BEC Priority Date Tracker

My last tracker update

My friends, I would like to thank all of you for your support and heartfelt congratulations. As you know, my LC was approved earlier this week. What a relief, even though the road ahead is still long, that is one less uncertainty.

I have spent countless hours wandering in this forum, sometime spending more time posting in here than doing actual work :eek: Now it is time to move on ...

JustWatching had passed the responsibility of the tracker when he could no longer spend the time to update it. It is now my turn to hand off the tracker and the responsibility to another active member of this forum.

I have asked two valuable members of this forum to take on the charge. manwithnoname has accepted to be the person in charge of updating this valuable tool in the future. As every good team, there will be a back up. coolmaro has accepted to play that role. I have every bit of confidence that they make us all proud and keep this tracker alive.

Again, thank you all for your support. I will still drop by once in a while to check the progress in here. I wish you all the best and I hope that every single one of you get out of here quickly.

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Latest Tracker Update

I just updated the tracker. Please download it and kindly verify your information. Please post in this thread if you notice any errors in data entry.
I have not gone through the DBEC threads to scan for update/approvals. I have relied on the BEC Priotity Date Tracker and the PBEC Approval Thread, and PBEC thread.

longwait14 updated x(Certified)
April04-trackitt added x(Certified)
2003doc added
jacob_k8 added x(Certified)
OCT_2003_NJ added
fun4all added
RC0878 updated x(Certified)
mc7583 added x(Certified)
AnilChintala added x(Certified)
lagoon-trackitt added x(Certified)
dealsea added
atoz2006 added x(Certified)
dsva added
NY02Aug added
nh74 added x(Certified)
MDWatch updated x(Certified)
RaoDulla updated x(Certified)
NJ_Waiting added x(Certified)
ftsoh added
year15 added x(Certified)
ragam added x(Certified)
va_waitting updated x(Certified)
ThisIsIt!!! added x(Certified)
Rajeev_Seth added x(Certified)
sunny26 updated x(Certified)
hello01 updated x(Certified)
somisc added x(Certified)
shridharp updated x(Certified)
lalalala updated x(Certified)
GC_Ven-friend2 added x(Certified)
hope20046 added x(Certified)

IV_Fan added x(Certified)
vfast updated x(Certified)

Thanks a ton to all who are contributing to this effort !



EB2 or EB3
RIR or Regular
PD - Priority date
RD - Regional receipt date - if you didn't get to Regional, say "NO TRANSFER"
Regional DOL
New BEC Case no. - please provide all but last 3 numbers
45-day letter Date received


manwithnoname, coolmaro

You guys are now in charge. I will let manwithnoname add the location of the latest tracker to his signature.

Some of you might, but most won't realize what an impact this will have on my life on a daily basis. Than you all.

Here is an update of my case. Thank you very much for your help and helpful information. Cheers! :)

Type: RIR EB2
Position: Software Engineer
State: CA
Priority Date: 12/23/2003
Regional: Jan, 2005
45 Days letter replied: 6/20/2005
Reply To NOF: 10/16/2006
AD: Certified 11/09/2006 (status check)
woden said:
Here is an update of my case. Thank you very much for your help and helpful information. Cheers! :)

Type: RIR EB2
Position: Software Engineer
State: CA
Priority Date: 12/23/2003
Regional: Jan, 2005
45 Days letter replied: 6/20/2005
Reply To NOF: 10/16/2006
AD: Certified 11/09/2006 (status check)

Congratulations! Was your case in DBEC or PBEC?
MDwatch said:
manwithnoname, coolmaro

You guys are now in charge. I will let manwithnoname add the location of the latest tracker to his signature.

Some of you might, but most won't realize what an impact this will have on my life on a daily basis. Than you all.


Thank you for the public service you have rendered....
MDwatch, Thanks for your help....

MDwatch said:
manwithnoname, coolmaro

You guys are now in charge. I will let manwithnoname add the location of the latest tracker to his signature.

Some of you might, but most won't realize what an impact this will have on my life on a daily basis. Than you all.

manwithnoname or MD watch - Please enter my details in the BEC tracker

Here is my details
Washington, DC - SWA
45 day letter - Recd: 04/28/2006, Replied 05/04/2006
LC - Awaiting :mad:
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MDwatch said:
My friends, I would like to thank all of you for your support and heartfelt congratulations. As you know, my LC was approved earlier this week. What a relief, even though the road ahead is still long, that is one less uncertainty.

I have spent countless hours wandering in this forum, sometime spending more time posting in here than doing actual work :eek: Now it is time to move on ...

JustWatching had passed the responsibility of the tracker when he could no longer spend the time to update it. It is now my turn to hand off the tracker and the responsibility to another active member of this forum.

I have asked two valuable members of this forum to take on the charge. manwithnoname has accepted to be the person in charge of updating this valuable tool in the future. As every good team, there will be a back up. coolmaro has accepted to play that role. I have every bit of confidence that they make us all proud and keep this tracker alive.

Again, thank you all for your support. I will still drop by once in a while to check the progress in here. I wish you all the best and I hope that every single one of you get out of here quickly.


Thanks MDWatch. You had been a great help. Would you keep posting under I-140 and 485 forums with the same name?

- Bharat Premi

Hi MDWatch,

It was really a useful resource. Atleast it gives hope to us that our LC will also be processed soon. Thanks for your hard work!

