Boston Regional DOL Tracker


I am in the same boat as you are.

By the way,my attorney sent me email saying he called MA SESA yesterday to find out about the status of my application and they told him they will get back to him. I will keep u posted if I hear anything from him.
My attorney echoed the same. Last time when she spoke to MA SESA, they told her they are about to foward the case to certifying office. In fact they asked my attorney to call back the following week to confirm the same.
When attorney called them again today, SESA told that they did not forward it and was not even willing to give any timeframe for the same.

My case # is 200201XXX. PD is June 16,2002. Sesa replied back with a wage question on Dec 4, 2002. Responded to the query on Jan 15,2002.
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Something Fishy..


Something fishy about your date, if you have posted in 2001, your case # is starting with 2002.. Did they take 6 months to give a case #? Something bad happened to me like this.. Just wanted to double check with the DOL or SESA where ever your app. is.. You can call them directly, Boston Guys actually called me and explained what happened with my case and all...

Certified at last !

My case: EB2, PD Nov 30 2001 was certified at Boston DOL on March 4th.
The case was received at DOl on Nov 4th 2002. I was one of those lucky ones that got certified within weeks time. Hope to see you all at 140/485 soon.

The case was received at DOl on Nov 4th 2002. I was NOT one of those lucky ones that got certified within weeks time. Hope to see you all at 140/485 soon.
Hi guys

i just spoke to the Lady at DOL .She said there are processing cases(DOL) which were received in MAY 2002. As mine was received on Dec 10 th she said it would take atleast 4 months to clear it.
Congratualtion SV B,

Good to know that DOL is atleast working, tough very slowly and processing the caes received in May 2002.

Atleast will give some hope to all the people waiting to hear back from DOL about their case.

I think the RIR's directly go to the denied bin now a days. Please
post if you are a software engineer and got your RIR petition approved recently

I think it depends what your occupation is.Usually for Computer professionals it takes longer these days in RIR category.Here is example of non computer professional's approval from my company.I have deleted personal information for privacy.

Employer : -------------------
Address : -----------------
Case # : ----------------
DOT Code : 999.192-031
DOT Description : Chemists
No. of Openings : 1
Wage / Base : $79000.00 Annually
Received Regional Office: 12/10/2002
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 12/19/2002

Mine is software i guess what the lady has said might be true(4 months to process it)

This updates were left behind, I tried to filled up all the details so far received and posted here by different individuals. Please keep updateing this as you receive you approvals....Now waiting for Labor_pain, Insat123, zbcx123 to update as soon as they heard from DOL. Good luck to all.

Name-------->MA PDdate---->Category---->Case No --> DOL RD------>DOL CD
GoingGry---->12/24/01---> EB3-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->10/28/02----->Pending
ryzh------>12/28/01-----> EB2-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->00/00/02----->11/07/02
Mdu123------>01/03/02--> EB3-RIR---->01326XXX--->10/25/02--->11/12/02
Sndmd------->03/28/02--> EB2-RIR----> 2002010XX -->11/25/02--->12/30/02
nash9------->03/08/02---> Eb2-RIR----> xxxxxxxxx----->01/09/03--->01/10/03
labor_pains-->04/29/02--> EB3-RIR----> 20020XXXX -> Waiting ---->Pending
LCVPain------>05/16/01-> EB2-RIR------>xxxxxxxxx--->01/07/03----->01/30/03
apv2002----->06/28/02--> EB3-RIR----> 2002021XX -> Pending ----> Pending
zbcx123---->06/16/02--->EB?-RIR----->200201XXX -->qry12/02---->pending
Pipladi------>07/01/02---->EB2-RIR----> 200202xxx--->Pending ----> Pending
Jalma-------->08/22/02---> EB2-RIR--->200202xxx --> Pending ----->Pending
varpar------->10/18/02---> EB2-RIR--->200203xxx--> Pending----->Pending
bostonguy------->07/31/02---> EB2-RIR--->2xxxxxxx--> ????????--->02/7/03

Good job as always. However, Iraq war will further delay processing at all levels.So it's going to a long .............long wait for all of us.

User NH PD Category DOLcaseno DOLRD DOLCode DOLCD
hmd 08/21/02 EB2-NonRIR 01327*** 12/10/02 030.16****

my info

user ma-pd category case# dol RD DOL Cd

tsnaresh 4/27/01 EB2-NON-RIR 20018xxx 12/03/02 pending


Hmd, looks like your application transferred to DOL in the same week as mine (7 days apart) and we are in the same category. Please post any developments on your case. I will do the same.