Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part III

Has anybody in EMC spoken with the Lawyer about NOF\'s

There are 23 cases of EMC with NOF. Earliest case was NOF issued on 08/02/2001.
No Title

Hi Siddant, yes the RD is the receipt date at Regional DOL. Iam surprised with your RD!! My PD is 04/09 from MA and my RD is 12/05. I don\'t know, why there is a 2 months delay for my case
at SESA!!
RIR Finally Certified!

After a crazy long wait......
Here are the labor details;

Case# 013088xx
PD: 02/16/ 2001
RD: 04/27/2001
AD: 02/14/2002

So the the whole process took exactly one year from the time papers were filed with SESA. Thank you, everyone on this board for your input and ideas, especially rahul and pokeman. Good luck for those waiting. Don\'t worry you will all get through this one way or another. Congrats, to those approved. See you in the I-I40 zone!
Got certified !!!!

PD 2/27/2001
RD 6/19/2001
Certified on 2/14/2002
Regular EB2

Thanks for the support guys.

Rahul, marlborbell, Pikachu and all you guys are a great pillar of support for all of us during the wait.

I wish all of you best luck and hope all of you soon experience the same feeling as I have today!!!
SESA Question on processing times

Hi Rahul,
My PD is Oct 19,2001. Any idea how many cases would be before me. How much time it takes for the state labor and federal labor
Approx 5-6 months for State & after that 6-9 months for Federal

seenoend "MA SESA Tracker" 1/8/02 7:32am
Any Idea when they would process Case# 01311XXX

Case # 01311XXX
PD: March,2001
Receipt Date at DOL: 1st August,2001
if this speed gets consistant, by May or June.

But you never know when DOL suddenly jumps to August and process your case. As they cleared few cases from June end & July Yesterday.

      So, lets keep the \'Hope Alive\'.
Priority Date 05/2001

Hi Guys

Can you please tell me the estimated date the Federal DOL in Boston could pick up the case ?

My priority date date is late 05/2001

It was sent to the Boston from SESA in late Dec 2001.

Does the Frederal DOL Boston pick up by filing date or SESA receipt date ?
Hip hip hurray !!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOL keep the spirit and if they continue this speed whoa!!!!

Happy days are back again!!!!!!!!!!
Approved !!!

I was finally approved.. Many many thanks to picachuwho developed this tracker program and many many many thanks to Rahul and marolborobell for running it after picachu

PD Oct 2000 RD 5/2 AD 2/14

Thanks again, see you all in 140 and best of luck
filed in the first wek of june-2001 for LC - Boston Region?

My attorney filed papers for LC in the first weekk of june-2001 for LC, last year dec 15th I called my lawyer and asked the status. he told me that if priority date april 30th -2001 passes then cases will move faster , what is that date ?? did it move by this time , how long have to wait??? please help me in this regard.
