Can we file a complaint about the interview officer?


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As you would see from my previous thread yesterday, our interview did not go very well.

I wonder if we could file a complaint or request a new interview claiming that this interview officer does not have the eligibility to make judgements on our I-485 case since her English was so poor.

I had a hard time in understanding what she was saying. Can we request a new one?
No offense. Is English your native language? Otherwise how can you approve that is her problem not yours?
Btw: Did she take your I-94?
Don't worry yourself!! I have heard HORROR stories about their rude behavior, only for the greencard to be received days later. Just give it some time and know everything will be fine!!
memoryrong, no, english is not my native language but i do speak and understand english, very well. In fact, it was my husband as an American and an English major who thought that we should have requested an interpreter during our interview.

I just don't want my whole case blown away because of her lack of expertise and English comprehension. I haven't seen my family in 26 months and I was looking forward to this interview to have the stamp and GC soon. It sounds like a nightmare having to wait another 3 months just because of that nasty mean woman.
Did she take your I-94 ?
memoryrong, no, english is not my native language but i do speak and understand english, very well. In fact, it was my husband as an American and an English major who thought that we should have requested an interpreter during our interview.

I just don't want my whole case blown away because of her lack of expertise and English comprehension. I haven't seen my family in 26 months and I was looking forward to this interview to have the stamp and GC soon. It sounds like a nightmare having to wait another 3 months just because of that nasty mean woman.
Did she take your I-94 ?

yes, but she took the wrong one, i think. she took the i-94 which was still on my passport from my last entry to usa back in jan 2005. it was under my H1B visa. She didn't take the i-94 on my new E2 visa, which is still on the original visa notice. (since i haven't been to my home country, i didn't have that visa stamped on my passport.)

my E-2 is still valid, but H1B expired. would this be a problem?
Command (or lack thereof) over English should not be used as a gauge for determining eligibility to adjudicate an I-485 case. If that was the case, non-english speaking coders throughout the world would never be asked to write code in english-based syntax.
I am not trying to defend the adjudicating officer. I just found your statement a tad harsh and unneccessary.

I wonder if we could file a complaint or request a new interview claiming that this interview officer does not have the eligibility to make judgements on our I-485 case since her English was so poor.
Command (or lack thereof) over English should not be used as a gauge for determining eligibility to adjudicate an I-485 case. If that was the case, non-english speaking coders throughout the world would never be asked to write code in english-based syntax.
I am not trying to defend the adjudicating officer. I just found your statement a tad harsh and unneccessary.

you are right about that programming languages but you would expect someone who has fully understanding of English to make decisions on cases that would have big impact on your life. it is sort of a non-english speaking jury's deciding on a suspect whether guilty or not and that suspect may end up having a death penalty because the jury did not understand his defense.
lady of...


Patience is a virtue ! Nobody is it in speaking/writing english or while playing golf. Not being rude or anything..but even you have made quite a few grammatical mistakes in the post just above mine (politely mentioning offense intended).

If the USCIS deemed her fit to adjudicate cases of intending residents...we cannot do jack about it. If the NASA hires mentally ill astronauts, it's NASA's fault. For your case, hopefully USCIS improves their hiring process and makes better selections in the future. There's nothing you can do about it. Mostly, they are good, tho :):D

Relax, play Halo2 or something...just let 1 week go by, it will be all over, your 485 should be approved soon.

Speaking of jury duty: ARGH...I got juror summons recently -gotta reply back, I love this country !!
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kkboy, thanks for your calming posts. i somehow can not focus on anything else; i have tons of work to do, but my head is so cloudy at the moment. i am just very disappointed.

of course i have grammer mistakes but my job doesn't require me to have perfect English. i just thought someone who would be in charge of determining my future would have a normal English. This woman did not. Her English was as poor as 1st grader, maybe i shouldn't be unfair to 1st graders, though.

I live with my husband for a little over 5 years and have a happy normal relationship, but somehow she dared to call him "what kind of a husband are you???" when he couldn't remember my phone number in my home country back in 6 years ago. do you think this is a fair judgement?
we posted our comments just try to keep you calm and patient. You may stuck at name check or she is not in the high level to approve your case on site. Nothing is going to change in those two cases even if your IO can speak perfect English. So, what is your point? I know there are lots of ppl stuck in the name check for years. If you want to file a complaint, go ahead. I highly doubt it will expedia your application or whatever.

We all want to have Green card handy when in the application process---that is why we call it is a relieve when receving it in the mail. But please remember, You are APPLYING for green card. USCIS does NOT owe you green card. Why don't you just sit back and relax?
We all want to have Green card handy when in the application process---that is why we call it is a relieve when receving it in the mail. But please remember, You are APPLYING for green card. USCIS does NOT owe you green card. Why don't you just sit back and relax?

ok, i will. thanks for your support.
You ungrateful !@#$%^&*...... just kidding. I became a citizen last November and yet to receive any jury duty summons. :(
Everyday I check my mail in the hope of getting such summons. I guess the excitement is simply not having done it before. Knowing my luck, it will be a long wait. I lived in Canada for 3 years after becoming a citizen with no jury duty summons either!!!

ARGH...I got juror summons recently -gotta reply back, I love this country !!
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if you really want it...

lol...if you really want a summon. just fill up the "voter registration" form. DMV and that database is referred to for jury duty calls, mostly. Noting the excitement you have about JD, I think you will be a lawyer's 'dream come true' juror, the passionate one !
Well I registered to vote the day I naturalised. However I did not do that at the DMV, I did that at my county clerk's office. So perhaps I am not in the "potential jurors" database.
Actually I will be blackballed by either the defense or the prosecution, depending on the case. I am a character of very strong likes and dislikes :)

lol...if you really want a summon. just fill up the "voter registration" form. DMV and that database is referred to for jury duty calls, mostly. Noting the excitement you have about JD, I think you will be a lawyer's 'dream come true' juror, the passionate one !
As you would see from my previous thread yesterday, our interview did not go very well.

I wonder if we could file a complaint or request a new interview claiming that this interview officer does not have the eligibility to make judgements on our I-485 case since her English was so poor.

I had a hard time in understanding what she was saying. Can we request a new one?

salechirp : my advice to you as sister just be patient if they need two weeks give them three if they need one month give them two months . i been through this since march 2001 until now and am still waiting for gc .usis can do whatever they want specially the officers . i spent so far $11000.00 in lawyers i know you may think i have criminal record , never excelent credit just the officer didn't like me on the interview day that's all .
i have no problem to tell you my full story with uscis .
just wait and forget about uscis for at least 3 month also you can send the that officer an inquiry like nothing bad happen on your interview date .
like this you will show her that you better than her in smart way .because if anything goes wrong (god forbid ) the only winner is lawyer and the looser is you (time + money for something you will get in smart way )
sorry for my bad english.
sorry for my bad english.