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Called KCC - Threads Merged

I just want to make clear this "season timed out " case. If you get "has not been selected " message,just press refresh,and you'll get season timed out.
I just want to make clear this "season timed out " case. If you get "has not been selected " message,just press refresh,and you'll get season timed out.

Yes - and you can cause it with pressing the back button and multiple browsers. However, that is not what we are talking about.
I am still getting the ''session timed out'' error here. Britsimon, I wanted to pm you but I don't see an option on your profile. Can you or anyone enlighten me on how to proceed?

Edit: I saw on the facebook consular page that the message is due to overload and should clear up in the coming days. Well, I guess that solved my question.
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I'm very skeptical about this phone call,I have a feeling the dont want to tell the real truth.
Well i don't know really, i found it on a some forum so i posted ( people wanting proof). Already got my Not selected hahah
I don't know why people are relying on DV lottery, we supposed to know the probability of getting not selected is very high it is like 99.99999999% so please people DV lottery is a lottery. There are other ways to get there maybe you can try asylum
they do not think there is a problem, so that's it - maybe winners call them from everywhere ..and its no issue
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It is possible these muppets don't know the issue. When you log in to check - they will know you checked. Wjhat they might not know is that the system fails to advise you of the win...

In 2012, when the glitch happened, the ladies at KCC responded that all was well.even after information was on the forums about the inconsistency, the e-mails and calls made to KCC never admitted anything till after the official statement was out. Remember the ladies are just customer-care representatives.They may not know anything beyond cross-checking stuff.They are not IT people.All they know is that thousands of winners are supposed to confirm winning. So right now, i choose not to believe what they say now...till i see a snap shot of a legitimate winner notification. Of all those selected, its weird that no one confirms it with a snap shot.Come on guys, we are a social media generation. We share almost everything! Keep calm
I agree @MorningmyGC@7. The people you speak to at KCC are at the end of the line, so to speak, in that they deliver information regarding what is in front of them / what they say. They aren't programmers who can troubleshoot your problem over the phone.