Boston MA - N-400 TimeLine

Castle - How bizarre that your husband had to take the test first and then the fingerprints... I went for fingerprints 10/25/2006 and still haven't been invited to the interview and the test.... You would think they'd have the same order of procedures for everyone...
Castle - How bizarre that your husband had to take the test first and then the fingerprints... I went for fingerprints 10/25/2006 and still haven't been invited to the interview and the test.... You would think they'd have the same order of procedures for everyone...

Oh, he did have his fingerprints taken before the interview. A year later they made him come back and get his fingerprints taken a second time. Sorry I didn't post that in his timeline, I don't have the dates for all the steps.
My timeline

Priority Date: 02/05/2007
Fingerprint date: 02/28/2007 (cancelled)
Fingerprint date rescheduled: 03/15/2007
Infopass: 05/14/2007 -- name check and fingerprints cleared, in interview queue
Interview letter received: 05/25/2007
Interview date: 07/17/2007
Oath date: TBD
Another timeline input


My interview experience can be found under "Boston Interview Experience"

PD: Dec 12, 06
FP: Jan 03,07
Infopass: Mar 15, 07, IV letter recd. April 04, 07
Interview: May 21, 07
Oath: July 12, 07

So has anyone here actually taken the oath yet at Moakley Courthouse? I'd love a run down of how it went, how long it took, etc. Oath date is in two days!

ID: 4/28/2005
OD 5/31/2007
Any update with interview letters? Boston has been very quiet. Does this mean no one has issues to complain about.
So has anyone here actually taken the oath yet at Moakley Courthouse? I'd love a run down of how it went, how long it took, etc.

Guess I'll answer my own questions now for others who may wonder.

The letter had said the ceremony was at 12:30 pm. The directions said to park in the lots next to the courthouse. Those were all full when we showed up at 11:30, but one just up the street at the new ICA museum had plenty of room, same price - $9 till midnight.

Word of advice, leave cell phones, pagers, cameras, all electronic devices in the car, because if you bring them in you have to stand in a long line to check them in. And then afterwards of course you have to stand in line again to get them back. We had no electronics, so could go right through security and upstairs to the Jury Assembly Area. There's a cafe on the same floor, and we had a bite to eat there as we had some time, and I figured there was no point just standing and waiting in the line that had formed.

The letter had said "Wear proper attire" which is really vague. People were wearing suits, dresses, jeans and t-shirts. It didn't seem to be an issue.

They started processing people right at 12:00. They led guests through at this point, so I didn't get to go with my husband up to be processed, so I'm not sure how that went, but everyone seemed to move through really quickly. By 12:30 pretty much everyone was sitting and waiting. A USCIS worker told some stories about the 'American Dream' while we waited for the judge. This was about 20 minutes. Then since we were still waiting, he had the other USCIS workers who had processed everyone come in to take any immigration/naturalization questions people might have. After about 15 more minutes the judge arrived. The oath was said, she gave a nice, short little speech and that was it. The guest were led back out, while the new citizens waited in line to get their certificates. We were out of there before 2:00.

Since no cameras are allowed inside, I took a few of my husband in front of the courthouse holding up his naturalization certificate instead. The process is complete!
Re: Could you tell your interview experience


Originally Posted by <a member>
I am also from Boston DO,Could you tell us your interview details like how long it took the interview process and what questions did the IO asked you etc..
Its pretty straight forward, the interview did not go for more than five minutes.

Here are some highlights
- Swear about truth for rest of the interview
- Repeat the yes/no questions on the N400 form verbally, I assume they want to double check the info in person.
- Updated information about the one trip I took since the application was submitted
- Was asked if I want to change my name
- Six Questions about "Introduction to congress called", "What makes congress", "what were the 13 states called before they became states", "how many stripes on the flag", "who is the first president?", "forgot the last one"
- A simple sentence to read and write
- Waited in the lobby for another 15 mins before they came back with the blue slip which shows Oath Date and place.

