CAn anyone suggest anything?

William! What action can be taken??

william419 said:
Hi Lazer,

I don't have the reason why yours is not approved yet, but I know there are cases with ND August 2000 still not approved yet. For instance, someone told me that there was about 160 asylee with ND 08/10/2000 (LIN#002315xxxx), about 100 got approved in June and July, remaining cases are still pending there. NSC already received their RFI information. Probably, NSC is still waiting to receive their BIO or waiting FBI to check their records. If you are sure your RFI and BIO infomation has been received by NSC, you just need to wait for few more weeks or a month before you plan to take other action.

No idea

Lazerthegreat said:
William! What action can be taken??

Hi Lazer,

I really don't have the answer for you. As I pointed out in my last post, just wait for few more weeks or one month. It took about two months for NSC to process 2/3 of the cases filed in one of the notice dated August 2000 plus others as well, so it should take about the same amount of time to process cases received in October 2000. Don't get offended, this is just an estimated. Anything is possible to happen.

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That is factually incorrect.

They are at least approving some of ND 2001 cases. My cousin's case was approved last week; his ND is Feb 2001. Mine is March 2001, but no approval. :mad:

Anyway, just done Bio. We'll see.
Proof it

windywd said:
That is factually incorrect.

They are at least approving some of ND 2001 cases. My cousin's case was approved last week; his ND is Feb 2001. Mine is March 2001, but no approval. :mad:

Anyway, just done Bio. We'll see.

Hi Wind,

My A's case with ND Jan 2001 not even approved yet, how can your B's case with Fed 2001 get approved. As I mentioned earlier, the chance is very slim. Are the your the one in exception or the lucky one?

william419 said:
Hi Wind,

My A's case with ND Jan 2001 not even approved yet, how can your B's case with Fed 2001 get approved. As I mentioned earlier, the chance is very slim. Are the your the one in exception or the lucky one?



There will be hundreds, if not thousands, of asylees whose ND is early 2000 crying out "Why mine is not approved but they are approving Oct 2000 cases?" Immigration works in such a mysterious way that no one knows how they allocate the approval. Your best bet is to ask the attorney who has large number of asylee cases pending. He will tell you, from what he sees, the trend is. That is why I keep calling my attorney.
windywd said:

There will be hundreds, if not thousands, of asylees whose ND is early 2000 crying out "Why mine is not approved but they are approving Oct 2000 cases?" Immigration works in such a mysterious way that no one knows how they allocate the approval. Your best bet is to ask the attorney who has large number of asylee cases pending. He will tell you, from what he sees, the trend is. That is why I keep calling my attorney.

Hi Wind,

As you pointed out in your post "First-in first out: they will approve the case according to ND in a reasonable way. "Various factors caused delay of some cases" This is a typical BS from them", how can NSC process your case with ND April 2001 before those with ND October 2000. I agree with your attorney that NSC should process cases in reasonable way; that is why I told you it is ridiculous and unbelievable to hear someone saying their cases with ND Feb 2001 get approval.

I think you misunderstood a bit about what I said. "They" said that they would approve in a reasonable way, however various reason could cause delay. In other words, there is a strict timelog which lists the ND on a day-by-day basis. As long as they approve the block of cases within the defined time period, that is "reasonable" in their definition.

Plus, another excuse is the latter part of the sentense: "various factors, including the ones not of the applicant's fault, could cause delay".
windywd said:
I think you misunderstood a bit about what I said. "They" said that they would approve in a reasonable way, however various reason could cause delay. In other words, there is a strict timelog which lists the ND on a day-by-day basis. As long as they approve the block of cases within the defined time period, that is "reasonable" in their definition.

Plus, another excuse is the latter part of the sentense: "various factors, including the ones not of the applicant's fault, could cause delay".

Hi Wind,

I guess the NSC's time log at this time is to process all cases with ND 2000, not those cases filed in calendar year 2001.

I was told by my attorney's office that to their best knowledge, there are still ND 2001 cases got approved, in addition to my cousin's case.
windywd said:
I was told by my attorney's office that to their best knowledge, there are still ND 2001 cases got approved, in addition to my cousin's case.

Windywd, Who is your attorney? I would like to hire him to follow up on my case..
Lazerthegreat said:
William! What action can be taken??

Hi Lazer,

You may try your best to get the contact information of Wind's attorney. Her Attorny knows better than us.


My attorney works for Frank & York, LLC, in Newark, NJ. Their phone number is 973-642-1111.

But at this stage, I won't recommend both Lazer and Want use them, because they are EXPENSIVE.

FYI, as a result of some complaints of mail loss, INS is re-sending FP notices for ND 2002 or even 2003. Sorry to disappoint them, but their adjustment is still years away.
windywd said:

My attorney works for Frank & York, LLC, in Newark, NJ. Their phone number is 973-642-1111.

But at this stage, I won't recommend both Lazer and Want use them, because they are EXPENSIVE.

FYI, as a result of some complaints of mail loss, INS is re-sending FP notices for ND 2002 or even 2003. Sorry to disappoint them, but their adjustment is still years away.

Hi Wind,

You said that the adjustment of those cases with ND 2002 & 2003 is still "years" away, I guess "years" means at least two years or more. So, probably those cases with late ND 2001 should be around one year from now. Correct me if I am wrong.

According to published schedule, last ND 2001 cases are a year away. The more "accurate" calculation is to assume they are always 6 months consevative than published. So, if they say next year, we adjust until mid-2001 (I forgot exact when), then probably it is the end of 2001.

Now, since they are implying they are ahead of time, I really don't know how soon, neither does anyone.
windywd said:
According to published schedule, last ND 2001 cases are a year away. The more "accurate" calculation is to assume they are always 6 months consevative than published. So, if they say next year, we adjust until mid-2001 (I forgot exact when), then probably it is the end of 2001.

Now, since they are implying they are ahead of time, I really don't know how soon, neither does anyone.

Hi Wind,

As long as NSC still not changing the "Processing Time" 12/24/1999 on their website, I don't think they will move further from here.


That is the small trick they play to prevent people from calling. Imagine if they change to September 2000, how many people will call and ask "what the heck is going on?"
windywd said:

That is the small trick they play to prevent people from calling. Imagine if they change to September 2000, how many people will call and ask "what the heck is going on?"

Hi Wind,

Hard to judge what they are doing is right or wrong. I guess NSC has to clear all those cases filed before 12/24/1999. Once its done, NSC should move the date all the way to October 2000.

windywd said:

That is the small trick they play to prevent people from calling. Imagine if they change to September 2000, how many people will call and ask "what the heck is going on?"

Hi Wind,

Hard to judge what they are doing is right or wrong. I guess NSC has to clear all those cases filed before 12/24/1999. Once its done, NSC should move the date all the way to October 2000.

windywd said:

That is the small trick they play to prevent people from calling. Imagine if they change to September 2000, how many people will call and ask "what the heck is going on?"

Hi Wind,

Hard to judge what they are doing is right or wrong. I guess NSC has to clear all those cases filed before 12/24/1999. Once its done, NSC should move the date all the way to October 2000 or much more further.

I think they want to clear every case before the date they will publish.

If they publish 05/30/2005 now, I am sure they will receive a flood of calls.