B2 visa question

Jhon Li

Registered Users (C)
I want to invite my parents come to US. They are going to apply B2 Visa at Beijing, China. They visted us in America between 2002/1-2003/1 (12 months with valid extension). Right now, I am drafting an invitation letter. The main point is to invite them to be us for a few months. I have several questions for the invitation letter concerning the possibility of visa application approval:

1. I bought a new house and will move into it next month. If I mention it in the letter (say I have a new house, I want my parent to see), is it good or bad?
2. My son is in China with them, in the letter, can I say I want them to bring my son back to US or don't mention my son?
3. We will have another new baby very soon, If I mention it (say I will have a new baby, I want them to see), is it good or bad?

Any B2 Visa application expeirence will be welcome.

Jhon Li said:
I want to invite my parents come to US. They are going to apply B2 Visa at Beijing, China. They visted us in America between 2002/1-2003/1 (12 months with valid extension). Right now, I am drafting an invitation letter. The main point is to invite them to be us for a few months. I have several questions for the invitation letter concerning the possibility of visa application approval:

1. I bought a new house and will move into it next month. If I mention it in the letter (say I have a new house, I want my parent to see), is it good or bad?
2. My son is in China with them, in the letter, can I say I want them to bring my son back to US or don't mention my son? what is your son's status. Is he US Citizen?r 3. We will have another new baby very soon, If I mention it (say I will have a new baby, I want them to see), is it good or bad?

Any B2 Visa application expeirence will be welcome.

Jhon Li said:
I want to invite my parents come to US. They are going to apply B2 Visa at Beijing, China. They visted us in America between 2002/1-2003/1 (12 months with valid extension). Right now, I am drafting an invitation letter. The main point is to invite them to be us for a few months. I have several questions for the invitation letter concerning the possibility of visa application approval:

1. I bought a new house and will move into it next month. If I mention it in the letter (say I have a new house, I want my parent to see), is it good or bad?

----> You can. This is not the best reason but it is ok. They would prefer to see tourism reasons "i want them to see disney in orlando, vegas, ny.... meet people of different culture, taste different cuisines....and appreciate the diversity of america"

2. My son is in China with them, in the letter, can I say I want them to bring my son back to US or don't mention my son?

----> Yes. Good reason.

3. We will have another new baby very soon, If I mention it (say I will have a new baby, I want them to see), is it good or bad?

----> Absolutely NOT. They have been refusing visas if u say that. They consider it as taking a "Nanny's" job away, as you would have hired a Nanny if they didn't come. Don't tell me it is stupid - I already know it is...

Any B2 Visa application expeirence will be welcome.

B2 Visa for Mother rejected :-(

Hello All,

My mother had applied for B-2 visa. She had an appointment with the consulate today, and her visa application got rejected.
After waiting for more than 3 hours, they finally took her interview in Hindi asking her couple of questions like:
1.Where does your son work? Does he have GC?
2. Do you plan on working there?
3. How many children do you have and where do they live?
4. Do you have grand children?

I have a Green card and I don't have any children. I have one sister who lives in Gujrat, whereas my mom lives in hyderabad. They did not check any documents. But on the answers for the questions they asked, they rejected the visa. My mother is a retired govt. teacher, about 65 years old.
Any comments on why her visa was rejected? She had visited us about 3 years back, for about 4 months and then she left(she had 6 months visa then). She left much before her I-94 expiration. Still her visa got rejected. We mentioned the reason of visit as, " visiting son and want to attend the graduation ceremony of daughter in law". Is this not a good enough reason?
Can someone also please tell me the procedure of reapplying? And what are the chances of getting the visa?
Thanks for the help,
Invitation Letter for B2 Visa

Hello All,

Sometime back, there was draft of a letter posted here on this forum, I forgot the name of the person who posted it. But this letter was the letter of invitation to the parents inviting them to come and visit US for cultural purpose. I was wondering, if someone can re-post that draft.

Thanks so much,
veerender said:
Hello All,

Sometime back, there was draft of a letter posted here on this forum, I forgot the name of the person who posted it. But this letter was the letter of invitation to the parents inviting them to come and visit US for cultural purpose. I was wondering, if someone can re-post that draft.

Thanks so much,

Here you go:

Date <: 18th Dec 2000 >
< Your name >
<Your Full address >

Phone Numbers:
(Work): < (xxx)-xxx-xxxx >
(Home): < (xxx)-xxx-xxxx >
email : <email address>

< Visitors name >
< Visitor’s Address >

Dear < Mummy, Daddy>

I am doing fine, and hope the same for you. I am inviting you to visit us and spend your vacation in USA with us. During your stay, we would visit various tourist places in USA such as New York, Washington DC, Niagara Falls, Las Vegas, Las Angeles, Disney Land etc. It will also be an opportunity for you to see and experience the American culture, meet different kinds of people and different variety of food.

I will be taking care of your entire USA tour expenses, including the round trip air fare to USA, food, housing, travel within USA, medical insurance and all your other personal expenses. You will be staying with us at our above given residential address.

Herewith I’m sending all the required documents for getting the necessary tourist visa from the US Consulate, < New Delhi.>

I am eagerly waiting for your arrival in USA.

Your <Loving>

( Your Name)