Can Someone Take Over the Stats that Kashmir Used to do?

My two cents....

OK guys just cool down. Dude, you don’t have to call Kashmir names and in the same tone 140_takes.. should not have called you bastard.
Just to make a point, when we asked for volunteers for the town hall meeting in LA, only 3 turned up and one of us is Kashmir. That’s how dedicated he is for the cause. I have a pleasure meeting Kashmir personally he drove all the way from Northern California to LA to attend Ed Royce’s town hall meeting. Believe me he is not the one who will be intimidated by the folks like you. May be you are having a concern which you could have addressed in a different way.
I was with this community since 2001.First it was CIBA, Pcee and then Kashmir and 140_takes…. These guys I think have done and been doing a great service to lots of folks who visit this website. I for one believe the pressure we all put on CSC with the help of folks like Rajiv, Kashmir, 140 and many others might be the reason why we are seeing many approvals. This is the reason why you see many of the portal members still feel it fit to contribute to the cause even after their approvals.
I am frustrated too with 03 GC’s were getting approved where as there are some 01 and early 02’s just waiting for their turn. But this is not the way to take out frustration on somebody who is again in my opinion, think is doing a great service to the community.
Just let it go and GOOD LUCK to you.
God this is one ancient thread. I thought it came up by mistake, and was going to lock it down when I checked the date stamp on the last few posts.

I guess Kashmir moved it here to move the discussion away from the Project Kashmir thread (Notxer, I don't believe he did that to prove you are a bad guy, but instead to consolidate the message. Besides I don't think this thread shows you up in bad light, it just shows you are consistent in your thoughts). :)

Personally I am sick of this whole business, and not going to add anything to the conversation, everything that has to be said, has probably already been said. More power to the people who are still pursuing this chain of thoughts.

Having said that had to ask a question to satisfy my curiosity:

notxer said:
This community is not supposed to be in division or set up as two different classes and people like Sillyman and PCee when offering their contributions never did such things.

I understand the above statement with regards to PCee, but was wondering in what way Sillyman (no offense to him) contributed anything to the forum? Forget the grand scale of project Kashmir but even comparable to the smaller way of PCee's tracker? :)

Finally to close the post, the reason behind why Kashmir's contribution calls for help and PCee's contribution never did was because Project Kashmir is on a much grander scale than Project PCee ever was. PCee main contribution was towards collating approval thread information and compiling it in a wonderful webpage. Not to knock on his efforts, it was bloody brilliant, but comparing it to the vision behind Project Kashmir, you have to agree, Kashmir did a much bigger job. What you are trying to do here is compare apples to oranges. So you might want to get a better analogy than comparing the work Kashmir has done to two people who might have done great things for the forum in their own different ways but definitely not on the same scale.
Who cares said:
you don’t have to call Kashmir names and in the same tone 140_takes.. should not have called you bastard.
Dude in my defence this is a bloody OLD thread, don't beat a dead horse and compare it to live one to make a point! :)