Can I recall my N400 application? Please Help


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I think I am in messed up situation, my application got approved but I left something important when I submitted my N400 which I dont feel comfortable about. I have not yet received my interview call and wondering If i can recall my application or is there any form i need to fill in? Or do i need to hire a lawyer now?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you
You need to explain "I left something important when I submitted my N400 which I dont feel comfortable about" in more detail if you expect anyone here to suggest/advise anything. Your matter may even need an expert lawyer, but until you explain your situation in detail, no one here will be able to help you.
Not quite knowing what you are talking about, one of the things you can do is bring in a revised page of the N-400 with whatever it is you forgot listed. It is a good way of showing that you just forgot and you want to rectify things.

It's quite common to correct things (even a lot of things) during the interview. I forgot 1 thing, and several things had changed during the 13 months between my submission of my application and my interview. I think I had updates to 4 or 5 pages of the N-400.

But, as the others say, it depends on what you forgot (for example if you forgot to list a conviction for some horrible crime, well, then, you might want to consult a lawyer).
Sorry, The questions where INS asks about your previous or annual marriages, that answer was left blank or I might have said NO which suppose to be "yes". Is there anything I can do or is it all messed up?

Well at your interview you will be given ample opportunity to correct/amend/update your application. Provide the officer with the updated information and/or documents. Should not be an issue unless the updated information deems you ineligible for naturalisation under the category you originally filed under.
Thanks, So if INS decides that I am ineligible for naturalisation what then. Is it that i can never ever apply apply again for naturalisation or can they if thay want to take my green card away becaue of this mess?
Dont get too worked up.Like prevoius post says you will ample time in your interview .If this was marriage based than I see some question arising .If not anyone can make errors on a application.
First of all ... relax. DHS will not deport you just because you failed to mention an annulled marriage in your N-400 form. You will get a chance to update your application.
Having said that, if your previous annulled/failed marriages overlap and it appears at any time you committed bigamy, then you are in trouble. Was that the case? If not, just relax and prepare to proactively update/amend your application at your interview.

INS007 said:
Thanks, So if INS decides that I am ineligible for naturalisation what then. Is it that i can never ever apply apply again for naturalisation or can they if thay want to take my green card away becaue of this mess?
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well it was a bigamy, so i guess i am all messep up. Should i even go for interview? OR just keep my GC and dont worry about Citizenship
Bigamy! :eek: I don't mean to rain in your parade but that's bad really bad. Get a lawyer ASAP!
Since you committed bigamy, this has surely gone outside the realm of us novice posters. You need professional representation. I strongly suggest you acquire some. Regardless of whether you turn up for your interview or not, you are in a spot of bother.
Good luck!!!

INS007 said:
well it was a bigamy, so i guess i am all messep up. Should i even go for interview? OR just keep my GC and dont worry about Citizenship
INS007 said:
well it was a bigamy, so i guess i am all messep up. Should i even go for interview? OR just keep my GC and dont worry about Citizenship
If it was bigamy you WILL be rejected at time of Interview (Because bigamy is NOT allowed under US Laws).....

First of all consult a good immigration lawyer. You may have to stop your naturalization process.

This WILL affect your future citizen applications. So consult a good lawyer (You will have to spend between $200.00 and $400.00) for a phone consultation. Follow their advice.
But I am still married to the same person and she knows about it while I commited bigamy, still in trouble I guess.
bigamy (bĭ'gəmē) , crime of marrying during the continuance of a lawful marriage. Bigamy is not committed if a prior marriage has been terminated by a divorce or a decree of nullity of marriage. In the United States if a husband or wife is absent and unheard of for seven (or in some states five) years and not known to be alive, he or she is presumed dead, and remarriage by the other spouse is not bigamous. It is not necessarily a defense to a charge of bigamy that the offending party believed in good faith that he was divorced or that his previous marriage was not lawful.

* I found this information. I hope it helps. Good Luck! Is your other wife in the US or your Country? Could you give us more details?
She is here in US and i am still married to her but during my marriage I went back to my home country and comitted bigamy or second marriage. That marriage is annulled now.
What the hell was I thinking?
INS007 said:
But I am still married to the same person and she knows about it while I commited bigamy, still in trouble I guess.

Your current spouse being aware of bigamy is not the point here. You have broken a law here which is being married at the same twice to two different persons i.e. Bigamy..

As I posted earlier bigamy is NOT allowed in U.S.

Consult a lawyer.
Bigamy sits right up there in the list of crimes of moral turpitude. What was your answer to Part 10-D Question 22 "Have you ever been married to more than one person at the same time?"

Seek professional advice. If you are honest about this, your case will probably be denied at/after interview, and if you persist with the lie, it may come back and bite you some time in the future - yes, you could be denaturalized and deported.
INS007 said:
She is here in US and i am still married to her but during my marriage I went back to my home country and comitted bigamy or second marriage. That marriage is annulled now.
What the hell was I thinking?

Dude, are you pulling our leg like that the guy whose wife was
being courted by the USCIS officer?

How could not know that committing bigamy would be a problem
or fail to mention it in your application.
I am not trying to defend INS007, but in terms of technicality of law, if a marriage is annulled, it means that the marriage never existed. If so, how can it be bigamy?
Also one could have been drunk, did not realize and got married the second time, only to realize the next morning and hence file for annulment.