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Bulletin now updated for DV 2008

Amazing, 5800 for Europe. Good luck to all of you.

Would be interesting why it is so high.
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yey finally.
sorry if i'm being silly but it means that cut-off number of October for Asia is 2100?sadly i don't have a clue how bulletins work...:eek:

EDIT : never mind. i understood.
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Good question, and I have no answer and the whole thing is mystic to me.

Take a look at the Bulletin for July 2007. If you count the CNs (DV-2007), you get a number >70.000. For me, that means there must be a very high rate of winners who did not return the forms or are disqualified. Otherwise the numbers would not make any sense.
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Good question, and I have no answer and the whole think is mystic to me.

Take a look at the Bulletin for July 2007. If you count the CNs (DV-2007), you get a number >70.000. For me, that means there must be a very high rate of winners who did not return the forms or are disqualified. Otherwise the numbers would not make any sense.

Yea I have to say the whole thing is a mystery. I was very surprised to see that the UKRAINE in the EU got only 5018 NL’s. I mean if 50% of the qualified entrants to the draw were from the Ukraine (600,000 of 1.2 million), and the winners were truly selected at random then the amount of winners should have been way higher then 20% of total NL’s. Obviously the draws are not as straight forward as I had first thought. Who knows what way they do them.

More or less 50% of the NL’s went to the following in the EU.

TURKEY 2,188

So the EU problematic countries will definitely be UKRAINE and UZBEKISTAN, I think you will see restrictions on their cut off numbers after a few months of the bulletins, but it all depends on the take up I guess.
I was very surprised to see that there were 1469 NL’s sent to Germany too, that is very high for an economic giant like Germany, it all make for interesting reading anyway.

Guys I was in the last 200 to be selected for my region, talk about the skin of my teeth!
Well I will have a proper look at al the numbers when I get a chance and post some more observations about other regions.
Yea I have to say the whole thing is a mystery. I was very surprised to see that the UKRAINE in the EU got only 5018 NL’s. I mean if 50% of the qualified entrants to the draw were from the Ukraine (600,000 of 1.2 million), and the winners were truly selected at random then the amount of winners should have been way higher then 20% of total NL’s. Obviously the draws are not as straight forward as I had first thought. Who knows what way they do them.

More or less 50% of the NL’s went to the following in the EU.

TURKEY 2,188

So the EU problematic countries will definitely be UKRAINE and UZBEKISTAN, I think you will see restrictions on their cut off numbers after a few months of the bulletins, but it all depends on the take up I guess.
I was very surprised to see that there were 1469 NL’s sent to Germany too, that is very high for an economic giant like Germany, it all make for interesting reading anyway.

Guys I was in the last 200 to be selected for my region, talk about the skin of my teeth!
Well I will have a proper look at al the numbers when I get a chance and post some more observations about other regions.

Yes, it quite interestin that the Germans are applying for DV lottery. Yeah, America might be a country that is hated by all cuz of the war in Iraq but you know what, everyone wants to live in America and live the american dream. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

lol well I think one thing is clear we are all here on this forum and involved in the DV-Lottery for similar reasons ;)

Anyway guys, help me out here, why... when I add up the numbers for the AF region am I only getting 53,511, but yet we had people reporting NL's case numbers 0f 65,000 -all the way up to 68,000. rob where are you!!! you had a number of 68XXX right?

I don’t get it. These numbers just do not add up, and I don’t like it when numbers don’t add up.
Anyone any Ideas what’s going on?
lol well I think one thing is clear we are all here on this forum and involved in the DV-Lottery for similar reasons ;)

Anyway guys, help me out here, why... when I add up the numbers for the AF region am I only getting 53,511, but yet we had people reporting NL's case numbers 0f 65,000 -all the way up to 68,000. rob where are you!!! you had a number of 68XXX right?

I don’t get it. These numbers just do not add up, and I don’t like it when numbers don’t add up.
Anyone any Ideas what’s going on?

