Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part III

It\'s nice to hear from you. How is your I140?

Some guys thought there is a secret simple way to pull-out the daily update. Every daily report is the result of hard work!!!

I hope Rahul and Marlborobell are still with us.
I\'m here, but...

As I don\'t have a usable labor cert these days, I\'m probably not going to be visiting this site very often. So if anyone wants to take on the responsibility of generating daily numbers for the tracker, e-mail me at and I\'ll send you a copy of Pikachu\'s wonderful database software, and an up-to-date database to go with it. You need Excel and Access (and a Java interpreter, but that\'s downloadable) to be able to run it.

In the meantime, I\'m running the report for the past couple of days now, and I should have some results later.
14 on 3/12

1308521 Landscape Gardener 4/16/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1308722 Furniture Finisher 4/25/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1309197 Civil Engineer 5/15/01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1309283 Cabinetmaker 5/17/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1309284 Shellfish Dredge Operator 5/17/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1309286 Cement Mason 5/17/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1309288 Custom Tailor 5/17/01 Reduct. in Recruitment Denied On 03/12/2002.
1309316 Coating Machine Operator 5/18/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1309318 Electrical Engineer 5/18/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1309322 Software Engineer 5/18/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1310117 Cook 6/18/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1310611 Septic Tank Installer 7/5/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1310612 Manager, Retail Store 7/5/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
1310613 Furniture Finisher 7/5/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/12/2002.
34 on 3/13

1306618 Programmer Analyst 1/31/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1307311 Supervisor, Janitorial Services 3/7/01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1307375 Automobile Service Station Mechanic 3/8/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1307427 Cook 3/12/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1307432 Cook 3/12/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1307898 Cook 3/22/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1308481 Laborer, Landscape 4/13/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1308484 Landscape Gardener 4/13/01 Denied, Permanent On 03/13/2002.
1308485 Landscape Gardener 4/13/01 Denied, Permanent On 03/13/2002.
1308827 Software Engineer 4/27/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1308950 Systems Programmer 5/3/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1309043 Dairy Technologist 5/4/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1309504 Software Engineer 5/22/01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1309975 Systems Analyst 6/7/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1309976 Systems Analyst 6/7/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310034 Software Engineer 6/12/01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1310254 Superintendent, Construction 6/20/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310255 Manufacturing Engineer 6/20/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310291 Software Engineer 6/20/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310292 Manager, Sales 6/20/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310299 Software Engineer 6/20/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310402 Teacher, Elementary School 6/22/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310549 Sheet Metal Worker 7/5/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310550 Ornamental Metal Worker 7/5/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310551 Administrator, Social Welfare 7/5/01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1310580 Manager, Personnel 7/5/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310588 Manager, Hotel Or Motel 7/5/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310591 Cabinetmaker 7/5/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310597 Chemist 7/5/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310603 Manager, Hotel Or Motel 7/5/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310638 Internist 7/9/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1310826 7/19/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1311019 Cook, Specialty, Foreign Food 7/24/01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/13/2002.
1311594 Software Engineer 8/9/01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
second that.

While most people on this board understand the meaning of the
hardwork put by these guys into generating report, others came
to "expect" that they should do it on a daily basis. I think we need
to be grateful that these guys do take time during the day to post
those results. If there is no results, may be they\'re away
somewhere or just plain busy. Can you guys respect that? It\'s
not like we have to ask them to post those results ... sheesh
No Title

Dart Marlborobell !! Looks like you forced me to GPL the software code ;-) I was hoping one of all these guys would chip in and offer me a zillion bucks to acquire it and that I would say to hell with 140 and retire :))

The most amusing part I find is people clamoring for the \'monthly\' report. Like there is a button to push to get the stats.. Unfortunatly that the most time consuming part :-( As someone will soon find out.

Best of luck to you all.. Boston is rocking right now.
Thanks for your Punch Phonon!!!

I know the hardwork of the guys and we should be grateful for them. I never thought it is a "secret simple way.... "
Nothing is simple --- I undergo labor pain since 1999 (my regular was filed in March \'99 at CT, then resubmitted as RIR in 2001)
Sorry Pikachu...

Thanks for your permission :) I\'ve sent the tracking software to four people, so hopefully at least one of them will do the job.

Sometime I hope to have another LC in the works, but until then I probably won\'t be posting much...!

Best wishes to all.
Is it going to affect LC?

Guys is "245(i) Extension Bill" is going to affect LC processing? if yes then it will take another year to get LC. Please respond.
It\'s already affected .

I Checked with My lawyer he said LC processing is delayed because
of 245(I) processing ...

damm !! it

My Case number begins with 20011


My case number is 2001113xxx..the priority date is June 19, 2001..
However I only see case # 1310xxx being approved..first of all my case number is 10 digits long as opposed to the 7 digit format that is usually being reported ...I got this number from the notice for the alien labor vertification unit..

Should I be concerned? why is there this difference..


LC Mails

Hey all,, All those four people who got LC software do not run it all together and end up sending ton of emails and "MAY BE" server will die again or something. After all you do not want FBI knocking your door.. for malicious terriost attack with emails on federal property.. do ya?
Guys...please help me...

Can any one tell me how can I get my case#...

I\'ve posted many times on this board and MA SESA tracker, but none responded,

kindly respond to this... thanks
Hey Pete

Hey Pete ,

I think after reading your message.No body is going to post here
daily Case report. Who wants to see FBI knocking at their door ??

Jeff .
Hey Jeff,

Hey, Jeff I was just joking. I guess DOL server handles lot more emails, I myself send like a 500 mails (automated) to figure out how many cases are entered into the DOL database, so that I will know how fast MA SESA is sending cases.. as I am still stuck at MA SESA.

To all those great people, who are posting updates, I was just bullshitting.. send mails away!!
Is DOL server down again?

Or, all the four guys who got software from Marlborobell are not willing to share the information with us?

Hey Gateway, I do not know if your particular case has been entered into DOL database. If you want I can post cases entered into Database everyday, but I would just not know if they are even perm. certs, \'coz they include all kinds of stuff.