Every one was so professional and friendly, and it was a nice experience!
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Interview experience

I had my interview today at the Boston DO. Interview took about 20 mins. Overall the IO was very professional and courteous. I had a bunch of work related travel between my Notice Date and Interview Date, so the IO verified those in my passport and manually updated my application. Civics questions were a breeze. Questions included: Q3, Q9, Q38, Q43, Q50, Q52, Q62, Q68, Q70, Q84.

Got Oath letter after being told to wait for 15 mins. Oath ceremony scheduled for 8/2/2007 (almost 2 months from interview - looks like Boston DO is really backed up or they don't have too many oath ceremonies in a month).

Met up with jp2007 from this forum. He had a successful interview too.
Congrats kumar...Do you guys feel that boston has slowed down? I looked at previous posts in this thread for folks in 2006 and they consistently got IL 20 days after FP.

I finished my FP on 24th May and hope get IL soon.
Yep - Boston has definitely slowed down significantly. There were a lot of folks in the interview reception area. Probably a rush to beat the impending N-400 application fee hike? Anyone's guess.
Interview Experience @ Boston

My interview was scheduled for 2:00 PM today, checked in at the front desk @ 1:30 , was asked to wait, there must be 40-50 people waiting in the room. My name was called @ 2:20 , officer was very courteous. Started out with asking me to take the oath to tell the truth , asked for passport and GC, checked both and the started going over the N400. I had not filled in my middle name completely, but the officer had already corrected it, although I did carry the new N-400 form with me, he went thru the application and in the end asked Civics questions

1. What color is the flag.
2. How many Stripes.
3. What are the color of strips
4. How many stars in the flag
5. Why 50 stars
5. Why do we celebrate july 4th.

Then asked me to read a line and asked me to write " I like good food". Then he stamped my application as "Approved"
Whole process took 5 minutes, the officer was super fast. Asked me to wait outside for few minutes and in 10 minutes another office came out and gave me the Oath letter.
I did go in with all the documents, Tax Transcripts, Copies of check for speeding tickets etc. I did mention to him that I got 2 tickets and I did pay the fine and he was okay.

My N-400 timeline - VSC, Boston DO

2/7/2007 N-400 Sent
2/12/2007 N-400 Recd
2/12/2007 Priority Date
2/15/2007 Checks Cashed
2/19/2007 Recd FP notice
3/7/2007 FP done
5/13/2007 Recd IL notice with interview date of 6/13/2007
6/13/2007 Interview successful
8/8/2007 Oath date
My Boston interview experience

My wife and I had different interview times, I going first. My interview went off very well. Most of the questions were focused on my N-400 answers. She asked about my encounters with the police and I mentioned my traffic tickets. She asked if I had paid them off. A similar question was asked about my taxes. For everything she took my word, to my relief there was no demand for any supporting evidence. There were just 3 simple civics questions. Both our interviews took less than 10 minutes each. The IO (same for us both) was friendly beyond all expectation.

The best part was that when she realized my wife (who had obviously come with me) was going to have to wait a couple of hours for her turn, called her in immediately after I was done. That was really a kind gesture on her part. All in all, it was a most pleasant experience.

Here's wishing everybody else waiting for their interviews all the best,

Approximate timeline:
N-400 applied: 12/20/06
Fingerprinting: 1/2/07
Interview letter received: 5/1/07
Interview: 6/12/07
Oath Date: 8/1/07
Boston Time line

I sent my N-400 Application to VSC 3 weeks back. Here is my time line info.

-400 Timeline:
05/29/07: Mailed to VSC
05/31/07: Received at VSC (Checks cashed on 6/12)
06/16/07: case status available Online.
06/20/07: Received NOA(NOA date 06/14,Priority Date 5/31)
N-400 Timeline Boston

Mailed 1/2/07
Notice of Receipt 2/2/07
Notice for interview 3/7/07
Interview Date 5/17/07
Oath ceremony 7/12/07

Did anyone's letter to appear at the oath ceremony have the "bring re-entry permit" box checked off at the bottom? It was checked on ours and we think it is in error.
Did any body from the boston DO gets the interview letters recently ,if so please update this thread
Still waiting for IL

PD: 04/15
FD: 05/11

Still waiting for IL...Not sure what to do now? How long does it take?