I was also suprised, since they have reported CN 68000, is it possible that the numbers arent increasing +1, but who knows, or might the guy overlooked the CN (might was 6800 not 68000 :eek: ).
It is great to finally see the official notification and the breakdown of the results. Even with numbers that don't seem to add up, it all makes for rather interesting reading.
I agree with you mate, My CN is 55XXX which is higher than the 53,511 winners announced for Africa, anyone care to possibly shed some light on this?

I am inclined to take the AF numbers published with a pinch of salt. The only explanation is that the CN’s are not actually issued one after the other. There HAS to be gaps, it’s the only answer. Although the reported EU CN’s seem to add up more or less on the nail.
Its just the AF numbers seem miles out. So those of you with high CN’s for Africa maybe its not so bad after all!! :)
I am inclined to take the AF numbers published with a pinch of salt. The only explanation is that the CN’s are not actually issued one after the other. There HAS to be gaps, it’s the only answer. Although the reported EU CN’s seem to add up more or less on the nail.
Its just the AF numbers seem miles out. So those of you with high CN’s for Africa maybe its not so bad after all!! :)

That maybe true, especially since I've seen others with a higher number than mine, I can recall seeing an AF69XXX number in the forums. I just dont understand why there would be gaps to be fairly honest with you. Thanks for your input by the way!
lol well I think one thing is clear we are all here on this forum and involved in the DV-Lottery for similar reasons ;)

Anyway guys, help me out here, why... when I add up the numbers for the AF region am I only getting 53,511, but yet we had people reporting NL's case numbers 0f 65,000 -all the way up to 68,000. rob where are you!!! you had a number of 68XXX right?

I don’t get it. These numbers just do not add up, and I don’t like it when numbers don’t add up.
Anyone any Ideas what’s going on?

ok...the cause is simple.at first kcc anounced somthing about 68000 winner in africa but perhaps in turning back the documents some are disqualified or some documents is missed,so the reminder are about 53000!:rolleyes:
ok...the cause is simple.at first kcc anounced somthing about 68000 winner in africa but perhaps in turning back the documents some are disqualified or some documents is missed,so the reminder are about 53000!:rolleyes:

That has to be the answer, it’s the only way there could be such high case numbers. However this raises a new question, one that I have asked before but never gotten a good answer for.

The figures that were just published, are they
A) the total number of NL’s sent
B) the total number of initial applications that have been returned by winners?

The thing is, technically I could still be sitting on my forms, I mean my number wont come current till August 2008 if I am lucky? What’s the rush? Now the reality is that I sent my form back as soon as I was happy with the information and had recorded the details that I had filled in. But if I was for some reason sitting on my forms as maybe some people might be, then how can the numbers that were just published be in anyway reliable? So there is no way of knowing the total number of participants in the program till its finished.
If this is the total number of returned forms then it makes sense that there may be a deficit for the very reason you said (missing forms/disqualified entry’s), but more forms may be lodged in the next few months which kind of defeats the purpose of publishing the result statistics in the first place as they may change, does this make any sense?
Maybe publishing the statistics is just a PR exercise and no useful information can be gained from them.

Thoughts anyone??

In general what do people think these statistics relate to A or B above?
DV 2008 Numbers

There is a discussion going on here in this thread regarding DV numbers.

I just want to know whether it is about DV 2007 or DV 2008 numbers.

If it is about DV 2008 then can someone provide the source from which these numbers for different regions have been taken. I am not talking about cut off numbers for October rather I am talking about the number of NL's.
The figures that were just published, are they
A) the total number of NL’s sent
B) the total number of initial applications that have been returned by winners?
I think A) but I'm not sure about it. :eek:

But the published numbers should be the final result, so only A) make sense, otherwise it's like you said, they have to change the numbers as winners can return the form till Sep. 30
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96,000 NL's means that those included principal applicants plus derivatives(dependents and spouses).Therefore actual NL's are less than 96,000.
as an exmple; if someone from asia received a NL 2008AS0000001 and he has 2 kidds and a wife, the next person's NL would be 2008AS0000005.

Only 50,000 visa's are issued a year and that include principal applicants plus derivatives.

I hope you get an idea.

alemitmee, this answer might explain some things:rolleyes: