Case assigned to officer

Dee Rod I don\'t agree with you!

Dee Rod,

I don\'t agree with you that RD is used for processing priority! I am very sure that ND is used!

1. As per INS dates mentioned in JIT correspond to ND (not RD).
2. At one point for FP fax enquiry INS asked people to send enquiry only after 120 days passed after ND.
3. If you look into my case it is more clearer that ND is used insted of RD for processing priority. My RD is 06/29 and ND is 09/24. Some how my receipts got delayed too much. People with RD around 08/24 also got same ND as mine. My AP and EAD got approved along with people with RDs around 08/24! I wished that they consider RD for processing priority but they are not doing that. (Please see AP, EAD lists in SUMMARY pages at )
4. If you see FP list you will realize that ND is used for scheduling too.

But I do accept that for all dead lines RD is used. For e.g. 180 days is counted from RD.

With very best wishes
This may be true

This may be true, but the ND defines when you will go for FP and see your
approval. And this means alot for us.
Called IIO today again but no use

I was able to call IIO few minuites back.

The lady was ok. She told me the same thing. My case has been
moved to adjunction floor (this is a new terminology for me) on
Dec 3rd and it is pending. She said that she do not know how
much time the case will take.

I guess its no use calling them. I don\'t feel like I got any
information from them so far.

I hope to get my approval by X-mas.

No Title

As per the 485 stds,Once contactor gets all checks(finger print,g325a) the file will move to shelf with all print outs according to rd(month wise).Then it will go to work distribution section as per the serial order(month wise). I am presuming that Yr file is moved from shelf to work distribution section ( adjudication floor) where the work distibution incharge will assign Yr case to officer. I think that Yr case is ready ( means waiting in work disttibution section) to assign to adjudiction officer for approval.Hope for the best
My WAC # 01-209 xxxxx

Hi Sanli,

When I read ur msge, it should show that my case should be already assigned to the Immigration
Officer. But when I called yesterday and talked to a lady representative, she said that it is "NOT ASSINGED".

My particulars are: PD 12/99, RD 04/20, ND 06/17 and FP 11/10....

Immigration Guru\'s what do you think with this WAC # 01-209 xxxxx. Will it get approved this year or next
year and to whom should I speak and how to get to the IIO, please help me in this regard.

Please help urgently....

ThisWAC # 01-209 xxxxx should show that my case should be already assigned to the Immigration Officer.
But when I called yesterday and talked to a lady representative, she said that it is "NOT ASSINGED". So
what should I do and how would I go about it talking to the IIO. Whats the number to be called and the
option to talk to the IIO ?????

My particulars are: PD 12/99, RD 04/20, ND 06/17 and FP 11/10....

Immigration Guru\'s what do you think with this WAC # 01-209 xxxxx. Will it get approved this year or next
year and to whom should I speak and how to get to the IIO, please help me in this regard.

Thankyou in advance and awaiting ur reply asap...............................
So, If you don\'t know how to talk to an IIO, who did you talk to? Who told you that your case is no

Since you did your FP on 11/10, its possible that your agency reports have not come in or they came in in the last couple of weeks and your case is waiting to be assigned for adjudication. Its no cause for panic just because other APRIL RD cases have been assigned/approved. It all depends on when your case acquired all the necessary reports and made it to the adjudication-ready shelf. Having said that I think your case must be pretty close to being assigned. My gut feel is that with the holidays and vacations and stuff, your case will only see approval in the new year. So, relax, don\'t frantically post multiple postings with the same subject, enjoy the holidays and have a happy new year. :)
If IIO\'s are human, they probably get hungry at noon like most of us:) But seriously...

Take this opportunity to ask direct questions :
1) Is my case assigned for adjudication yet?
2) If answer is NO, Has your case received all the agency reports required, is it waiting on anything else.
3) If answer is YES and just waiting to be assigned then there is nothing else you can ask.
If they use some terminology you don\'t understand (Some body was told their case was in the Fileroom, another person was told that it was in the adjunction(adjudication?) floor) ask them to explain. Hopefully some info will come out of this.
No Title

The case is not yet assigned. Not all reports have been received. It
is not in the adjudication floor. IIO was not able to provide information on which kind of checks the case is waiting for. Didn\'t
know about CIA check. IIO was a little fast. difficult to understand.

Syngreen, When did you do your FP? I looked for your other details...

on this board but could not find it. Can you post your details again please. Thanks.
No Title

Did FP on 11/27. AVM says FP\'s received on Dec 6th. My info is in May
summary in PCgee\'s website.
ur details r similar to mine

my fp done on 11/27 and recd by csc on dec 6
rd 07-15-2001
nd 09-27-2001
pd 11-2000
wac -01-270-5XXXXX

my handle on cibas\'s list is rrg
Now, that explains it.....

You did your FP very recently. What I have noticed is that when the AVM says that your FP\'s were collected and pending review or processing resumed etc it usually means that your prints themselves were processed by FBI and results were received by INS. I think(just my opinion) there is another task that FBI/Local Law Enforcement(?) performs, which is a background check based on info in your 325-A biographic info form. I have no idea how long this takes. Just wait for a couple of weeks and call again in first or second week of Jan.

It would be disconcerting if you had done your FP\'s over a couple months ago and were still waiting for the background report.
Syngreen, have you lived in different cities over the last 5 years? I just saw an approval posted...

for a case with RD of 4/23 and FP done date of 11/17. This case was approved on 12/17. This person had not changed job at all. Maybe they stayed in the same general metropolitan area for 5 years. If you have lived in different places does that include different states also.
No Title

Yes, I have lived in different cities and different states(Acutally two) in the last five years. But may be it is too early to make a
call. Maybe I\'ll wait for another 2 weeks after holidays and check
again. Since my wife got her visa in India only this year , this might be delayed furthur.
No Title

My friend had applied in January. Did finger printing around March. He got an interview call. I donot have specific details. It is a simple
straight-forward case.
Dee Rod - I think you are right - more US addresses you have on biographic form - more time FBI may

I have 2 employers, 5 US addresses from 3 states - and case is still not assigned (ND 6/6, FP 10/13) - I had heard this from a friend earlier and is beginning to make sense to me. At last.
No Title

Dee Rod , I talked to IIO today again. He said that the case is adjudication ready and waiting to be assigned. He couldnot tell whether all agency reports have be received. It is
    confusing. He also said adjudication will be made in the next six months. wierd. I am not really sure if the case is adjudication ready.