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big big confusion with kcc over plave of interview


Registered Users (C)

my case number is 2010EU00005xxx and i my interview is supposed to be held on December the 3rd. But the problem is that KCC didn't schedule the interview at the embassy where i initially planned to have my interview.
Meaning the one the i wrote under the question"in which embassy do you plan to have your interview?"
The thing is i live in what is called a french oversea oponent in the west indies and i thought that i would have my embassy in a neighbouring country meaning BARABADE which is a 1 hour flight from where i live but Kcc scheduled my interview in Paris???????(10 hours by plane + 1400 euros plane ticket+ hotel fees...) When i explained this to the us representant in Paris he told me that is possible to transfer my case to the embassy in BARBADE. but from what i understood the interview date will not be the same and it is all up to the US embassy in Barbade that will reschedule my interview.
What do you advice me to do? Am i taking a risk by asking the embassy to transfer my case? The thing is i'll of course have to travel with all my family and prepare all this within 3 weeks (because we are also supposed to have our medical exam so we will have to go to paris at least one week before the interview)and frankly speaking one has to prepare this kind of trip early enough and this is not our case. Am i taking a big risk knowing that i still have time and that they give away visas till september 2010????
Please guys i need your advices.
I don't think any one can give you a good advise since you could be gambling with your visa chances...although the chances are slim since it is early on in the process, but what if your papers get lost (probably won't happen...) or that they dat will be pushed back a lot....in the end you are the one who has to live with the consequenses for either decision you make. Even a lawyer will probably not tell you what to do....they won't be held liable in the maybe 1% percent or more that something goes wrong...

Good Luck:)
yes you can transfer your case? but it will take 2 months. in your case i will transfer the case to a neighboring country. it save money and offer.
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I had the same problem that you just mentioned and It was solved by calling the KCC and explaining the situation. Just give them a call (search the phone or sent me an email) it will take few days to get a new invitation letter by email (no mail) and you should be ok. Good luck...!

You have a lot of time from Dec to Sep. My advice to u is to transfer ur case to a neighbour country.

But also you may have a better chance in Paris.

It is true that you have until Sep. However, while your wait CG are granted so could be that your chances will go down...you are the only one who can decide what to do.

If you still want to go with CP call them and it is more likely that they will give you a new interview date close to the original one. I had already had the tickets and the new date was ok for me, even before.

Good luck...!

Am i taking a big risk knowing that i still have time and that they give away visas till september 2010????
Please guys i need your advices.

transfer your case to an embassy closer to your DOMTOM. KCC can initiate the transfer for you, just send them an email.
the transfer will take four to eight weeks, better than spending a fortune on plane tickets and hotels in Paris.

use the money to spend a good vacation in the Caribbean instead, whilst waiting for your new interview date.... ;-)

Bonne Chance!
I had the same problem as yours, bonno. When I filled my application , I asked to be interviewed in Jakarta, Indonesia, because I'm a Indonesian Citizen. But when I received the interview appointment letter, KCC scheduled me for an interview in Frankfurt, Germany, the country of my birth.

At first I thought it shouldn't be a big deal. Since I'm already in the U.S, airplane ticket to Germany should be cheaper than airplane ticket to Indonesia. But things get worse when the German Embassy rejected my visa to travel to Germany. They were afraid that if the DV interview is unsuccessful, I would decide to stay in Germany.

After knowing that I couldn't get the visa, I e-mailed the U.S Consulate in Frankfurt and asked them to transfer my case file to the U.S Embassy in Jakarta. They replied back and said that they will transfer it. Like a day later, I e-mailed the U.S Embassy in Jakarta and they said they have received a request from the U.S Consulate in Frankfurt for the case transfer and that they will notify me when the case has arrived.

One month later, I e-mail the U.S Emabssy in Jakarta and asked about the status of my case file. They said they just receive it and that I should come to the Embassy for the pre-interview check (document check).

The interview date changed but it was not a big deal at all for the Embassy. The consular just give me the earliest time spot available for the interview, which happen to be couple days after my document check at the embassy.

From my experience, transferring file could be a nerve wrecking experience because you're not sure if they will receive it or not. But, from I see, there isn't any problem with transferring file. As long as you qualified to be interview in the country that you want to be interview, everything should be okay. Make sure you keep in touch with the Consular from one embassy to another through e-mail or phone (i found out that calling them to be almost impossible).

The delivery will take forever (1 month in my case). When I asked the Consular in Frankfurt how long until it arrive, he told me 3 months. I found out later it takes a long time because it goes through a Diplomatic Pouch from one embassy to another. It is a secure/top secret mailing route that reserve only for classified documents between Consulate.