Can you apply for a RTD if you have renewed your NP?


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My sister has to travel but doesn't want to use her NP. She renewed her NP because an officer told her that she can travel with it, but now she is scared to go because of the fact sheet. I have asked her to apply for RP since I have a RP & it is basically the same thing.

Now she wants to get a RTD because it doesn't require a visa to Germany(her destination). Now my question to you all is, if you have renewed your NP, can you get a RTD? What do you answre to the question "have you renewed your NP? and explain on separate piece of paper"

Thoughts? Ideas? Is renewing a NP means opening can of worms when applying for RTD??

Anybody had similar experience?
Hi Want,

I am applying it now and still waiting. On the application, I answered yes and explain it why.
Hi Want,

I applied for an RTD back in December - to be exact Dec 26 but haven't received it yet.

I renewed my national pasport because my dad had alzhimer desease, and I thought the only way for me to see him for the last time was to renew my NP. I got my NP then My dad passed away, but after knowing the consequence of going back to COP I decided not to go. I never been back to COP and seen my dad since I got here.
I wish i knew the answer for that.Because i am renewing my NP,too.But at the same time i would like to apply for RTD as well.
My sister has to travel but doesn't want to use her NP. She renewed her NP because an officer told her that she can travel with it, but now she is scared to go because of the fact sheet. I have asked her to apply for RP since I have a RP & it is basically the same thing.

Now she wants to get a RTD because it doesn't require a visa to Germany(her destination). Now my question to you all is, if you have renewed your NP, can you get a RTD? What do you answre to the question "have you renewed your NP? and explain on separate piece of paper"

Thoughts? Ideas? Is renewing a NP means opening can of worms when applying for RTD??

Anybody had similar experience?

Similar question was raised earlier. Your response is here --, Post # 7

Snippet --

"You can have a rentry permit & np at the same time. RTD +NP may cause some problems."

Why dont you go ahead with Reentry Permit instead of RTD. Agreed that RP would need visa for Germany, but worth spending few $$$ for piece of mind .. Isn't it ???
True but usually the embassy goes nuts when you show them a RP. They ask you 1 million questions as to why you dont have a NP. Some countries like Swtizerland don't even accept RP but accept RTD.

Visa on RP from german embassy is 3-4 weeks.
Guys, How about if LPR based on asylum acquiring new nationality, I mean will that action is affecting somehow in the future in US Citizenship?

My parents has different citizenship(by birth) than me. They're living in country that required to obtain visa in RP or RTD or even US Passport. And there is way to get citizenship based on my parents citizenship.
I ain't trying renew my NP, and ain't gonna try ever. First of all, there is no relative left in my COP. Second, that country has the law that person who living abroad more that 5 years is no longer the citizen. Third, I can't get any benefits from COP.

I wanna try in the future apply for another citizenship, just to avoid that visa process. I need that passport only to visit my parents time to time. To apply for citizenship I don't have to live in that country. I faced visa problem,my application was rejected cuz my RTD must have 6 months validation after i planning to left.

So, will it affecting on status here?
Or better use RP or RTD instead of Passport (different from COP's NP)?

True but usually the embassy goes nuts when you show them a RP. They ask you 1 million questions as to why you dont have a NP. Some countries like Swtizerland don't even accept RP but accept RTD.

Visa on RP from german embassy is 3-4 weeks.

Then I think your NP will also need Visa. Your best bet is to stick with NP cuz you are not travelling to COP and RP requires visa too which could be questionable as you said. Its Better then answering question ""have you renewed your NP?" on RTD and go with NP straight.

my $.02
Then I think your NP will also need Visa. Your best bet is to stick with NP cuz you are not travelling to COP and RP requires visa too which could be questionable as you said. Its Better then answering question ""have you renewed your NP?" on RTD and go with NP straight.

my $.02

Well I told her to apply for RTD and mark yes and explain why she renewed it. She renewed it because to get a stamp on her passport(GC) as officer told her to renew it...
True but usually the embassy goes nuts when you show them a RP. They ask you 1 million questions as to why you dont have a NP. Some countries like Swtizerland don't even accept RP but accept RTD.

Visa on RP from german embassy is 3-4 weeks.

Maybe she can get a schengen visa from another schengen country that accepts RP and use it to enter Germany.
Well I told her to apply for RTD and mark yes and explain why she renewed it. She renewed it because to get a stamp on her passport(GC) as officer told her to renew it...

