much more broken English.

I spoke to my lawyer about this, and he was confused with this response, so he scheduled a meeting in person with the director of the Miami office to discuss my case. (AILA lawyers have this power)

He came back with the exact same response, even from the director of the Miami Local office!!

Essentially this means that Miami does not go by any specific date; they just sort of do the cases as they get them. For this reason I believe they look at a combination of the priority date (not the receipt date of the I-485) along with the transfer date. The best way to guage how long your case will be in Miami is to talk to your lawyer and others on this forum who are also waiting in Miami.

You'll eventualy get an interview date, but its just hard to sit around and wonder "when" you'll get the interview notice, especially when you read all these other posts of people getting approved every day at the service centers. I understand your pain, trust me, I've been though it. Sit tight, keep checking with the local office, and evenually you'll get the interview notice in the mail.

My whole story:

My transfer depression:

Thanks again for your info !!! Now i'm just waiting and listen to your words !!! I think that will be better , and when the answer will come i'll let you know about this !!! I can say , from your case story , that you passed thru a lot more than i , and i think that your are right in all this , and i'll let the thing flow their way !!! Thanks again for your suport , and i'll continue to keep in touch with you !!! Thanks again for everything !!!
An update on my situation: I was approved on 8/2005, a day after the interview in Miami. I got the card on early 9/2005.

TD on 9/2004; in May I applied for EAD and AP. Visited infopass center three times in May-June. Placed an inquiry letter. It is impossible to know if the interview had any relation to these events or was simply reaching the due time. Did not try to intervene
through senators, attorney. The 2FP in June was the best predictor that things are moving at Miami with my file.

I recommend having a lawyer with you at the interview, and in general, retain a lawyer. They have better information and may help you in case a problem arises. Otherwise there is just a long wait. The last few months have been the hardest:
so I guess this should encourage those who are waiting.

I hope my signature contains the rest of my timeline. Good luck to everybody!


Do you remember what questions they asked you? how was the officer ?
did they ask for your ead's and ap's right away or during the interview?
did you get nervous? was he trying to ask trick questions or something.
any info will help thanks
Hi there !!!

Good luck to all of us waiting here !!! Some news appeared the last period of time , some good some bad !!! Some cases are working normal , some are been late !!! Maibe because of this last Visa Bulletin passed in September , or because the local offices working late on the cases !!! In Miami now, the processing dates for I-485 are in January 2005 , for who knows what cases they received , Texas are working on the cases dated October 2004 , for the cases they have !!! I'm a little confused , but i'll continue to wait , until i receive an answer too !!! Hopefully will come soon for everybody out there !!! Good luck to all of you and continue to keep hope , the time will come for all of us !!!
Anybody has news from Miami Service Center ???

Hi everybody !!!
I'm still waiting for a response from Miami Service Center , my case was transfered here in February 2005 and i still do not have an answer from them !!! Service in Miami Service Center just proof it continues to SUCK !!! An the proof is that they didn't update their Processing Dates from October 19 , a good sign that what's happening there is just intolerable !!! At least they should send us a letter to know what we have to do , but we are being just ignored !!! I'm very dissapointed and i wish i wasn't file from here !!! Anyway i don't have nothing to do right now just to wait for theis lazy asses to start working again !!!

EB 3
PD 10/01
140 AD 07/03
TRX in Miami 02/05
ID ???? AD ????
NEWS ????
Hi everybody !!!
I'm still waiting for a response from Miami Service Center ..

Hang on there, ghebauer, I'm still waiting too.. It's also getting on my nerves, soon I'll be celebrating my first anniversary of my case transfer 12/21/04 and still no word at all. At least I'm not alone.. I'll keep you posted if anything happens, our cases were transfered approximately at the same time, couple months difference, so hopefully one of us will hear something soon!

Good luck and take care,
Hi amerikanka !!!

amerikanka said:
Hang on there, ghebauer, I'm still waiting too.. It's also getting on my nerves, soon I'll be celebrating my first anniversary of my case transfer 12/21/04 and still no word at all. At least I'm not alone.. I'll keep you posted if anything happens, our cases were transfered approximately at the same time, couple months difference, so hopefully one of us will hear something soon!

Good luck and take care,

I wish you good luck too , and to all in the same situation like US !!! I'm just mad because they are so slow , and at least they can send a message thru mail , so we know what we have to do !!! Your case should come first , and i hope that will be soon , and after that i'll keep hope that my time will come too !!! Anyway , i wish you good luck there and i promise that i'll keep in touch with you and everybodyelse about this !!!
Now i'm getting ready to apply again for the new EAD , and hopefully they will wake up with this !!! I don't know if i'll have to do the FP again , in November was a year since the last FP were taken , i don't know for how long they are valid , but i'm sure that will happen next year , 2006 !!! That's MIAMI !!!
Good luck to you again and to all of the people who struggle like us !!!
Hope , Hope , Hope !!! Take care and keep in touch !!!
Hi , to all of you !!!

Did anybody received any news from Miami's Office ???
I think we are forgoten in the waiting mode , and 2-3 hurricanes past by , a new year just started , and still no news yet !!!!
Miami's Office it's a BLACK HOLE !!!

