Beat the system VIA CANADA!


Registered Users (C)
I know many will hate me for revealing loop-holes.

But if you leave via Canada [i.e. get your plane ticket from Canada-to home country- for a well deserved 3 or 4 year vacation!!!!!!, then your GC is not scanned - so "they" don't know when you left ! ]

When you come back via Canada, then get on train or in a shared car , to go back into the USA - and immigration asks

"How long have you been away? What was purpose of visit to Canada"

You say: "Enjoying my weekend, man! Wanting to check out the Falls!"

If the immigration officer thinks you're lieing - what is he going to do? Do you really think he is going to check whether you were away for 4 years? I don't think so !!!!

Any thougths anybody

[OK - the above is the first time ever, in my BEATING THE SYSTEMS course that "lieing" is involved. Truthfully, you should NEVER LIE. The above is not beating the system BUT CHEATING IT. It can land you in SEVERE TROUBLE - AND YOU WILL FOREVER LOSE ANY RIGHT TO ENTER AMERICAN AND PROBABLY CANADIAN SOIL - FOREVER ! But that's the risk.

Of course, you could justify it by saying you are NOT lieing! You were indeed away for the weekend, visiting Niagara! The fact that you were also away for 4 years... well that was not the question.... ! Hmm...]
When I visited the falls last September the Canadian Immigration officer scanned my green card. No "beating the system" here.

You are a troll.
I liked your post....very funny.

To JoeF...go get an was a joke ... but given your anal retentiveness, it doesn't surprise me.

You are the only troll get lost and stop telling others to do don't own this board....jackass.
IloveAmerica2 said:
I know many will hate me for revealing loop-holes.

But if you leave via Canada [i.e. get your plane ticket from Canada-to home country- for a well deserved 3 or 4 year vacation!!!!!!, then your GC is not scanned - so "they" don't know when you left ! ]

When you come back via Canada, then get on train or in a shared car , to go back into the USA - and immigration asks

"How long have you been away? What was purpose of visit to Canada"

You say: "Enjoying my weekend, man! Wanting to check out the Falls!"

If the immigration officer thinks you're lieing - what is he going to do? Do you really think he is going to check whether you were away for 4 years? I don't think so !!!!

Any thougths anybody

[OK - the above is the first time ever, in my BEATING THE SYSTEMS course that "lieing" is involved. Truthfully, you should NEVER LIE. The above is not beating the system BUT CHEATING IT. It can land you in SEVERE TROUBLE - AND YOU WILL FOREVER LOSE ANY RIGHT TO ENTER AMERICAN AND PROBABLY CANADIAN SOIL - FOREVER ! But that's the risk.

Of course, you could justify it by saying you are NOT lieing! You were indeed away for the weekend, visiting Niagara! The fact that you were also away for 4 years... well that was not the question.... ! Hmm...]

Very interesting.. Although its kind of way around the system. Do you know if anybody did that successfully?? Can you post their experience.. Its not about RIGHT or WRONG( I don't care, there is CIS who will deal with them), but its worthwhile to know reality check of your BEAT THE SYSTEM. And again I am not encouraging anybody to follow(or not to follow) this, but just want to hear in detail . God Bless you and let you keep your GC forever.

I really liked your analogy of BEAT THE SYSTEM and math multiplication. Thats damn good man. :) :)
Or you can drive to mexico and jump back in like the other people who jump borders...the only small risk is you might be shot by the border patrol or the minutemen....