California DOL (Regional) Tracking

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DOL is currently processing cases around mid september, 2002. They are charging ahead pretty fast, almost 2 mos worth of cases in a month, so I would say that if they keep up this speed, they should reach your case in the queue in 2-3 months. However, their processing speed tends to change dramatically, and this makes predictions very unreliable! Keep this is mind.:)

Faxing, emailing, calling are all great, but as I said, your case should be okay unless there is something really fishy about it.

T3K- one of the members of this board queries DOL's sytem every month and I looked into that file and until last year's August, it had 2 paralegals in the queue and both of them got approved:)
100% approval rate, can't get any better than that.

Good luck and have a nice 4th.
It's so strange how it is with IT. If you go through the June 24th snap shot. You'll see there positions approved such as "Janitor". How can a Janitor be a skilled worker who gets an approved labor certification and a Ph.D or a Masters degree with experience in IT is not!!!

Originally posted by AnaLC
Only computer related cases are affected. You as a paralegal should be okay. Other cases got approved in a reasonble time, DOL used to approve other than computer related occupations in a couple months, they now said to go by date, so no one really knows. You or your attorney should call DOL about your case and ask them how long it'll take.

Good luck,
it's not strange at all

There are several categories of LC (Eb1, Eb2, Eb3, etc...).
Employment based immigration is open to everybody who is in a in demand profession regardless of degree or skill. There are several categories -for example miner, janitor, pedicurist, chef, - that there are not enough americans for (or they are not willing to do the job as in the case of miners and janitors), hence they are considered shortage occupations and qualify under employment based immigration.

It appears from DOL's communication that they foresee an increasing demand for low skill occupations in the future and I suspect they will not give a hard time to these applications.
Besides, if you look at what was the sociological characteristic of the majority of american immigrants you will see that they have been historically either: A, very low skill, B, very highly skilled like world renowned scientists.
Large influx of moderately high skilled would be immigrants is a very recent phenomena and there is enermous political pressure on DOL not to let these immigrants into the country- particularly in this economy. This is a very short-sighted view in my opinion, but who am I to decide:)? Anyway, I am biased myself I guess...

We all are in the same boat.

We came to US on the invitation of companies here. We all gave up decently paid jobs in our country. We lived away our loved ones. During the tough economic times in california, each of us slogged and did the job of two or more people. And look at the way the labor department is rewarding us ? They made us wait two years to get to our application and now they are sending it back. Even a psycho will not treat someone this way.

In some other states, people are getting their LC cleared in few months. Why this discrimination ? Having contributed so much to california during tough times, we ought to be treated better.

They give GC to illegal immigrants, polical asylum seekers and even so called GC Lottery. But, when it comes to hard working, law abiding, legally admitted immigrants, they are making such a big fuss.

Will someone make the DOL understand our sufferings and make them see our side of the story. Is there some DOL website where in we can express our situation ?
Re: RIR ad question reply from INS


I also received an RFE from SESA (it was a different one) and they did forwarded it to DOL after my lawyer replied. If your lawyer can send a satisfactory response, they will FWD it to DOL since they don't usually decide on the case and just make sure that everything is done in the correct format.


Originally posted by Ray S.
DOL gurus have any of you during your SESA days recd. a letter
from INS requesting clarification on the ad placed?
what're the chances that this will not complicate my RIR
application? any similar experience? can you post it?
Labor Cleared

Hi all,

I checked the AVM and came to know that my labor has been certified on June 27, 2003. So cheer up, I am sure there's hope out there. Today only I recieved papers from our HR Manager.

My details are as below:
DOT code: 999.151-031
Receipt date SESA - Aug 28, 2001
Received at DOL - July 15, 2002
Actual receipt date at DOL - July 22, 2002
Received RFE & replied - Sometime in May (HR did not provide much info).
Certified - June 27, 2003.

I am working for a medium size consulting company in Southern California , no layoffs. Skillsets VB, COM, ASP, visual foxpro.

Wishing you all the very best and see you guys in 140-485 forums.
-EB3Aug2001 :)
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Congratulations to EB3Aug2001

EB3Aug2001, Congratulation!!

You mentioned that your company is small. My question is How many employees does it have (<20 or 30)? My skill set is similar to yours with RD Dec 2002.
desi pardesi

Hi Desi PArdesi

I have edited my posting. ITs a medium size consulting company with employee size 120-150.
any idea of which day in Sep DOL is processing?

I have an IT related RIR LC waiting for remand on Sep 26, 2002. Anybody heard of DOL remanding on this date already or it's still a couple days to go?

H1 Extension due to Pending Labor

Hi folks, I am an architect working in CA in a medium sized firm. We did not have much layoffs in our firm but the profession in general has been hit hard due to the current downturn....plenty of layoffs in general. I guess we are in the same boat as IT professionals.
Good luck to us all.

DOT code: 999.173-011
Received at DOL - Feb 2003

I have a questions on extension of H1 due to the pending LC for over a year. What happens if the H1 has been extended for 1 year and later the Labor is rejected? is there a connection??

any comments?
Sep 02 Cases

DOL has not updated cases received on 09/23/02 for over a week based on AVM. Just wondering whether they changed the policy on remanding all IT RIR cases to state. Or maybe DOL guys are having a long July 4. vacation.
Re: Sep 02 Cases

Probably the they were on vacation. They are not as advanced as the INS systems apparently that get to be updated automatically once they process it.

Originally posted by stan01
DOL has not updated cases received on 09/23/02 for over a week based on AVM. Just wondering whether they changed the policy on remanding all IT RIR cases to state. Or maybe DOL guys are having a long July 4. vacation.
Priority date question

If a LC application is remanded to state do we keep both SESA and DOL dates ?
Hi all,

The situation right now is really bad. There is no any hope for applications after July 2001. Are there any actions we can take to change it?

DOL Aug'02 cases

There are a few cases in my company with an RD of early Aug'02 that still show a status of 'Received' (both AVM and email). But the current processing month as per AVM is Sep'02.

Is it more likely that the status on those early Aug cases as per AVM is wrong (may be it is not updated for NOFs, Remand etc) or they truly haven't processed them yet?

Are there similar cases with other companies where the fate of some of the older cases not known yet?
Re: DOL Aug'02 cases

I think there is great chance that those cases have been issued NOFs which might be good news. BTW, are those cases IT related.

I happened to hear a Sept. 02 case with DOT code 191-012 that has been certified recently. Any one know what's the occupation for that code?

Originally posted by popsy
There are a few cases in my company with an RD of early Aug'02 that still show a status of 'Received' (both AVM and email). But the current processing month as per AVM is Sep'02.

Is it more likely that the status on those early Aug cases as per AVM is wrong (may be it is not updated for NOFs, Remand etc) or they truly haven't processed them yet?

Are there similar cases with other companies where the fate of some of the older cases not known yet?
Re: Re: DOL Aug'02 cases

You can find all the SOC Occupations and code at
Could not find a occupation for the code you have provided. The 19.. series is for '19-0000 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations'.

Originally posted by stan01
I think there is great chance that those cases have been issued NOFs which might be good news. BTW, are those cases IT related.

I happened to hear a Sept. 02 case with DOT code 191-012 that has been certified recently. Any one know what's the occupation for that code?
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