CAn anyone suggest anything?


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Ok I am in a bit of panic mode..I havent gotten BIO and I sent my RFI in MARCH..while ppl with july 01 have gotten it. I called the bastards at USCIS and one lady I almost had a fight with because she said to wait 2 years siunce they are processing 12/99 cases and my case is 2 years away..Anyways How do i get through? What shall Ido? Can anyone suggest anything? Should i just be patient ? Should I hire a lawyer? Send letters?

CAn anyone help me find a solution..because its ruining my sleep :(...
Quite honestly buddy! All I can tell you is to be patient... I am sort of in the same mode... people ND 04/01 have GC's and me 10/00 nothing.. :(
Not sure what your finances are but please consider hiring an AILA attorney. They can easily get you back on track. I had many issues and finally can sleep. Good attorney is WORTH all the money!!!!
wantmygcnow said:
Ok I am in a bit of panic mode..I havent gotten BIO and I sent my RFI in MARCH..while ppl with july 01 have gotten it. I called the bastards at USCIS and one lady I almost had a fight with because she said to wait 2 years siunce they are processing 12/99 cases and my case is 2 years away..Anyways How do i get through? What shall Ido? Can anyone suggest anything? Should i just be patient ? Should I hire a lawyer? Send letters?

CAn anyone help me find a solution..because its ruining my sleep :(...

Hi wantmygcnow.

My suggestion to you is make appointment info pass and go to local office tell them to check your case that why I did today the I/O told me they send to me FP for the first time in 2001 I had told her I never receive and when I called last week the BCIS and spoke with one the receptionist and I had told him to verifier if any FP has been out he said nothing has been send out to me That why I had decide to make appointment a go find out thank GOD I have done my FP & BIO today.

Good luck to you.
douls said:
Hi wantmygcnow.

My suggestion to you is make appointment info pass and go to local office tell them to check your case that why I did today the I/O told me they send to me FP for the first time in 2001 I had told her I never receive and when I called last week the BCIS and spoke with one the receptionist and I had told him to verifier if any FP has been out he said nothing has been send out to me That why I had decide to make appointment a go find out thank GOD I have done my FP & BIO today.

Good luck to you.

Hi everyone.

This I went to the local office for my case because I never done any FP in the pass, so the immigration officer I had spoken was tell me to wait until I got a notice from NSC something like writing, I had told I called The BCIS last and spoke with one of Immigration officer who is the one told me to make appointment and came to the local office and then she verifying the record and she had told me their send me the FP in 2001, I had to her I never received and than she gave me paper to go to the Service Center to do Code "3" that mean the FP & BIO, today my online status has been Changed.

I wish good luck to anyone do not receive FP and BIO.
next to any change in my case, I am hoping for you to get your BIO soon. I hope you will get it. I was just like you few days back. I sent them a letter asking that I did not get my BIO. I am not sure if it helps but soon I got it. now I am waiting for my appt day.
wantmygcnow -

I would suggest the same thing as qsheba - you NEED to send a letter to the director of NSC. It DOES help! I know this for a fact. Although I have never sent a letter about my GC, I have on two occasions sent a letter about other applications pending in that center. On both occasions, the Immigration Officer or adjudicator was messing around with my file and causing unnecessary delays. For example, one time they sent my TD with the wrong name and data. After sending it back and following their instructions they had the nerve to tell me that I would have to repay the application fee and on top of that my file was lost. Well, I will tell you that after writing a letter to the directors office, my issue was personally resolved.

When sending the letter, please include as many facts as possible. For example, include a copy of your I-485 receipt, a copy of any correspondence you got from NSC regarding the I-485 application, and any 'proof' you can get to show them that dates after your case have been approved or that they have started sending BIOs to 2001 cases.

I did some research for you and below is the address to send the letter as well as the link to the page:

Customer Feedback:
We strive to provide quality service to our customers. If we have not lived up to this commitment, we would like to know. If we have met or exceeded your expectations, please let us know that as well. To comment on the services provided at this office, please write to the Center Director, at:
USCIS Nebraska Service Center
P.O. Box 82521
Lincoln, NE 68501-2521

Note in the heading of the letter and on the envelope: "FOR THE PERSONAL ATTENTION OF THE DIRECTOR."

Please remember to always send your correspondence to NSC via registered mail so you have a record of when it was delivered and who signed for it. I wish you luck and hope to hear something positive about your case real soon!
what I did is just a simple letter stating my case, including my time line. I send it to the same adress from where we got the RFI. it was a simple Dear Sir/Madam type of letter.
hope that will help
when you called the USCIS, did you talk to Immigration officer?
what route did you go? because its kinda confusing they have so many options.
pingz82 said:
when you called the USCIS, did you talk to Immigration officer?
what route did you go? because its kinda confusing they have so many options.

I got my biometrics..I called them again on friday and I LIED!!! I told them that I am a refugee applicant and I applied in 2001..she transferred me to an Officer and I asked him politely if biometrics were sent and he didn't know but said would send a refferal..and boom I got them..! Thank the lord
HOw they let you pass through. When you told them you are a refugee, usually they ask for LIN #. Did you give them your correct LIN?
i gave them my lin # but they had no clue what type of application it was. When I had told them it was an ASYLEE before..they had said they are processing Dec 1999 cases so i have to wait 2 years...I just had to talk an officer...The lady even asked me when did i submit my application..what year..even though I gave her lin# but the dumbo wasn't trained to know that LIN01 means submitted in 01..
My LIN starts with 01 and my ND is Oct 2000. Does this mean that even I filed in 2000, the next fiscal year "2001" had started from Oct 2000???
Fiscal Year of US Government

Lazerthegreat said:
My LIN starts with 01 and my ND is Oct 2000. Does this mean that even I filed in 2000, the next fiscal year "2001" had started from Oct 2000???

Hi Lazer,

US Government's fiscal year begins on October 1 of the previous calendar year and ends on September 30 of the year with which it is numbered. You filed your case in October 2000, so their system will automatically generate a LIN# begin with "01" instead of "00". You don't have to worry about the fiscal year; it has nothing to do with adjusting your case.

You are not alone

Lazerthegreat said:
Thanks William!

Hi Lazer,

I don't have the reason why yours is not approved yet, but I know there are cases with ND August 2000 still not approved yet. For instance, someone told me that there was about 160 asylee filed in one of the notice dated August 2000, about 100 got approved in June and July, remaining cases are still pending there. NSC already received their RFI information. Probably, NSC is still waiting to receive their BIO or waiting FBI to check their records. If you are sure your RFI and BIO infomation has been received by NSC, you just need to wait for few more weeks or a month before you plan to take other action.

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Very Possible

windywd said:
that doesn't make sense.

there are early 2000 cases which have not been approved.

Hi Wind,

It is very likely that early 2000 cases are still pending. Mismanagement of USCIS is very common on this day. In the recent statement dated 07/01/2005 ( from AILF who is successfully won the asylee lawsuit against INS points out that NSC is expected to process cases with notice date up to May 30, 2000 ( at this time. However, NSC is already approving I-485 up to October 2000 now. Probably this is not mismanagement of USCIS; I guess they are using "First Come First Serve" strategy. That means they will approve those cases with completed documents received by them. I believe NSC will still find out who are those left behind the game before they start to move further in processing cases filed in calendar year 2001.

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