California SESA Tracker

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rnarsina said:
I got the response from EDD as below

Your case was reviewed on July 28th and an assessment notice was sent to your employer and the attorney of record. A response is due on or before September 13, 2004. Nothing else will happen with the case until the response is received. Once we get it, we will forward the case to DOL for a determination

What does this mean. Please can you explain this.

thank you.
Hi rnarsina,
You need to talk to your attorney to attend those comments made by SWA. I don't know what kind of assessment they want to make until we know exactly what they asked.
Please let us know once you know what they asked in your case.
Just a guess:
The assessment notice form SWA are mostly related to prevailing wage (It happens generally if salary mentioned in application is lower than prevailing wage for your position and even 5% variance might not be accepted). There can always be other reasons for the assessment notice though. Your employer/lawyer must have received some sort of communication regarding the same.
You need to contact them ASAP.
Good luck!!
dbshisode1 said:
Just a guess:
The assessment notice form SWA are mostly related to prevailing wage (It happens generally if salary mentioned in application is lower than prevailing wage for your position and even 5% variance might not be accepted). There can always be other reasons for the assessment notice though. Your employer/lawyer must have received some sort of communication regarding the same.
You need to contact them ASAP.
Good luck!!
Hi dbshisode1,
Yes, probably you are correct. Most of the times EDD talk about wages only but not in all the cases. It differs from case to case.
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Thanks everyone for the information and help. I am moving out of this thread onto the DOL thread. I am sure you all will tide over this SESA wave and join me there,where people seem to be dozing hoping that DOL will start processing some day :) Good luck !!!
Yes, I got the information from attorney. In my case , we need to clarify that the job requirements of a Masters degree plus 1.5 years experience is not excessive.

thanks for your help basss.

basss said:
Hi rnarsina,
You need to talk to your attorney to attend those comments made by SWA. I don't know what kind of assessment they want to make until we know exactly what they asked.
Please let us know once you know what they asked in your case.
Now it's CA EDD's turn to go on snail's pace. Still they are processing SEP 23, 2003 for RIR & APR 27, 2001 for Regular cases. Something is happening in EDD. Did they recieve any directions from Backlog Center?
If any body having good IQ, please guess on this issue.
My PD is 8/11/03. My lawyer has not heard if my case got transferred to DOL. Anybody else in the same position?

I also don't have my SESA case number. My lawyer won't give it to me. Is there a way to determine my case number? Can I determine my status without the case number?
basss said:
Now it's CA EDD's turn to go on snail's pace. Still they are processing SEP 23, 2003 for RIR & APR 27, 2001 for Regular cases. Something is happening in EDD. Did they recieve any directions from Backlog Center?
If any body having good IQ, please guess on this issue.
It's Amazing!!!!!
As of AUG 13 2004, CA EDD now processing on or before OCT 07, 2003 applications in RIR category and on or before APR 27, 2001 in Regular category.
It's great news!!!!!!!!!
Guys, Check your dates!!!!!!
Remanded Cases at CA SESA


Has anyone seen or is aware of any movement in the cases that got remanded back to State from DOL last year.

Case Details:

PD (CA SESA): Oct. 2001
RD (CA DOL) : Sept. 2002
Remanded back to State: Aug 2003
Still waiting and frustrated with the whole thing: Aug 2004.

Any pointers or information is highly appreciated.


No news for remanded cases. I don't think anything will happen before year end, specially with elections and the unpredictable signs shown by the economy data indicators. Up now, down the next day.

-- Thanks

scorpio76 said:

Has anyone seen or is aware of any movement in the cases that got remanded back to State from DOL last year.

Case Details:

PD (CA SESA): Oct. 2001
RD (CA DOL) : Sept. 2002
Remanded back to State: Aug 2003
Still waiting and frustrated with the whole thing: Aug 2004.

Any pointers or information is highly appreciated.

