Back Taxes And Naturalization


New Member
My wife have been happily married for over 6 years and have done everything perfectly and timely paperwork wise with immigration ....she has come here and graduated in the top 1% in her class at a large state univeristy ...she wortks making very good money for tyhe world's lasrgest chip maker and has never so m,uch as bounced a check or rerceived a traffic ticket in all 6 years she arriuved in june and we were married 75 days later in 2000 so we were married for about 3 months of that tax year and were able to file as a married couple noner the less it was a very good year for me and no matter what I did or my accountant did we ended up owing 2157.00 to the IRS and now 6 years later we still owe it we owe no other irs debt jointly and her credit is perfect and deep....I saw a question about back tax debt on the citizenship form and need to knowm if answering yes to this question with an explanation and the amount etc. and explaining that she had no earnings for that year at all was only married to me for 3 monthsd of it etc. will be good enough or if we should wait until we pay it off and if we do then how long should we wait in order to file after it's paid a friend of hers who is an atty said to her it was a huge thing to INS and she would never become a citizen and evenb after we paid iot she would have to wait for 5-7 years to apply. I think this person is full of s&%t help me people my wife is crying and very upset her friemnd mentioned 8.cfr.316.11
Don't want to sound rude, but ask your wife to edit your post so it becomes intelligible. At least pass it through some spell checker.
I don't get it, you seem to make it sound like you and your wife are doing well financially. Why did you let a couple of thousands of taxes become an issue for so long? I just don't get it. I think you should start by paying the taxes you owe. Somewhat I have little sympathy for tax cheats, and I think USCIS does too.

PS: I am not even a 100% sure that your post is legitimate, but I don't think the disqualification for such a thing like this will be permanent. Unfortunately the only way to know for sure is consult a good immigration lawyer and/or apply for citizenship and see what happens.

My 2 cents.
Here Is The Spell Checked Version Sorry About That Was In A Hurry

The moral of the story is that we are not wealthy only that with this one exception have played by all the rules ...we are not tax cheats or we would have fouind a clever way to break even for that tax year and we pay alot of tax between the two of us ....we owe 2k none of the tax owed spawned from her income and every yhear before and after has been fine we wanted to get the process started and were concerned ...does any one with J.D. after their name have any input ?? thx roger

My wife have been happily married for over 6 years and have done everything perfectly and timely paperwork wise with immigration ....she has come here and graduated in the top 1% in her class at a large state university ...she works making very good money for the world's largest chip maker and has never so much as bounced a check or received a traffic ticket in all 6 years she arrived in June and we were married 75 days later in 2000 so we were married for about 3 months of that tax year and were able to file as a married couple none the less it was a very good year for me and no matter what I did or my accountant did we ended up owing 2157.00 to the IRS and now 6 years later we still owe it we owe no other IRS debt jointly and her credit is perfect and deep....I saw a question about back tax debt on the citizenship form and need to know if answering yes to this question with an explanation and the amount etc. and explaining that she had no earnings for that year at all was only married to me for 3 months of it etc. will be good enough or if we should wait until we pay it off and if we do then how long should we wait in order to file after it's paid a friend of hers who is an Atty said to her it was a huge thing to INS and she would never become a citizen and even after we paid it she would have to wait for 5-7 years to apply. I think this person is full of s&%t help me people my wife is crying and very upset her friend mentioned 8.cfr.316.11
I was asked under oath, during my N-400 interview, if I still owe IRS any taxes.
My advice, pay off the back taxes. When an individual applies for a US passport, DOS will check with IRS to see if you owe any back taxes.
Yes, I think the point is to pay the back taxes sooner than later. I was led to believe that you are doing well financially because of your words: "she works making very good money for the world's largest chip maker". Other thing I don't understand is that my guess would be that if you owe taxes for that long they probably have accumulated fines and interest on top of the initial tax. I also still don't understand what was the rationale to not pay that tax for so long. I don't think the idea of taxes is that you can manage to break even or get a refund every year. It all depends of the tax they take from your paycheck and other income. Some years you get money back some years you might have to pay.

Were you disputing the tax assesment, did you think the taxes would go away if you looked the other way? I don't think anybody enjoys paying taxes, but that's the way schools, defense, and many other things get paid for.