Want: Why is it a problem for your sister to travel NP to Germany? Is Germany her COP? If I had renewed my national passport, I would travel with it any country in the world eccept COP. The reason is once you renew national passport that is the issue. It does not matter how many times you used to travel to a third country. Of course using national passport for a travel to COP would more complicate the matter. In other words, uscis may question you why you renewed your national passport, or why is it safe for you to travel to cop, but it will not be possible for them to question you about why you travelled to third country with national passport. That is irrellevant.
Want: Why is it a problem for your sister to travel NP to Germany? Is Germany her COP? If I had renewed my national passport, I would travel with it any country in the world eccept COP. The reason is once you renew national passport that is the issue. It does not matter how many times you used to travel to a third country. Of course using national passport for a travel to COP would more complicate the matter. In other words, uscis may question you why you renewed your national passport, or why is it safe for you to travel to cop, but it will not be possible for them to question you about why you travelled to third country with national passport. That is irrellevant.


She is a college student ok? Works part time. She used to go to Germany with RTD(to visit her fiance), however when she got her GC late last year, the officer asked her to get the passport renewed so she can get it stamped. She got approved but was waiting for her GC and thats why she had to get it stamped..

Anyways so now she applied for a German Visa and the officers are giving her a hard time...For instance, they are asking for bank statements which did show but they are saying thats not enough(10k) and they ask her for insurance which she bought for 35 bucks...They are asking her fiance to file an affadavit of support(60 dollars) in germany.

So in essence, this has cost her 75(for visa fee)+35(insurance)+60(for her fiance to get an affadavit of support)=$170 just get a stupid German visa for 1 week...

Since its her fiance, she wants to visit him more than once per 6 she was like Why dont I just apply for a RTD? it costs 170 but I can at least make two trips. VISA costs 170 whch can be USED only once....

Get her point? to me 170 bucks is no big deal but to a college student who makes 170 per can be.
My sister has to travel but doesn't want to use her NP. She renewed her NP because an officer told her that she can travel with it, but now she is scared to go because of the fact sheet. I have asked her to apply for RP since I have a RP & it is basically the same thing.

Now she wants to get a RTD because it doesn't require a visa to Germany(her destination). Now my question to you all is, if you have renewed your NP, can you get a RTD? What do you answre to the question "have you renewed your NP? and explain on separate piece of paper"

Thoughts? Ideas? Is renewing a NP means opening can of worms when applying for RTD??

Anybody had similar experience?

Nobody can answer how an immigration adjudicator would react to this.
Which country are you guys from? Some of you claim to be from countries that revoke your citizenship one you have been residing abroad for 54 years. Wow, can you guys be more precise as to which country you come from.
Then we have the same topic with different wording over and over again, NP,RTD RP.
Once you become LPR regardless how you legally obtained such status, you are free to travel with your own NP.
i have renewed NP and RTD , the reason im renewing my NP because im planning to go to south korea , and the south korea consulate wont accept RTD eventhough i explained over the phone to them that im an asylee.
till now i didnt apply the korean visa yet because NSC just sent me RFE and my LUD changed 2 times already.
so i thought it might be worthy just to wait a little while.
im too scared using my NP to travel :D
My sister has to travel but doesn't want to use her NP. She renewed her NP because an officer told her that she can travel with it, but now she is scared to go because of the fact sheet. I have asked her to apply for RP since I have a RP & it is basically the same thing.

Now she wants to get a RTD because it doesn't require a visa to Germany(her destination). Now my question to you all is, if you have renewed your NP, can you get a RTD? What do you answre to the question "have you renewed your NP? and explain on separate piece of paper"

Thoughts? Ideas? Is renewing a NP means opening can of worms when applying for RTD??

Anybody had similar experience?


Has she renewed her national passport AFTER she became an asylee or before? I doubt you would be asking if it was before but this technicality, I feel, is important. The reason I ask is because the following situation could apply to her. I had an I-730 pending and I was here in the US on a valid F-1 visa at the time. My old passport expired and I had to renew it because the school wanted to make sure that I had a valid foreign identity document while in the US. I renewed my NP and in two months my I-730 was approved and I became an asylee. Whenever I applied for RTD after I became an asylee, I always answered "no" because the question is phrased "Since BECOMING Refugee/asylee have you ever renewed or applied for NP."

Has she renewed her national passport AFTER she became an asylee or before? I doubt you would be asking if it was before but this technicality, I feel, is important. The reason I ask is because the following situation could apply to her. I had an I-730 pending and I was here in the US on a valid F-1 visa at the time. My old passport expired and I had to renew it because the school wanted to make sure that I had a valid foreign identity document while in the US. I renewed my NP and in two months my I-730 was approved and I became an asylee. Whenever I applied for RTD after I became an asylee, I always answered "no" because the question is phrased "Since BECOMING Refugee/asylee have you ever renewed or applied for NP."

Good point. No she never renwed it while she was an asylee. She renewed it when she became a PR.
need your input...

anybody can advice plz..?
i renewed my NP and hav RP in handy too.last time i trveled to COP and used am planning to travel soon.what should i use NP or RP.what if they ask me where is my NP.?why am using RP now..?