I don't know what happening inside this Miami Office , i'm still waiting for a response from them , and still no answer ...!!! :confused: Miami's Office it's just a BLACK HOLE , once you get in , you don't now when you'l get out and where !!! I'm very disapointed the way they handle this type of cases like mine !!! Transfered in 02/05 here and still i don't now what they doing there !!! It's just a big waste of time with these people !!! I'm still waiting for my EAD renewal , and there no answer on that to ... probably it's still early to ask for this EAD , because 90 days didn't pass yet , but it just shows me how bad is to depend on this Office !!! :confused: if anybody has any news from this office , please share it here !!!

We are still in the God's hands !!!
A Big Jump In Miami !!!!

Miami's Office were processing , on March 10th , the cases with receipt date of January 7 , 2004 !!! Suprise again , on April 13th , they JUMP with one year , they are processing now the cases with receipt number January 16 , 2005 or so !!!! That's a big , big jump of more than one year in one month !!! Maibe the time is aproaching !!! Did somebody got any news during this time ???
Please post any info !!!
Interview Letter

Hi there Ghebauer,

Are you still hanging on there? I have an exciting news, I got my interview letter from Miami Office. It is assigned for June 22 and they asked for the following documents if applicable:

• A copy of Department of Labor Certification
• Stock certificate of U.S. corporation
• Submit articles of incorporation of the U.S. corporation
• Submit articles of incorporation of the foreign corporation
• Submit income tax declaration of the foreign corporation
• Submit copies of the U.S. corporate tax returns from the filing date of the I-140 petition to the present, certified by IRS
• Submit bank statements of the U.S. corporation or company from the filing date of the I-140 petition to the present
• Submit the wage and quarterly earning statements of the U.S. corporation or company from the filing date to the present, certified by IRS
• Submit the address showing the physical location of the U.S. corporation or company where you actually work
• Submit a copy of the lease agreement and occupational license of the U.S. corporation
• Submit the address of the physical location of the foreign corporation or company
• Provide description of duties and salary of the beneficiary from the parent corporation and the length of time he/she worked in that capacity
• Provide proof of the U.S. corporation activities (description of business, type of service or product)
• Submit copies of the beneficiary’s income tax returns for the past three years, certified by IRS
• Submit a current letter offering employment from the petitioner describing duties to be performed and the salary offered to the beneficiary
• Provide telephone directory listing of the U.S. corporation and/or website address
• Your current Driver’s License or other government issued photo identification

I am not yet sure what it all means, I also changed the jobs recently and now work at a big university, I am not sure if I can obtain articles of incorporation, corporate tax returns and so forth.. I have to do some homework to get all the supporting documents in order.. I will let you know how everything goes.. Well, wish me luck and I hope you'll hear something about your case soon!

Take care,
Hi amerikanka !!!

amerikanka said:
Hi there Ghebauer,

Are you still hanging on there? I have an exciting news, I got my interview letter from Miami Office. It is assigned for June 22 and they asked for the following documents if applicable:

• A copy of Department of Labor Certification
• Stock certificate of U.S. corporation
• Submit articles of incorporation of the U.S. corporation
• Submit articles of incorporation of the foreign corporation
• Submit income tax declaration of the foreign corporation
• Submit copies of the U.S. corporate tax returns from the filing date of the I-140 petition to the present, certified by IRS
• Submit bank statements of the U.S. corporation or company from the filing date of the I-140 petition to the present
• Submit the wage and quarterly earning statements of the U.S. corporation or company from the filing date to the present, certified by IRS
• Submit the address showing the physical location of the U.S. corporation or company where you actually work
• Submit a copy of the lease agreement and occupational license of the U.S. corporation
• Submit the address of the physical location of the foreign corporation or company
• Provide description of duties and salary of the beneficiary from the parent corporation and the length of time he/she worked in that capacity
• Provide proof of the U.S. corporation activities (description of business, type of service or product)
• Submit copies of the beneficiary’s income tax returns for the past three years, certified by IRS
• Submit a current letter offering employment from the petitioner describing duties to be performed and the salary offered to the beneficiary
• Provide telephone directory listing of the U.S. corporation and/or website address
• Your current Driver’s License or other government issued photo identification

I am not yet sure what it all means, I also changed the jobs recently and now work at a big university, I am not sure if I can obtain articles of incorporation, corporate tax returns and so forth.. I have to do some homework to get all the supporting documents in order.. I will let you know how everything goes.. Well, wish me luck and I hope you'll hear something about your case soon!

Take care,

Welcome back amerikanka !!!

I saw that your case was transfered 2 moths before mine !!! So probably i will hear from them soon too , but meanwhile my FP expired few months ago ago too, and still have no answer from these guys !!!
Anyway i'm happy for you , to hear from you again also , and i wish you GOOD LUCK at your interviu , and i hope you'll find the way to solve all these supporting docs !!! Try to find somebody who can help you in this matter !!! I'm sure that will make it !!! Good luck and God be with you thru this !!!
Please just keep in touch , and share your experience !!!


