Called IIO now..


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The lady said that my case is still pending and will hear hopefully within the next 30-60 days. I conveyed to her abt the new weight-loosing technique and that we might float their stock soon:p
No officer has given me any timeframe till today unlike this IIO. So, I have heard all different kinds of excuses from them. No excuse is left out.:D
Re: whats ur rd?

Originally posted by patienceGC

The day I removed every single detail from my signature, you ask my RD huh !!:p
It is 9/24/01 and INS recd my RFE response on 12/03.
roran not to make your agony feel any smaller I have been waiting since earlier.
In my RFE it was stated 30-60 days and when I called up to complain that they were incompetent loafs she told me now it is 540 days.

I wonder what will happen when 540 days go up (in about 6 months for me). Perhaps sometime this lifetime?? Maybe my grand children will get to see the coveted green card and lay it on my grave with flowers!!! :p

I will finally be legally allowed to be buried in this country! :D
roran, GeeCee Saga, others

Are you considering going through your senator???

I have a strange feeling that these IIOs seek information about our background, especially if one has lived or worked in a terrorist target country or a Muslim dominated country (no offence meant please). I might be wrong. I for one lived in UAE and OMAN for a few years. Is that something that is common here???? Just thinking - cant think of other excuses....

RD OCt 1, 2001
ND Nov 20, 2001
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It may very well be possible and that is what may be taking so much time for our cases. And I am sure, yours and my case are assigned to the same officer as each officer gets assigned 200 cases at a time.

Can you enable private messages so that we can get in contact?

Re: roran, GeeCee Saga, others

Originally posted by dinosaur
Are you considering going through your senator???

I have a strange feeling that these IIOs seek information about our background, especially if one has lived or worked in a terrorist target country or a Muslim dominated country (no offence meant please). I might be wrong. I for one lived in UAE and OMAN for a few years. Is that something that is common here???? Just thinking - cant think of other excuses....

RD OCt 1, 2001
ND Nov 20, 2001

Never lived in any other country other than India and here. My name doesn't give rise to any kind of doubts:) .
What else can I think of?? I maintained my H1 status throughtout my period here, except that I am working on EAD for the past 7 months. The only excuse I can think of is my planetary positions are not right at this moment.:p
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Though you wrote in a satirical way, I can't help laughing as I also felt the same way every time whenever I think of INS and green card :D :D :D


Looks like my theory is wrong - see roran's mail. How do I enable private messages...??? thanks
Perhaps we will have to send a shuttle out to space to change their trajectory!
Actually you may not be wrong by a long shot. Actually I lived in the UAE all my life although I'm an Indian.
But I think the problem here is my hsuband through whom this whole mess is changed jobs prior to 180 days and the IIO asked us for about 200 pages worth of information. I believe he just got scared when he saw the size of the file and used it to prop his feet up rather than to go through it. ;)
Haaa.... back to the planets that's the easiest of the tasks. :D

I really like your sense of humor!!! Keep it going... Hope the journey ends soon so that all of us can start getting productive....

Originally posted by GeeCee Saga
roran not to make your agony feel any smaller I have been waiting since earlier.
In my RFE it was stated 30-60 days and when I called up to complain that they were incompetent loafs she told me now it is 540 days.

I wonder what will happen when 540 days go up (in about 6 months for me). Perhaps sometime this lifetime?? Maybe my grand children will get to see the coveted green card and lay it on my grave with flowers!!! :p

I will finally be legally allowed to be buried in this country! :D

If you are going to have kids here, they will be citizens. :)
Re: roran, GeeCee Saga, others

Originally posted by dinosaur
Are you considering going through your senator???

My RD is 08/17 and I Was issued a RFE in July 02. I replied to rfe and INS updated my status with rfe response rcvd on 08/20 and Ihave been waiting since. I did write to my local senator and rcvd a letter from senators aid stating that they contacted INS on my behalf and were told that there has been a delay in processing and I should hear something from the INS within 90 days..not very helpful anyway.
It has been 13 mnths since I completed my FP and someone tells me that INS will need new FP's after 15 months....:confused:
Hey what about the 540 day thingy. Doesn't it apply to you? Your 18 months will be up in March or already up depending on your date.
And I was feeling optimistc that I should hear something in the next 3 months :(
Teaches me not to expect too much from the INS! :eek:
I wonder what their next deadline should be?? Have you asked your lawyer to send a strong worded letter to the iNS? Then perhaps that's nto a good idea either considering they might just transfer the case.
Have to read my post abt using AP. At this point I am thinking I am lucky to be sitting here at work.If a sentor can't do anything what can a strong worded letter from my idiotic lawayer do.

You are having a long wait. Do you have anything common with what I stated in my prior post in this thread??? (lived/worked in a When did you contact the senator? There was a lull in processing during Nov and Dec 01, so did you contact senator during that time or was it recent?

I have lived in India all my life up until 6yrs ago when I came here. My case was sitting in work distribution area and this morning when I called up I was told that the case has finally been assigned.

Probably it's high time we should call ajmeri baba/chamundi baba/pundit maharaj. I guess we can rely on them more than the IIO's.:p