Can you file asylum based on this ground?


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This is the situation:

A family lives in Saudi Arabia because the father worked there, the father dies leaving his wife with 6 childern to struggle in a country where they were born and raised, but they don't have a citizenship of the host country, now with no father working in the country, the host country asked the family to leave...this family is originally from even more radical extremist country. If the family goes back to thier mother land which they don't even know, the kids will be in the custody of thier fathers' relatives who are very radical people that believes in female circumzie and they believe in child labor and the gilrs can marry at the age of 9 and there have been cases of selling childern in that region plus they will be raised in radical teaching, etc...

Can the mother file for asylum in the USA or Canada based on the ground that she wants to protect her kids from falling in the hand of this group of people.....any idea or suggestion? and what is the best way for them to go to Canada for example?

Thanks for your input in advance
If they are still in Saudi, they may go to UN branches all over the world, the is one of the in Turkey which I dont recommand.
If they were legall in Saudi (not a refugee) they may apply for resettelment,
If they have family in Canada, it will be easier to go there, for USA they need a sponser most of the time, and they (UN) may send them to Europe.
Religion may make a big diffrence and minority in Original country.
You can also call United Nationas High Commisionor for Refugee in Washington and ask them for help.or also they can do the same thing over there.

The only thing is very important for them, that they have to do all of the stuff by searching for the best answer, something which is 100% in their case.
Good Luck
Yes, they are still in Saudi Arabia and they are asked to leave the country eventhought they were born there and in Saudi Arabia it is very tuff togrant asylum spcially in these grounds...if you haven't been to Saudi Arabia then you wouldn't know how they treat people who aren't citizens regardless of how long they lived there...It can take years through UN, by will be deported to thier home land which they don't even know

nasrmobin...what do you mean by a sponsor to get them here to the you know which sponsor or agency that can help them faster?thanks
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Well you cannot get citizenship of any middle eastern countries unless you are lucky. If they can come to the states then they can apply for asylum but most likely it will be rejected. What country are they from?
There is whole bunch of Organizations which handle these kind of stuffs. But you need to find the right one for thier situations. Anything that may cause some persecution, any paper works that shows their problem in their home country. If they are minority religion that better.
As far as I can see in their case, they have to get refugee status, since they are not able to come to United States.
We have to know what country they are coming from(their nationallity) + the probelms that they have. Keep in mind that UN will give them clear answer if they are eligible + all the refugee cases have to meet with UN's regulation.
If you tell us the country we may be able to find the rules for their country online and see what is the situation.
There are certain country that can not file refugee in other countries becasue UN has a list which shows the eligible countries.

So keep in touch with us,

Good luck
They are from Yemen and since they are orphans then thier father's family there will take advantage of them from child's labor which is against the UN rules, plus the girls of them will be subject to female cirumcition and they might be sold to get married at the age of 9 years old to older men which is a wide spread problem there...they will be raised in an extermist/fundamental group
Bri999 said:
They are from Yemen and since they are orphans then thier father's family there will take advantage of them from child's labor which is against the UN rules, plus the girls of them will be subject to female cirumcition and they might be sold to get married at the age of 9 years old to older men which is a wide spread problem there...they will be raised in an extermist/fundamental group
I will try to find stuff for same situation as their case online, But you shoul call UN tomorrow and ask for solutions,
If you be a lucky person they may help you a lot. try your best then.

i'm not an expert but i can tell you onet hing for fact, Saudi Arabia is one of the few countries on the human right abuse list, US and the whole world knows that
so if they were born there and not given any protection rights can give them some hope, would be so helpful if they can obtain a US visa or at least one member of the family and can start the paperwork for the rest if they can proof the case and establish a well founded fear if they were to return back to Yemen.

you have to remember every case is unique and this case might have a solid base.

i hope i was some help and good luck
Thanks for thelp guys and if you find anything that could help these orphans, please let me know, for Nasromobin...if you could find any information please posted, i am trying to help themassoon as i can....anyone knows what is the best way to get to Canada for thier situation
Bri999 said:
They are from Yemen and since they are orphans then thier father's family there will take advantage of them from child's labor which is against the UN rules, plus the girls of them will be subject to female cirumcition and they might be sold to get married at the age of 9 years old to older men which is a wide spread problem there...they will be raised in an extermist/fundamental group

Bri, I dont know but I find it hard t believe that Yemen is know for female circumcision but yes on child labor. Those are not grounds for asylum, I feel bad for them but I dont know what their options are.