Hello viplob,
Thanks for your quick response!
You might think I'm digging in too much, but since I plan to move to the DC area soon both with a need to live in VA for a while to establish VA residency for my educational puposes and with an interest to get naturalized quickly. I will become eligible to file my N-400 at the end of this year.
So, from the timeline you put, I suppose that you knew that you were going to move to MD when you filed your N-400 from VA. How come you chose to file your N-400 from your old jurisdiction in VA and then report address change, in stead of waiting for three months to establish the new jurisdiction in MD to file your N-400 from there? To do so, you probably had to wait until mid-Feb. to file N-400, and with the current a 4 1/2-month waiting period, you would probably have naturalized in early July. So, apparently how you did was faster than otherwise? Am I correct?
Also, how soon can one file change of address after he submitted his N-400? It is plausible that he moves to a different address/jurisdiction the next day he filed his N-400, no? Also, how can you report change of address -- telephone, e-mail, web site, or snail mail???
Thanks again!