buying car w/o social

Addie_Goodvibes said:
I hope he doesn't live anywhere north of Chula Vista AKA "chulajuana"


You gotta chill man.


Buying gap insurance should cost almost nothing. For my two cars gap insurance is about $30 per 6 months for a 2004 and a 2006. Definitely get it.
eddie_d said:
All depends on here he lives. Some states don't even require insurance at all.
True. In California you need insurance before you drive the car from the dealer, is that where you are Inquistor?
TheRealCanadian said:
No, I mean that you eat the loss yourself. That's what self-insurance is.
Depends where you are(!). In some states if you "self insure" you are required to get a bond, others require you to get a court judgement proving you can be self-insured. "Self Insurance" is a lot more than just not getting insurance, as in most states you have to forfill some legal requirement to either be insured or prove that you have the money to "self-insure".
TheInquisitor said:
i am waiting for ead and have no social yet. but i do have an id and could get license. my mother will co-sign for me. will my itin be good enough? will this be for credit? let's face it, they have to repo the car before i get ead, future vendors will know about it. and once i get ead, i will update records.

have anyone here bought anything before getting ead and have that be on their fico score?

Don't waste your time getting a loan or something. Just wait for your EAD, find a job and save up some money and get yourself a car. CASH. Cars don't cost much 1200$ i got mine Chevy 1998.
Don't finance... anything or else you'll get screwed..
You have a CLEAN (record) SSN (soon) don't destroy it....

Good luck
TheInquisitor said:
why? i will have a legal valid license and have insurance. and don't worry, not buying a hummer or some truck.
Nobody will give you insurance without SSN... I have tried everything couple of months and couldn't do anything. Had to WAIT (patients) to receive EAD. (i got it few days ago) finished everything and it's all good.
Addie_Goodvibes said:
That ninny had made it clear he does not respect the laws of this country, he advocates fraud, criminal activity, and of course this fool will, in fact I would bet $$ he already has or is driving w/out liscense or insurance, has worked or currently is working illegally, it is what he represents and stands for, NOT integtrity or honesty but criminal defiance.
Its fools like that ninny that make it neccesary for myself and other LEGAL drivers to have to pay uninsured motorist premiums.

They don't care about rules or laws and will do everything possible to manupulate the sytem

I just got one thing to say here, if "immigrants" regardless of their status don't work, who is feeding them? %65 of them are High School Graduates who are barely entering the work force, most of them where brought here as children, regardless of their choice, and just like that, you want them to return to their country! When all their family is residing In the US, if you have a plan please share, cause at this point in time you will be standing alone! BECAUSE NOT EVEN THE US GOVERNMENT KNOWS EXACTLY HOW TO SOLVE THIS! Even then I am lead to believe THAT THE US GOVERNMENT IS STILL MORE COMPASIONATE ABOUT OUR IMMIGRANTS.
Immigrants are called criminals, for crimes they personally didn't commit, here im focusing on the young work force who like US citizens grew up in this culture and have friends, now you want to divide and say that, the solution is for them to return to there country!

Basicly you come down to this, you are stereotyping immigrants as law braker, crimminals, I say everyone who agrees here with me blocks you and your negative inputs, I completely understand and see you point of view, but what I am asking you to see is the "Forest and not just the tree ahead of you" like the Goventment does. :) :) :mad: :D :cool:
TheInquisitor said:
i am waiting for ead and have no social yet. but i do have an id and could get license. my mother will co-sign for me. will my itin be good enough? will this be for credit? let's face it, they have to repo the car before i get ead, future vendors will know about it. and once i get ead, i will update records.

have anyone here bought anything before getting ead and have that be on their fico score?

I haven't read other replies on this thread, but based on my experience...

