Can Someone Take Over the Stats that Kashmir Used to do?


Registered Users (C)
Someone please volunteer, Kashmir please pass the data over to whoever wishes to do this.

It is commendable the job Kashmir is doing with his current projects. I can understand how he does not have time to do this. I wish him and those who volunteer all the success in their endeavours.

What is unacceptable is his extortion of the board by trying to coerce participation in his project by withholding the daily or weekly reporting of approvals etc.

This one piece of information is what many looked forward to, to get an idea of what sort of activity is happening. It is no coincidence that the level of board discussion has dropped off dramatically since his blackmailing for participation. You have stifled the very active board that was here.

I fully support and applaud your other efforts, but like many, I do not have the time to do much more than the odd fax I've sent through. But you state "we agreed" - NO, no one agreed, you set the terms or held the board hostage - that is not the appropriate tactic and is offensive.

A large majority of the data for the scans,was contributed to him by many on this board - it is therefore the boards property - not his. Therefore, if you do not wish to do the great job you used to do, hand it over to someone else and stop trying to hold a gun to peoples heads for participation.

Believe me I can understand your frustration with the empathy of people on the board but resorting to your tactics to force participation isn't right. You just have to face the fact that life is like that, there are precious few that will get involved as empathy is everywhere. You just need to be thankful for the people that do help out.
Hi, notxer;
Thanks for your valuable comments.

> But you state "we agreed" - NO, no one agreed, you set the terms or held the board hostage ...

OK, I remove that term.
Now, you are free to download.
You don't need to send the ODD fax any more.

> A large majority of the data for the scans,was contributed to him by many on this board - it is therefore the boards property - not his.

I totally agree with you.
Please check this related thread.
Also, you're welcome to start new scan project.
I will be pleased to pass you the data.

Thanks again for your opinion for Project Kashmir.
Hi Guys,
I have not delivered properly on my promise of Project
Anaconda. Besides nothing much was happening anyway
at the USCIS. I had lot of work pressure. But seems to me
that the pace has picked up a little at USCIS. I am excited
to know if they have done anything in past couple of months.

So I promise to run a full scan this weekend and piece together
the next Project Anaconda Report.

Sorry for being late. But gotta hold on to my job with both
hands and legs.

Kashmir did not hold the data as his own, and it is not his obligation running the report for you every week. Please learn how to manage your own frustrations and show some appreciations toward other's hard work.

agree with yih. Kashmir has been and is doing a wonderful job. this is an open forum - he has every right to say and do anything he wants as long as it not violating other's space.
you are not the only busy dude in this forum.
Hi notxer,

Kashmir is doing what he thought of the best.

If you do not like , it is your problem. I am on this board for last one year, and I believe this is either my second or third post.

If you loose patience, blame yourself. Not others. He /she is doing voluntary service. If you dont want to participate ignore.

as you said, I am too busy too. Do not have time to post.
Give me a break :)

What kind of BS post is this?

I can't believe someone would actually accuse Kashmir of holding the board hostage.

From someone who has HARDLY EVER (6-8 posts don't count), helped anyone on this forum for ANYTHING, that is EXTREMELY RICH!

If you believe the board is hostage, then why not take over the bloody responsibility YOURSELF? As compared to begging, accusing and cajoling someone into doing it for you.

I have had it with ungreatful Bastards like this who expect everything to be fed to them on a spoon. Get off your ass and do something for the community before expecting the community to do something for you.

And for the record, inspite of Kashmir, "Blackmailing people" into participating in his projects, WHICH ARE FOR EVERYONE's BENEFIT, we have less than 15 people showing up for the town meetings we have attended, we have less than 30 people who have actually sent faxes.

As far as the rest of the people, who haven't spoken up in Kashmir's defence, you suck as well! How can you not defend your sole hero who is doing so much for everyone! God you guys make me sick!