I am sure there are plenty of people to this regard. And also a lot who are probably in the sixth year of their H1s. If we can all get together and put pressure of some kind, it should help, perhaps start from the Local Congressman. This is an election year and time, Indian-American Community's help could be leveraged. If there is enough interest and people are interested, I can become the focal point and move in the direction. Anyone care to join?
That really is frustrating.
I read somewhere on the forum about CA DOL remanded cases. Many of them where remanded to state without even reviewing the case (at time around your case remand). The situation was corrected later by stop sending it back to state without review. I am not sure if your case belongs to those un-reviewed cases. But according to what I read those un-reviewed remanded cases are going back to DOL and that's why CA DOL is at crippling speed currently.
So it is possible that your case is at DOL (if it was remanded without review). If it was remanded after review, then most probably it is in regular labor queue and should retain the PD.
with u scorpio

There are a bunch of other folks who have just simply given up on CA SESA.
I too have given up,actually, I don't expect anything, but at least we should try. But the question what are our options?
SInce the immigrant community is so disorganized our employers and US govt can easily exploit us. We have no say in politics, we can't even donate to parties so noone really cares for us. With 65K of us coming to this country every year, we should deserve more respect. We do all the hard work, most of the citizens are busy partying while we get things done.
The policy of this govt is very clear, u can work here, but not get PR. They realize that they need our help but are not wiling to accept us in this country.
Every law that favors employers, (like 7th yr extensions), wherever a person can stay here and work longer, is passed. Anything that might be of any help to us takes forever for reviewing(PERM).
We should accept this fact, after all, we have the option to go back if we don't liek it here. But we all have reasons to be here and aspire for a GC. Things are changing now though, with so many tech companies investing in India, I am very open to going back now, I have gained enough experience and skills here and once I go back I can use them, it's a change after spending so much time here, some people maynot like it. But whatever happens happens for good. Hopefully one day these americans will realize our importance and beg us to come back here, and that day may not be far, and I am very very keen to contribute to it.
You know what? You are so damn right about returning! I cannot agree with you more on that. The question though still remains: Are we willing to find out ways to help ourselves or are we willing to just give up and accept it as a fate? I know I can exercise my right of returning any given day and man, it will be one of the best, but I wanna exercise that as my last option and fight before I go down... All I need to now know is how many are willing to stand by me and provide support. I will start this by myself and hope that someone will join...
Awright, i am with you,

maybe we should create another thread for this to get more visibility.
So, what are our options? letters? petitions?
There were some people on CHicago thread who discussed wiirting to someone at DOL, we can garner their support too. In fact, most of the people who are on this forum are somehow or the other affected.
I say we start with Letters and Petitions and also hold vigils outside their offices in SFO, Chicago and everywhere. Our lives are affected and our families are going through a lot of trouble because of this. I am speaking with a local reporter over the weekend and will try and get sometime with someone in SJ Mercury News, here in the BayArea. Someone will have to deal with this, and this might very well be the right time. As regards creating another Post... Sure I can go ahead and create one.
There is no harm is writing a letter

we should also write letters in papers and magazines.
I think, what we really need is some kinda organization, as long as we are divided and unaligned everyone will exploit us. Something like a union, just imagine if half of the immigrant professional call in a strike for a day! that will make an impact. What if all the immigrant professionals in Cisco,Microsoft, Oracle, Sun and other comapnies stop working for a day, call in sick. Is that going to be noticed by the market? govt? when these companies shut down there operations for a week around 4th July and Christmas, they save a lot of money, so even 1 day will make an impact. We need our voices to be heard.
We all are making relatively more than average american, it also means that we are more productive than them, pay higher taxes, pay for social security, isn't that a scam, almost govt rips us every year for almost 15 % of our paycheck. 7% our contribution and from employers. If we can't take any advantage of it why should we pay for it. They should also allow us to move our 401K savings to Indian's ppf, we need cooperation from US and India govt to agree to it.
How about having a timeline for the whole GC process, or some information about cases, someone who can tell us what is going on with the apps? after all we pay a lot for the applications? There should be a rule if they can't process the app in a certain time, refund the application money. Is it fair that they give some guidelines for rir and then change them without notice.
We can get assitance from NASSCOM and Indian Govt, if we can just get together and chip in some money we can hire lawyers and start suing DOL and DHS and all those useless dept's asses. We have enough number of people, but mobilization is a challenge.
It's back to the old saying, united we rule! There is a limit to how much unfairness can be tolerated, someone needs to take the initiative. We are all very well educated professionals, being harassed by the administration, it's high time we at least try to do something about it.
Still rampage continues!!!!!
As of AUG 19 2004, CA EDD now processing on or before OCT 16, 2003 applications in RIR category and on or before APR 27, 2001 in Regular category.
Guys, Check your dates!!!!!!
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Need Pre Approved Labor


Anybody has pre approved Labor ? or if you know anybody who has pre approved labor in california ....
Please contact me on my personal mail ID ...

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