1. ITIN, (depending on the state you live in), i am afraid might give you problems getting a loan or a drivers license.
2. You cannot buy a car if you dont have a drivers license. I went through this embarassing situation. Had a temporary permit (you know that paper receipt DMV prints for you when you clear your written test), bought the car, dealer called me two days later and told me they made a mistake and i should leave the car with the dealer (it is against state law to sell a vehicle to a person without an ID) till i have a valid drivers license with my name and photo on it. I was without my car for 10 days.
3. You need to have insurance at the time of buying a car... OR you buy insurance from the dealer at the same time you buy the car (which is really expensive). Again, no drivers license means you cannot buy insurance either.
4. Since it will be your first time buying an insurance, the premium will be really high unless your agent knows some tricks. If your mom already has insurance, she can add you as an additional driver, but that would jack up her premium as you dont have a driving record here. Again, no drivers license means she cannot add you to her policy.
5. No credit history will mean high APR unless the dealer has some promotion going on. Look out for deals and sales events.

My advice would be to first wait for EAD, then get SSN, get your drivers license, then buy your car, apply for loan (be prepared for high APR). I just happened to glance at one of your posts, If you are talking about 4K-7K, try to pay cash down and avoid all the hassles if you can (ask your mom if she can do that for you and you can repay her back). OR, if you can manage to get a credit card after you get your SSN, buy the car on your credit card. (New cards sometimes give a 12 months 0% APR, but i doubt your startup credit limit would be enought to cover the cost of the car)
MillionaireMind said:
I just got one thing to say here, if "immigrants" regardless of their status don't work, who is feeding them? %65 of them are High School Graduates who are barely entering the work force, most of them where brought here as children, regardless of their choice, and just like that, you want them to return to their country! When all their family is residing In the US, if you have a plan please share, cause at this point in time you will be standing alone! BECAUSE NOT EVEN THE US GOVERNMENT KNOWS EXACTLY HOW TO SOLVE THIS! Even then I am lead to believe THAT THE US GOVERNMENT IS STILL MORE COMPASIONATE ABOUT OUR IMMIGRANTS.
Immigrants are called criminals, for crimes they personally didn't commit, here im focusing on the young work force who like US citizens grew up in this culture and have friends, now you want to divide and say that, the solution is for them to return to there country!

Basicly you come down to this, you are stereotyping immigrants as law braker, crimminals, I say everyone who agrees here with me blocks you and your negative inputs, I completely understand and see you point of view, but what I am asking you to see is the "Forest and not just the tree ahead of you" like the Goventment does. :) :) :mad: :D :cool:

What are you referring to? My reply that you quoted said nothing about sending anyone home. I never stereo typed Immigrants as law breakers, Most immigrants are legal law abiding memebers of society it is the few ILLEGAL CRIMINALS that DEFRAUD innocent people by stealling Identities, Driving illegally without being finaicially repsonsible for their acts that I was refferencing. I was directing my reply at inquisitor and not only this post , but most of his other ignorant spewing and ranting. My reply that you quoted said nothing about sending anyone home. So I suggest you Belt up and go muck about somewhere else and stop making up stories I support DREAM ACT for children of illegal immigrants, I do NOT SUPPORT driving illegally, working illegally, identity theft and all other criminal activities that define illegal !
If a legal immigrant gets caught driving without liscense/ insurance they will be arrested have car towed and be made to pay huge fines, I advocoate STRICT penalties for LAW breakers simple as that! I never said anything about sending any children back to their home. Children of illegal immigrants are not criminals Their parents ARE IF they entered the country illegally, Comit felony fraud by obtaining fake SS# and using these fake numbers to obtain employement illegally & if they are driving illegally all the fore mentioned are Criminal ACTS and should be punished accordingly.

So I suggest you Belt up and go muck about somewhere else and stop making up stories I REST YOUR CASE
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Addie_Goodvibes said:
I hope he doesn't live anywhere north of Chula Vista AKA "chulajuana"

I enjoyed this tremendously! Or at least keep him off the bridge to Coronado where my 2nd home is! But then again - that won't solve your problem ....sorry - being selfish he he

I feel your pain in being mad at the illegals. But your anger is directed at the wrong people. The illegals come here because they know the system has been set up where they CAN come here. The CAN live off welfare. The CAN get free health care. They CAN get a free education, etc. Is someone offerred you all those freebies, would you say no?