Pay the owed tax, get clean with IRS and hope for the best during naturalization. I hope someone with experience on this can share a personal experience.
As others have said, you will absolutely have to pay off the back taxes and any fines before you can qualify for naturalization. At the very least you need to have a documented settlement plan with the IRS, to show how you plan to pay off the debt.
Pay the MAN

What exactly did all the extaraneous info about your wife's academic accomplishment and salary add to your question. This is a simple case of "do I need to pay off all my debts to the IRS before I apply for naturalization?". Yes you do. Quite simple eh?
You say "She graduated in the top 1% in her class at a large state university ".She should know better.TAXES COMES FIRST THAN CITIZINESHIP.
If you cannot afford to pay the taxes all at once, consider going to the IRS and establishing a payment plan. That way, during your interview, you can say "we had a finance problem, and although we owe the IRS some money, we have this plan that they are OK with".

(of course, I'm not a lawyer)
funny acc

rogerisright said:
The moral of the story is that we are not wealthy only that with this one exception have played by all the rules ...we are not tax cheats or we would have fouind a clever way to break even for that tax year and we pay alot of tax between the two of us ....we owe 2k none of the tax owed spawned from her income and every yhear before and after has been fine we wanted to get the process started and were concerned ...does any one with J.D. after their name have any input ?? thx roger

My wife have been happily married for over 6 years and have done everything perfectly and timely paperwork wise with immigration ....she has come here and graduated in the top 1% in her class at a large state university ...she works making very good money for the world's largest chip maker and has never so much as bounced a check or received a traffic ticket in all 6 years she arrived in June and we were married 75 days later in 2000 so we were married for about 3 months of that tax year and were able to file as a married couple none the less it was a very good year for me and no matter what I did or my accountant did we ended up owing 2157.00 to the IRS and now 6 years later we still owe it we owe no other IRS debt jointly and her credit is perfect and deep....I saw a question about back tax debt on the citizenship form and need to know if answering yes to this question with an explanation and the amount etc. and explaining that she had no earnings for that year at all was only married to me for 3 months of it etc. will be good enough or if we should wait until we pay it off and if we do then how long should we wait in order to file after it's paid a friend of hers who is an Atty said to her it was a huge thing to INS and she would never become a citizen and even after we paid it she would have to wait for 5-7 years to apply. I think this person is full of s&%t help me people my wife is crying and very upset her friend mentioned 8.cfr.316.11

There is something funny with your account. Wife graduate top 1%, works for the largest chip maker (makes a lot of money), what value was in you filing taxes jointly?

Listen....US govt view your tax payment as a commitment to being part of this society... :eek: If you don't pay taxes and you enjoy the finer things in life, then your ability to become a US citizenship is severely impaired, paying taxes is at the core of what is to become a US citizen... :rolleyes: How serious this is? You leave and go back to your home country, any foreign income is taxed or you will owe taxes... :p

As I coined it "death and taxes are the only absolute certainity in life"... :D
Go to IRS and ask for all your bills, get a loan from your bank, pay it off. You wife crying isn't going to change a dickens, paying taxes is a must... :eek: Have you ever gone to Macy's to buy a pair of shoes, and told them that you will pay your taxes later? Of course not, taxes is the first thing that they will take from you that serious dude... :mad: Uncle Sam doesn't trust you...hence your salary comes with the tax already taken.... :rolleyes:
rogerisright said:
My wife have been happily married for over 6 years and have done everything perfectly and timely paperwork wise with immigration ....she has come here and graduated in the top 1% in her class at a large state univeristy ...she wortks making very good money for tyhe world's lasrgest chip maker and has never so m,uch as bounced a check or rerceived a traffic ticket in all 6 years she arriuved in june and we were married 75 days later in 2000 so we were married for about 3 months of that tax year and were able to file as a married couple noner the less it was a very good year for me and no matter what I did or my accountant did we ended up owing 2157.00 to the IRS and now 6 years later we still owe it we owe no other irs debt jointly and her credit is perfect and deep....I saw a question about back tax debt on the citizenship form and need to knowm if answering yes to this question with an explanation and the amount etc. and explaining that she had no earnings for that year at all was only married to me for 3 monthsd of it etc. will be good enough or if we should wait until we pay it off and if we do then how long should we wait in order to file after it's paid a friend of hers who is an atty said to her it was a huge thing to INS and she would never become a citizen and evenb after we paid iot she would have to wait for 5-7 years to apply. I think this person is full of s&%t help me people my wife is crying and very upset her friemnd mentioned 8.cfr.316.11

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