AVM Messages


bazirao - did u here in AVM sometime back that an RFE was issued ??
or its directly said they have recevied a response to your RFE??

The message is "On march 15th we received...". It never mentioned any thing about when the RFE was sent etc..."
What about this logic..

Since they are approving July cases already,they want to show some reason for the waiting April,May cases.So they post a RFE but don\'t send them to the Parties,they post that the replies were received..and approve these cases.
Or It may be that they have to issue certain no of RFE\'s per month,and that since they want to cut down the processing time to 6 Months,they post these RFE\'s themselves and approve...

Just my thoughts...
thank, but the funny thing is no one and i mean even the immi lawyer and iio can\'t say what this me

its the software

all this glicthes are created by software.
and EDS is the one who handles all INS software projects.
and there is max programmers in EDS are indians.
Send out an message to all our EDS indian brothers to do all levels of QA testing before releasing to production (INS)
Same message.

Hi Siva:
I am getting same message, Have you got your FP done. Mine is not done, still waiting for FP
i have done finger print on 1/17/02

i guess still no one knows what this message means !!!!
God help us all !!!!!!
nop i haven\'t talked to FBI, the previous message said they have Rec my finger print and process ha

FBI talk

may be its better to talk to them to make our selves clear of whatz happening.
its easy to get the FBI line.
somebody suggested

that may be INS sent a RFE to FBI regarding the finger print results etc.
just a possibility.
we have no idea whatz happening with our case and that AVM message.