Where your anger should be directed are the politicians who allow this to happen. If the government were serious, illegal immigration would stop tomorrow and within a year all illegals would be gone. All they'd have to do is fine any employer that hires an illegal. Make the fine $10K per person, raid a few high profile places, run some companies out of business, and believe me, noody would hire any more illegals and the ones here would start going home on their own. No fences are needed, no deportations, no national guard on theborder just some freakin' common sense.

But obviously the government is not serious, quite the opposite. They're pushing for amnesty. I'm not pointing fingers at any party - they're both equally to blame. But blaming the illegals themselves is really useless.
well, my friend doesn't really know i don't have a social, but he will do his best to see how to put me in. will have to be with my mother. and a local dealer tells me i can buy with a permit. here in florida one could get a license with the receipts of ead and i-485. one does not need to wait for ead.

the thing is that i don't want some old car or with too many miles. and i really need a car so i can go out and things like that. and ead is at least 90 days away.
Presently in florida the DMV procedures are strict and they cannot open a file without the SSN. For the written test some of the offices do put in a ficticious number - all 9's but for the actual driving test they need your SSN. In any case you won't get a year long valid license without a SSN.
If you have stayed in Florida for 6 months you are a resident and need a license to drive...unless ofcourse you have a valid license (in English) from another country based on which you can drive for upto 30 days of getting legally employed.
I have been told ( Not verified)that Without an EAD you get a temporary license valid for 30 days..extendable upto a max of 90.I am NOT sure if any car dealer will sell you a car based on that.
Why can't your mother buy the car for you on her name? Unless ofcourse she doesn't want to be increase her insurance costs.
I would recommend ..hand on for the EAD..apply for the SSN..get a driving license and then buy the car or transfer the ownership.
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just got an id that is valid for two years. bene told i could get a license. for how many days, don't know. but i could get one. they do ask for an alien number. the i-485 receipt has one and that will be the number i wil use until i become a citizen.

either way we will spend more money on insurance. we will see if my mother buys the car or not. and sometimes i am stuck in the house and can't leave. and since it could rain at any given point here in florida, i don't want to walk and get caught in the rain. and i mean rain. and there is some constrcution going on and that means mud. used to go to a gym. my mother took me there and then i walked 45 minutes back home. now my mother works and can't even take me there. so that is like 90 minutes of walking. and with rain or hot sun, it sucks. i would do it, but i get home from work too late sometimes and then have to wake up early. since i stopped going to the gym, my weight has gone up. so that isn't good. will try to go this week. and sometimes i want to go places and i can't.

while a social is critical for any credit, i understand that sometimes they have a file on you even if one has no social. they might have your name and address and things like that. is there a way to find out?
IM85U said:
So the people breaking the law aren't responsible for their own actions? That's what's wrong with this country (I don't know about others) - no one is responsible for themselves any more.

Fine blame the illegals all you want. They will keep coming, because they couldn't care less what you think. The only way to stop the flow is by creating an inhospitable cimate for them and that is only possible by government action.
eddie, don't think for a second is that easy. and you want that to happen, you must make a deal. and yes, that is more important to do and that is why 1986 failed. and border patrol would rather have that than some fence.

as for the free wlefare thing. i am sorry. you are wrong. you just are. period. those that do get them use fake documents. the system thinks they are legal, so the system gives them benefits. and having lou dobbs getting angry and make laws that say that illegal aliens can't get welfare is a joke since that is already the case. the law is redundant.

you really care about america and its people eddie? do you? well, you then have to focus on fraud in general. people that truly know how programs like welfare work and what really happens in those programs will laugh in your face if you bring up illegal aliens. they will point out that fraud by citizens if much higher and worse. they will tell you that if you really care about america, you will put in ant-fraud measures. how do you think the "welfare queens" (almost all citizens) got ten welfare checks? so do you want to stop all fraud or just the fraud from illegals? but then that will mean you will deal with tons of other issues. both the far-left and the far-right will come after you.

eddie, you could either be lou dobbs and know zero about the issues, or you could actually help the country. you could stop welfare fraud by illegals w/o even bringing them up. stop citizens and in turn you will stop illegals. do you know that the only provision from proposition 187 that actually made into law is the one that said one couldn't use fake documents to get benefits? hello!! that law should be in place illegals or no illegals.