Kashmir never refused to give the data he collected to anyone. Also – his program he uses to scan was published here so anyone could download it. I don’t understand how you can accuse him of holding the board hostage.
Every one of us is frustrated with the long process and on the top of that every one has his own personal problems, but please – this is not a shrink’s office.
This is a place to share information. And if don’t have anything valuable to share with others please hold back such a stupid accusations and don’t pollute the forum.
Kashmir is done so much for all of us.
I mean, people were even shitting to run a scan, lest they jeapordise their case.
He not only scanned cases for our SC but for other SCs too. He also is part of so many projects.
It would have been one thing if you asked him to handover all the data to you so you could run the scans. Its funny that you want someone else to do it for you and still complain.
Notxer - why don't you take break from here

Notxer - why don't you take break from here..

Have you ever attended any town hall meetings or sent fax to senetors or congressman/women? people like you shameful this community, you never do anything to this community but ready to criticise kashmir? I saw him coming to town hall meeting before anybody with big bunch of papers signed by portal people. he is doing excellent job for everybody cause.

Fool before criticising kashmir try to do work for community.

Instead of Asking somebody to take over to scan, why don't you say i will do scan and post results.I know you lazy bums want's every thing spoon feeding .

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I don't understand you're thankful or frustated. Its so very easy to accuse someone but very very hard to take responsibility and come forward to's what I can offer to the community. If you don't have time, what do you think rest all are sitting here to serve you with what you want.
Hello, we all are employment based cases so we all are working day and night to save our jobs.
Most importantly, what do you expect from those weekly reports?
You do check JIT dates, right? What all do you get from that. Looking at statstics helps but unless you do something to improve it you'll still see the same stats week after week. We should be thankful to Kashmir for all the effort he has done so far and support our common cause for expediting the backlog. Please do check all the threads and find out how helpful he has been and he would be for us. He's working on other priorities which are more important than this at this point.
Sitting and browsing on forum won't change the situation but yes an action plan would definitely help. There are people who're doing so many things and are optimistic including me that we'll get there sooner than what the graphs or predictions can say. Support them in whatever best way you can. Nobody is pushing you to do something, remember you're not just doing it for yourself but for the whole community.
Now stop whining and do something or sit back and relax. May god bless you with GC in dreams because god helps those who help themselves :D
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(Originally posted by notxer at Project Kashmir 2 Community Edision thread 11th July 2004, 11:31 AM)
notxer said:
Sure, dangle the fact you've done the scan but don't publish the results.

On the one hand you are a great guy with all the work you've done, all the campaigns etc, on the other side you are a complete asshole. You continue to try to manipulate and blackmail people. PCee and Sillyman NEVER lowered themselves to such tactics. They tirelessly contributed - what saints. And yes I know they would have wanted more participation but didn't hold the board ransom because they didn't get it. Sure you are frustrated by lack of participation, look you can only ask and see who volunteers to come forward. You have to accept the fact that the majority won't.

Either you choose to do things freely as most people in this forum have done and do, or you don't do it. But for Pete's sake, stop holding people hostage by attempting to strong arm people into some sort of level of participation you want to achieve.

Oh and show some class, don't sulk because I wrote this and say "if that's the case...blah blah blah" which you've done in the past.

(sorry board, that's just the way I feel, this constant blackmailing... so let the flames begin)

If you accuse people like kashmir, Iam very sure that you don't know the real values of other's hard work. Please don't make this forum a dirty place by throwing all your unfair comments.
From what I have seen so far with all the vicious campaigns on Kashmir, guess it is high time people who accuse and make this malicious comments on fellow members started to contribute and get on with life.

Everyone is welcome to make their comments or vent their frustrations but definitely not by accusing or making malicious attacks or putting down fellow members of the community.

My humble request to victims (Kashmir has been the one severely attacked) is to put on ignore all these people instead of even trying to answer them. All of other user folks should immediately put such users on IGNORE mode so that we can get on with what needs to be done for getting the job done.

In a democratic world, there always dissenters and accusers, but what is happening here is getting out of hand. All the code and programs needed to do the scans have been made available by the esteemed developers of such scan-code. It is very well known to the community, some help has also been made available, despite that if such dissenters and accusers who do not do anything but want the people in the community to be their secretaries, GOD HELP THEM. Makes me wonder how such people work in their regular jobs.