Wish you a good luck in the rest of the process!
Add this to tracker

Please Add my information to tracker.

Priority Date : Jan 03, 2005
State : GA RIR EB3
45 Day letter received: Jun 23, 2006
45 Day letter replied : June 26, 2006
Philadelphia Case number P-05215-XXXXX
Online Status : In Process
MDwatch said:
manwithnoname, coolmaro

You guys are now in charge. I will let manwithnoname add the location of the latest tracker to his signature.

Some of you might, but most won't realize what an impact this will have on my life on a daily basis. Than you all.



Thanks for the excellent work. The tracker served as the only source of BEC processing and kept our hopes alive at a time when there were absolutely no news of our cases.


Please note that the latest tracker link is located in my signature. I will do the necessary updates each week and post it in the same way in this thread.


I will PM you as and when necessary.

Thank you.
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New to site

I tried looking for help on this subject, but could not find answers. My fiance's case is pending in DBEC and he just received a NOF for prevailing wage. The salary BEC says he should be getting is ridiculous, their own numbers for 2005 and 2006 are lower just because they went from a 2 level system to a 4 level system of prevailing wage determination. His lawyer advised us that the easiest way to resolve this is to have his company increase his salary, but I am not sure they will do this, because the difference is not small. The lawyer also says that if we try to rebuff the prevailing wage determination using other surveys BEC will more likely reject them and deny the application even though there are legitimate surveys out there. Please, advise on what to do. Here are the details on the case:

PD - 6/2004
45-day letter received - 7/14/2006
45-day letter replied - 7/17/2006
NOF - 11/2/2006 :(
LC - ???
MDwatch said:
My friends, I would like to thank all of you for your support and heartfelt congratulations. As you know, my LC was approved earlier this week. What a relief, even though the road ahead is still long, that is one less uncertainty.

I have spent countless hours wandering in this forum, sometime spending more time posting in here than doing actual work :eek: Now it is time to move on ...

JustWatching had passed the responsibility of the tracker when he could no longer spend the time to update it. It is now my turn to hand off the tracker and the responsibility to another active member of this forum.

I have asked two valuable members of this forum to take on the charge. manwithnoname has accepted to be the person in charge of updating this valuable tool in the future. As every good team, there will be a back up. coolmaro has accepted to play that role. I have every bit of confidence that they make us all proud and keep this tracker alive.

Again, thank you all for your support. I will still drop by once in a while to check the progress in here. I wish you all the best and I hope that every single one of you get out of here quickly.



Congratulations! I am very happy for you. Wish you the best for the rest of the process ahead.
2 months past since approval but no approval letter

Great work MDWatch!!! Best of luck for your remaining steps in this long quest.
Welcome manwithnoname and coolmaro. Your service is greatly appreciated.

Ok here is my problem. My BEC online status has been showing as certified since Sept 14th but my lawyer hasn’t informed me about the actual approval letter. I am curious if a 2 month wait is normal or is the something to do with my lawyer. I haven’t updated the tracker as I am waiting for the actual approval in my hand.
Texas EB3/RIR
PD: 03/07/05
45 DL Received : 07/03/06
45 DL Replied : 07/24/06
What have you done today to make you feel proud?

First of all, I want to say thank you to MDwatch for the great job he did maitaining the tracker. And congratulations on your LC approval!

Thanks manwithnoname and coolmaro for taking over!

It is true that maintaining the tracker served me personally as it did MDwatch, manwithnoname and coolmaro, but you should know, if it is not readily apparent - it is significant work - for which none of us expect anything in return.

I do have to say that the many thanks and congratulations that I received via posts and private messages have meant a lot to me along the way.

This was our way of helping others. I hope all in this forum continue to find ways to help others. Take the time to answer questions - as simple or ridiculous as they may seem. Remember you too also came to this forum once knowing not a whole lot. Yes, it's scary to realize how much we have learned during the past few years.

For a while, this forum got pretty nasty - people insulting each other. Thankfully, it seems to be back to a spirit of cooperation - its initial intent.

For all of you that are still waiting, we know the feeling. All I can say is hang in there. There is hope up ahead.

And although in most cases you are only screen name, I consider many of you friends. That is why from time to time I come back and visit this thread.

And for some of you - who may think this post is too cheesy, well, skip it and wait for the next update of the tracker...

I wanted to post my information for the tracker

RIR or Regular: Regular
PD: 03/25/2005
Case Number: D-05207-XXXXX
45 Days letter received
my information

I wanted to post my information for the tracker

RIR or Regular: Regular
PD: 03/25/2005
Case Number: D-05207-XXXXX
45 Days letter received
query program

As I wrote before I've written a program to query cases from the doleta website. I am finished with gathering data for Dallas BEC. Here are the results:

Status	Number of cases	  %
IN PROCESS 	55745	38.38
CERTIFIED 	42892	29.53
CLOSED   	29791	20.51
WITHDRAWN  	13668	9.41
DATA REVIEW 	2492	1.72
DENIED      	659	0.45

Overall I have 145 thousand cases. I might have missed 5-10 thousand, but I don't think it makes much of a difference. This number is pretty close to what BECs were claiming (around 300 thousand for two of them).
I'll start running the process every night to see how DBEC progresses. It takes just a couple of hours to run, so I don't think it will be a big impact on website perfomance.

If there are not too many changes I'll run the process once a week.

Good Luck!