Bravo India: "India rejects Iraq troop request"

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Even if India deploy the army or even if doesn't recognize Tibet as part of China, India is not most favorable nations of USA. Everyone is aware of the fact that terrorism supporting nations are in that list.
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Who cares if USA recognize us as a favored nation or not. For "few dollars more", you can not lose your moral values.

Yes. America, European Union and japan are scrambling at India's doorstep to get its favour (and contracts) :D:D
It would have been politically and strategically a good decision to send the troops. Whatever you say, we are at the mercy of the US economically. So why not suck it up to them.
Originally posted by frantic
It would have been politically and strategically a good decision to send the troops. Whatever you say, we are at the mercy of the US economically. So why not suck it up to them.

I failed to understand the basis of your statement?.... US needs Indian Market as much as India needs US. US has been urging India to open up the Agricultural sector trade for some time now , but It is India who has been calling the shots so far....
We are not at the mercy of any country economically though it is true that we are having a large economic benefits in our trade with the USA. We are n ot going to be a Somalia if we say good bye to
USA but USA will definitely become a Mexico if all the countries in the world decide to say good bye to it.
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Everybody must depend on each other for existence in this world. Period. If not, there is no development. USA do not care us if they do not need our help. Remeber how Microsfot, Oracle, IBM and other lobbied Clinton government for increase of H1B quota when they are desperate of IT people. Now when the need is over, the quota is back to previous level, and moreover they want to remove H1B visas completely. Nobody is inviting nobody with open arms here. US do not give a damn if they see no interest in something which does not contribute to its economy.
Originally posted by Led Zeppelin
Everybody must depend on each other for existence in this world. Period. If not, there is no development. USA do not care us if they do not need our help. Remeber how Microsfot, Oracle, IBM and other lobbied Clinton government for increase of H1B quota when they are desperate of IT people. Now when the need is over, the quota is back to previous level, and moreover they want to remove H1B visas completely. Nobody is inviting nobody with open arms here. US do not give a damn if they see no interest in something which does not contribute to its economy.

Welcome to the world of capitalism!
Originally posted by frantic
It would have been politically and strategically a good decision to send the troops. Whatever you say, we are at the mercy of the US economically. So why not suck it up to them.

It is more like "you made a mess, you clean it up"

It is all part of teaching a brat to take responsibility.
Originally posted by waytoolong
It is more like "you made a mess, you clean it up"

It is all part of teaching a brat to take responsibility.

What mess????????????? So no clean UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are here for Oil, so just concentrate on that and just ignore the mess, Oh! I'm sorry there is no mess!!!!!!!!!
To all you phonies/hypocrites/... who applauded India's decision:

Would you have approved American inaction in (Milosevic's) Yugoslavia?
Does your conscience condone what the Iraqi tyrant did to his own people (and the Kuwaitis, Kurds, etc.)?
Would you have the stomach to continue bearing what the Iraqis endured this long?
Would you let the Liberians continue suffering under Charles Taylor?

If the answer to any one of the above is true, then you are no human at all. I would equate you with a Neanderthal.

Having said all this, I am not trying to justify Bush's statements or purported reasons for his actions. But understand what the end result is. In the end, he had the guts to act when nobody else could/would. Now you may ascribe his actions to several other factors, but the bottom line is that the tyrant is gone. Give it some time and some help, at least morally. Don't use it for votebank politics in India 'cause it sure ain't gonna help ya here. Take it for what it will result. It sure will help make this world a better place.

Oh boy! Am I getting myself into the biggest mess or what? Anyway (as Bush so aptly said), bring it on.

While I do not moderate this particular forum, I would suggest that we may not want to turn this into a foreign policy discussion area. If you guys feel compelled to discuss the matter, I'd be happy to suggest some great places to argue.

Just a friendly suggestion.
Without UN there is no sense in towing US line. It is a good decision.

The mistake with US is going to Iraq without UN approval. The good thing is atleast Iraq people's hardship will be reduced after lifting sanctions due to Saddam's collapse.

In this modern world, all nations are dependent on each other. So it is a global economy..all are interdependent.
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