My $0.02
I can't agree more with i140_takes_4ever AND GOLUMOLU. I fully share their sentiments.

Kashmir and others in the team have given so much, wonder if anybody can be so sick to make these comments.

On the other hand, it just seems there a couple of guys out there to gain vicarious pleasure by agitating the guys and stirring a hornet's nest.

Without any responsibility, of course!!

One course of action for such posts could be no reresponse. What say?
Look, it's pretty simple, either Kashmir (and volunteers) scans and publishes the results or he says you know what guys, I can't be bothered to do it anymore. If you run the results, it's up to you, I quit.

That's fine and perfectly understandable, anyone can accept that.

What I have a problem with is this guy says he's done the scan, but he's not going to show the results unless....

It's like a kid in the playground that says "neener neener neener, I've got something and you don't...... and unless you kiss my ass too bad"

How pathetic.

I understand what he wants to achieve, basically to get more people to help, but he is going about it the wrong way. It's like how he tried to force people to donate money and someone rightly pointed out that he is running into legal issues if he does. He also used to hide the results and only give to people that were part of certain campaigns he was running. In other words he was setting up two classes of participants on the board and creating a division. There were verbal battles going back and forth and people blaming those who questioned what he was doing as being negative, evil etc. They forgot that he set up the division in the first place or creating two classes. As my post in here said way back when, Kashmir would make these demands for a campaign and if they didn't comply he withheld what he was doing, in otherwords blackmail....saying "we agreed" and as I pointed out, no we didn't agree, he stated. After that he changed his comments but basically the tactic hasn't changed.

This community is not supposed to be in division or set up as two different classes and people like Sillyman and PCee when offering their contributions never did such things.

A couple of footnotes here... for those who posted here in reponse to Kashmir reposting my really old post.... are you running the scanner??? if not then you should be careful before you throw stones.

for Kashmir...funny you could spend the effort to search the old posts and bring this to the top intending to reinforce that I'm the bad guy or once again make a division of classes on the board.... but you couldn't be bothered to post the results.... you missed the point.

Like I said Kashmir, one the one hand you are a great guy, with all the incredible work you've done, but on the other hand you are an asshole.
notxer said:
Look, it's pretty simple, either Kashmir (and volunteers) scans and publishes the results or he says you know what guys, I can't be bothered to do it anymore. If you run the results, it's up to you, I quit.

That's fine and perfectly understandable, anyone can accept that.

What I have a problem with is this guy says he's done the scan, but he's not going to show the results unless....

It's like a kid in the playground that says "neener neener neener, I've got something and you don't...... and unless you kiss my ass too bad"

How pathetic.

I understand what he wants to achieve, basically to get more people to help, but he is going about it the wrong way. It's like how he tried to force people to donate money and someone rightly pointed out that he is running into legal issues if he does. He also used to hide the results and only give to people that were part of certain campaigns he was running. In other words he was setting up two classes of participants on the board and creating a division. There were verbal battles going back and forth and people blaming those who questioned what he was doing as being negative, evil etc. They forgot that he set up the division in the first place or creating two classes. As my post in here said way back when, Kashmir would make these demands for a campaign and if they didn't comply he withheld what he was doing, in otherwords blackmail....saying "we agreed" and as I pointed out, no we didn't agree, he stated. After that he changed his comments but basically the tactic hasn't changed.

This community is not supposed to be in division or set up as two different classes and people like Sillyman and PCee when offering their contributions never did such things.

A couple of footnotes here... for those who posted here in reponse to Kashmir reposting my really old post.... are you running the scanner??? if not then you should be careful before you throw stones.

for Kashmir...funny you could spend the effort to search the old posts and bring this to the top intending to reinforce that I'm the bad guy or once again make a division of classes on the board.... but you couldn't be bothered to post the results.... you missed the point.

Like I said Kashmir, one the one hand you are a great guy, with all the incredible work you've done, but on the other hand you are an asshole.

Guess then are you planning to take up scanning and posting the results NOTEXR?