Baltimore local transfer list

fp redo

Mr. what_happend,

It's due to the fact that your FP is not clear. It happends once in a while. Hang in there, Looks like they are lookiing into Aug 8th cases. The surprsising though is that both the cases which had the TD of Aug 8th got a FP REDO
To what_happen


If you don't mind could you please verify your RD, so that you could be added to the list? Thank you.
FP Redo - Me too

Hi All. I am new to the forum, TD 8/8, RD 09/21.

Someone mentioned that "Pendit" had same situation, could you please post the URL to Pendit's message?

Also i believe someone in this thread is in the same situation.

There maybe something in common, is it FP date, place, nationality, citizenship, ..etc? Or maybe something i cannot think of.

We did FP on 5/2 at Glenmont.

Letter says FP's could have been rejected by FBI, but it is just too much of a coincedence that both my and my wife's need to be repeated.



Hi RD0915. Thanks for posting URL.

I got letter on Saturday 9/14. It is dated 9/11.

Glenmont & Wheaton are same place, i believe.

After FP, AVM always said "FP Results were received and Processing resumed.." until transfer of course.

RD0915, i believe that it was yourself who went in person to Baltimore and asked about interview timeline. At risk of asking obvious, was it easy to make such inquiry? Did you have to queue up for it, or take a number, force the question ..etc? I am thinking of doing that tomorrow and i want to do it in an efficient way?

I did finger on Glement(Glement and wheaton is same place). From my point view, it looks like some file lost during transfer so they asked me to redo finger print
FP Redo

Hi, For those received FP Redo notice, would you please give me following info:

(1) Did you lawyer also receive a copy of the notice or only youself receive it,

(2) The fp redo notice issue date and fp redo date.

I will be out of town for 2 or 3 weeks, I am afraid if I get fp redo notice during that time, I may miss it!

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To maancert0921


Yes, you do have to take the number & wait in line for a little bit. The officer was very polite, there was no need to "force" the question. I think they are there to help people, so I would say there's no problem to address your concerns when you are there.

I hope it goes well for you tomorrow and that the FP REDO will not slow down the interview scheduling. Pls let us know what happens.
To maancert0921 and pendit

Hi maancert0921 and pendit,

Would you please tell me
when you received you fp redo notice and what date is your fp redo date?


looks like there are lots of people who got notince FP redo. Also inetersting, all most all of them did got transfered on 8/8 and had their 1st FP at Glenmont/Wheaton.

Well, I am one of them.

RD 8/28/02
FP 4/18/02 (wheaton)
TD 8/8/02 (Baltimore, MD)
to 485Nohope

Hi. I received letter on 9/14. My FP previous date was 5/2.

The letter does not specify a set date for next FP, says in next 120 days. So i guess i could go anytime. We are going tomorrow to Baltimore.

Pendit and What_happen, do your letter specify a set date for the next FP?


my letter is same. only ask to redo it within 120 days. If you are going to Baltimore tomorrow, can you help me to ask how long it will take for EAD renewal at Baltimore currently?


Visited Baltimore...
1. TD:08/08 -- Interview NOT scheduled yet...
2. There will NOT be any interviews conducted in first half of OCT'2002 at Baltimore.:mad: :mad: :mad:
To wnqqnw

wnqqnw, did you ask them when the remain transfers can expect an interview? I remember that one transfer used to visit baltimore and got the answer that the interview will be done in 3 month. If it is true, all transfer must finish interview before 11/9.

If no interview will be schedule before 10/15, then the 3 month max time frame will not be true.

Thanks, wnqqnw, for visiting Baltimore and for sharing information.

This is very depressing. But we kind of suspected that there'll be no interviews in October, didn't we?

Wnqqnw, did they give you any reason why there'll be no interviews in the 1st half of October?