Case Status Monitor Application

Please take it easy

I can tell you are a good boy, by your writings. Just leave it here. Have a nice weekend friend. Dont worry. Lets be friends.
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How do we use the new URL ??

Now that USCIS has changed the URL for Online Status Check, what do I need to change to make this work ?
I principle, you don't have to use Custer's software anymore. You can receive email alert about your case from USCIS. Also it was warned about abusing the online checking system.
Error running LIN WIZARD; URL changed

I am a proud user of your software. But this morning I had error running the wizard and on display of case status, I figured out that the INS has changed their web address and that is causing the error message.

Are you going to put out a patch to have this taken care of? Please let us know.

New Version

I have updated the software to take into account the changed URL.


I will continue to make this software available for the time being, until I work out whether there is still a need for it.

Ironic that USCIS would launch their new service the day after I re-issue the software.
Opps Bug

I just notices that the change I made this morning made the system flag every review run as a change. I need to look at why this is happening. So I will check this out and should have a fix later this morning.

The install is unavailable until I make this change
Re: Lets bring some civility here

Originally posted by wallst_wizz
Whats wrong with you SirZ? First of all, if Custer is really genuine and sincere he never bother asking money and not replied to Chamak's comments. Like Kashmir and Green report guy(dont know the name), he could have done it genuinely and never reacted ? If you call some one Moron, Seth will call you stupid. whats the point here. Lets leave the topic here. Mr. Custer there are lot of sites let you upload like Yahoo briefcase 30 meg, angelfire etc etc. Show your passion here or you can sell it at for commission. As Rsur said, lets maintain dignity.

Dear Sir,
There is nothing wrong with me, at least not that I am aware of. (Well actually, if you consider fighting fire with fire as wrong, then perhaps your question is reasonably valid, though I will respectfully disagree with your opinion.)

1. Please READ THE POST CAREFULLY. I am in support of Custer, not against him as you appear to imply.
2. Calling a certain poster a "moron", I was merely summarizing what is obvious from his post. Besides, I was nice enough not to directly call him that, just advised my good friend custer to ignore morons. Furthermore, he can call me stupid all he wants, it'd be difficult to fathom that a factual statement.
3. Custer is NOT trying to sell it, or get money, why is that simple concept so difficult for some of you to comprehend? All he said that he personally incurs costs to provide FREE software, and--understandably--he is not motivated to continue incurring those costs.

On the issue of "maintaining dignity" I like the system that has implemented. Every post can be rated by readers (positive, or negative). A posting will acumulate those ratings, (ie 10 neg and 3 pos = -7 rating) and you can set a filter (easy dropdown) in your thread browser. That way, if idiots post, they usually get a lot of negative ratings, and the post then never makes it to most people's screens. I also think people accumulate ratings of their posts, so if your an idiot, it will be apparent to everyone, though at this time I don't think they have "idiot" filters yet :) It'd be nice to have that system here, tho I understand the limitations of this particular forum software. Oh well..
Fixed Version Available

Perhaps it is a moot point given the new USCIS feature made available today I have just uploaded a version of my program that takes into account the new URL and compensates for the fact that they have added a date and time stamp to the bottom of the page.

I would be interested in feedback as to whether anyone considers it nessesary to use this software given the new account tools USCIS has created. I have set up an account for myself. I am happy to keep this software available as long as someone sees there is a need for it.
Hi custer thanks from this forum for your magnanimity in providing this software.
Since USCIS has provided similar feature, and they basically asked not to misuse the resource, you are better off removing the software, because when push comes to shove, everybody will back off and you will be in trouble. My humble suggestion is to remove the software and let everyone use the feature provided by USCIS.
Any Other Opinions

I am not sure that I disagree. This is the very reason why I stopped distribution in the first place. Unless I get some other feedback I will probably discontinue it again.
chamaklal, you stupid asshole

if you don't have anything useful to say, then shut the fuck up.

thanks a million, bud, for this neat little piece of work. we all appreciate it, and many a time before i have been alerted to glad tidings by your app. those mostly related to EAD, AP, H1 extension renewals etc., and now i am waiting for the big one.

my company upgraded our computers from win2k to xp, and the older version of your app stopped working. i am going to give your latest version a whirl soon.

once again, thanks, and all the best. and pay no attention to these asinine, good-for-nothing screwups who also infest these boards.
It Is Gone and It Aint Coming Back

I do not need this problem. The software is gone for good and always, do not bother asking for it again.
INS provides same service on their website. You can put your case ids and it emails u everytime there is status change