can H1B immigrant salary be counted for poverty line if marry to a citizen


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Does anyone have the similar situation? If i marry a citizen whose salary not meet or just near the 125% poverty line. But I have stable job with H1B visa. Will the immigration office will count my saray when they view i-864 form?

Thanks a lot
angelene said:
Does anyone have the similar situation? If i marry a citizen whose salary not meet or just near the 125% poverty line. But I have stable job with H1B visa. Will the immigration office will count my saray when they view i-864 form?

Thanks a lot
Yes yo can count your salary. You have to file I864A and your wife have to file I864. Search through this forum and you will find plenty of cases like this.
Thanks, I just called CIS, they confirm we can!!

Thanks for your answer, I just call CIS, and the representative said we can, just fill i-864A form.

usnycus said:

You can include your salary with your spouse salary in Affidavit of support.
Property DEED name change issue

Here is the great thread where we can get useful information. I appreciate anyone post here.

I have another question. I devorce with my ex-husband, and we have two houses. we have settlement that each one keep one house and payment. After i marry to a US citizen, he move in the house I bought with my ex-husband. when i file Permament Resident through marriage, Do I need add my husband name under my DEED? Since the house was bought before the marriage and settled after devorce, I am not sure if it is necessary that i have to add his name, which I do not want to do. If i do not add his name, any risk for immigration officer? when we buy the house, we use my name and my ex-husband name to get mortage and we have very good low interest rate. if we change the mortgage name, we will lose the good rate. we have agree to keep the both name under two houses for couple of years. But we will pay own house mortgage. so for this type of settlement, will it cause trouble? or it sounds reasonable?

Can I change the Deed name without change the mortage name?


I live with my husband in a house that he bought before we met.
The deed is in his and his mother names.
We decided not to change anything ( I mean not to include my name on it) because of complication it might cause. Plus, since the house was bought long before I moved here I don’t think that would be too hard to explain to INS. We have other join accounts and plenty of other evidence of bona find marriage, but we both keep our premarital assets separated.
It’s one thing to open a join checking account, but when you taking about mortgage payments it gets too complicated and one should consider whatever it’s an immigration officer that might, or might not make a big deal out of it, or the loan officer, who will slap you with the bigger payments for the next 30 years.
But…. that’s just my opinion, I am not advising you to follow it, just sharing my story. Do as you think it’s better for you, for your situation.

Or maybe somebody else has a better suggestion?

Thanks, Jane

Thanks Jane. I will consider your opinion. Your story is very helpful for me to make decision.


Jane Green said:

I live with my husband in a house that he bought before we met.
The deed is in his and his mother names.
We decided not to change anything ( I mean not to include my name on it) because of complication it might cause. Plus, since the house was bought long before I moved here I don’t think that would be too hard to explain to INS. We have other join accounts and plenty of other evidence of bona find marriage, but we both keep our premarital assets separated.
It’s one thing to open a join checking account, but when you taking about mortgage payments it gets too complicated and one should consider whatever it’s an immigration officer that might, or might not make a big deal out of it, or the loan officer, who will slap you with the bigger payments for the next 30 years.
But…. that’s just my opinion, I am not advising you to follow it, just sharing my story. Do as you think it’s better for you, for your situation.

Or maybe somebody else has a better suggestion?

Do You Have To Married For Min Of 6 Months

Do you have to married for at least 6mths to a US citizen before using I864A f
ninja1300 said:
Do you have to married for at least 6mths to a US citizen before using I864A f

I believe you have to be living with the US citizen for 6 months before you can use the I-864A so that you can become a household member and sponsor yourself :) along with the spouse of course.

Go Buckeyes
Answer to, whether H1 salary can be used or no?

The immigrants income can be used to file I-864. However, they don't have to file I-864A, unless he/she has accompanying immigrant. This is clearly stated on "First Para of Page 2 of form I-864" as, " if they have lived in
your residence for the previous 6 months, or who are listed as
dependents on your most recent Federal income tax return
whether or not they live in your residence. For their income to
be considered, these household members or dependents must be
willing to make their income available for the support of the
sponsored immigrant(s) if necessary, and to complete and sign
Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household
Member. However, a household member who is the immigrant
you are sponsoring only need complete Form I-864A if his or her
income will be used to determine your ability to support a
spouse and/or children immigrating with him or her."

I guess this would help.

Thank You,(Not an attorney)