BEC Priority Date Tracker

PBEC VA Aug 28 2002 EB3 RIR Approval

#169 27th April 2006, 08:46 PM
Registered User Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 7

labor approved


Hi All,
I am a silent reader. This forum rocks. I received email from HR notifying that the labor got approved today.
Case Type: RIR EB3 VA
PD: Aug 28, 2002
Case Number: P-04280-*****
45 days letter received: Feb 9, 2005
Wish you all good luck. See you all in I140 forum ...... where no one has gone before ...... (atleast no legal from this forum).


Kindly add my details to the excel sheet you maintain
You are doing a good job maintaining the list with all the cases. Can you kindly add mine to the Excel sheet as well.

SWA Location: NJ
PD: 12-may-03
No 45 day letter yet

PD: 12th May'2003
Getting a screen shot?


Please let me know how to get a screen shot of my case from Dallas BEC.

Thank you.


PD 11/2003, MI
45 day letter recieved

My lawyer informed that they recieved my 45 day letter last week and replied this week... dont know the exact dates yet.

PD: 10/2003
RD: Not appl

Please update the excel spreadsheet with this information.
Help IV help us!

Guys,, the non-profit organization started by fellow suffers such as us, is trying to meet its financial goal of 150K by this month end. IV is doing a fabulous job in raising awareness in DC about the legal immigration community, and trying its best to influnce the passage of the bill with amendments that will help everyone in the GC queue.

Contribution has come in from everywhere - mainly from people affected by BECs and retrogression - the two main objectives of this group. Even people who are between jobs have contributed, with the hope that the concerted effort of this group will get us thru this. Please seriously consider a donation - howsoever small. Think of it - it's not much more than a game of baseball, couple of movie tickets, or a fancy dinner out. Isn't your GC more valuable than any of these? Please do whatever you can and spread the word!
Tracker with graphs

Hi MDWatch, mvinays and others,

The addition of graph was a real good work. Thank you.

I expanded on the graphic dimension of the tracker by adding some pivot charts and scatter charts for the analyzing minds and have attached it here.

I have used tracker uploaded on 4/25.

I hope this adds value to the tracker.

For now I have done it only for PBEC. If you are planning to add these charts to the original tracker and can reuse my work, I will be willing to do it for DBEC as well.

I noticed that the long existing column "45 Day replied date" is missing from the tracker uploaded on 4/26. If we can add back that column, we can do some trending based on that as well. I guess Saknia has some theory based on letter replied date.

If anybody here thinks that there might exist some corelation between any data items, I will be willing to do that trending as well.

Let me know.

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Pbec Nj Aug 2002 Rir Eb3 Approval

28th April 2006, 01:39 PM
Registered User Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 117

One of my collegue got his labor approved today PD Aug 2002 NJ RIR EB3.
No 45- Day letter, LC Approval - Still Waiting

PD : 31-July-2001, CA, EB2, RIR
(Initially filed under TR and later filed as RIR - Recreuitment efforts done.
No 45-day letter so far, Nothing in Sight. New case No. : D-05132-09XXX

Anyone saiing in the same boat?? Any clues on when we can hope to get some news?

The last screen shot (Jan 26, 2006) shows 'Data Review', case source : Region, Fields : Occupation Title, Occupation Code, Prevailing Wage, Processing Type, Data Entry Assigned To have been left blank. All other information is there!

Getting frustrated! :mad:
nviren said:
Hi MDWatch, mvinays and others,

The addition of graph was a real good work. Thank you.

I expanded on the graphic dimension of the tracker by adding some pivot charts and scatter charts for the analyzing minds and have attached it here. I have used tracker uploaded on 4/25.

I hope this adds value to the tracker.

For now I have done it only for PBEC. If you are planning to add these charts to the original tracker and can reuse my work, I will be willing to do it for DBEC as well.

I noticed that the long existing column "45 Day replied date" is missing from the tracker uploaded on 4/26. If we can add back that column, we can do some trending based on that as well. I guess Saknia has some theory based on letter replied date.

If anybody here thinks that there might exist some corelation between any data items, I will be willing to do that trending as well.

Let me know.


Hi nviren - I tried to open your file in OpenOffice and it takes a lot of time to do that. OpenOffice becomes not very responcive. Can you please test new additions to work both in MS Office and OpenOffice.

45 day letter received, Plz update the tracker


After a long wait i got a mail from HR that my 45 day letter has been received. Please update the tracker. The info is in my signature.

45 day Letter recieved

Got my 45 day letter ... finally ... Please update spread sheet with updated info

PD 13 Jan '03
45DL April 27th '06
Backlog Center : Dallas
LC type : Regular
lacrossegc said:
Got my 45 day letter ... finally ... Please update spread sheet with updated info

PD 13 Jan '03
45DL April 27th '06
Backlog Center : Dallas
LC type : Regular
Can u pls tell us abt ur state?
45 Day letter recieved

Sorry skipped the state :
State : Wisconsin SWA
Got my 45 day letter ... finally ... Please update spread sheet with updated info

PD 13 Jan '03
45DL April 27th '06
Backlog Center : Dallas
LC type : Regular
State : Wisconsin SWA
PBEC VA Sep 2002 RIR approval

1st May 2006, 12:57 PM
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 3

VA RIR Sept 2002 Aprroval


A colleague of mine got his labor approved from PBEC. The lawyer sent him the notification this am. Don't know the exact date of approval.

VA, 09/09/2002, RIR
PBEC - P-04278-xxxxx
Tracker with graphs

Looks like many people tried to open the tracker with graphs I uploaded on friday but could not open it.

Hence I am uploading it again. This has the same scatter diagrams and pivot charts the earlier one had. (And removing the attachment from earlier one to conserve the disk space)

Again, MDWatch and Mvinays are doing commendable job of maintaining the tracker. I don't intend to start another one. I thought by way of graphs, we can analyze the whole situation better and see if we can see any predictability in the operation of BECs.

If it adds value and can be done, may be we can add it to real tracker.

Your analysis, comments are welcome.

Please add my info

I'm new to the forum, but here's my info to add

PD - 06/xx/2004
RD - ???
New BEC Case no. - No idea - Don't know if I'm at DBEC or PBEC
45-day letter Date received - no

So... I am pretty sure that I'm "somewhere" at a BEC - is there any way to find out? My attorney said that she would know by June 06, I'm assuming this is because all 45 day letters are supposed to be sent by then?
45 Day Letter Received

Georgia SWA
PD - 5/7/2004
Backlog Center - Philadelphia
45-day letter Date received - 5/1/2006
45-day letter Date replied - 5/1/2006

Thanks for maintaning the tracker