Automatic e-mail notification on your case status by BCIS

Last Updated date

* Note on "Last Updated" date:
Your case may have a new "Last Updated" date and you may receive an Email Notification of your case being updated, without the status of the case changing. This is due to internal USCIS processing being performed on your Case. This will be reflected in the "Last Updated" date, but may not result in a different status message.
This is a good service by USCIS

I also observed it today and registered myself and created the portfolio.

Since everybody is eager to see some change in their status, it is nice to have such service available. Even if some internal processing change happens we receive the e-mail notification.
I doubt any kind of updates from UCIS. It would be the same 'run of the mill stuff' which I am seeing for more than 2 yrs now..

I do not expect any update from UCISC except "down-dates" :(
anil jee,

you are giving way too much respect jee, pls jee, dont do this jee, i cant digest people giving this much respect on the forum jee, thank you jee.
One sub project of my hibernating Project Anaconda was to mail
status report to many people who were interested in getting it.

I am officially shutting that down as of today. People who have
registered will get an email pointing to the new link directly from
Originally posted by desi-bartender
One sub project of my hibernating Project Anaconda was to mail
status report to many people who were interested in getting it.
I am officially shutting that down as of today. People who have
registered will get an email pointing to the new link directly from
Hi, desi-bartender,
How about Project Anaconda itself ?

Considering the current paticipation level of the campaings, I may close Project Kashmir soon.
I know I might flames for this...but here is my thout....

Most of the people come to this forum to check updates ask questions ...cry about INS inefficiency....and what not....mostly people dont want to have another headache of joining campaigns..file lawsuits..."make a difference to this INS processing" kinda of thats why you see lots of members of this forum but very few participating in the campaign....

All the services to this forum and participation is completely on voluntary basis and there should not be a big banner to convience people to join what they dont want to.....keep it nice a simple....:) thats all...

if there are backlogs they will be removed sometimes or the has happened in past and it did got cleared far as i know there were very few campaigning and other things....which in my opinion makes no diffrence to USCIS
Hi, mygcwaiter100,
Thanks for your advice.
Originally posted by mygcwaiter100
I know I might flames for this...but here is my thout....

Most of the people come to this forum to check updates ask questions ...cry about INS inefficiency....and what not....mostly people dont want to have another headache of joining campaigns..file lawsuits..."make a difference to this INS processing" kinda of thats why you see lots of members of this forum but very few participating in the campaign....

All the services to this forum and participation is completely on voluntary basis and there should not be a big banner to convience people to join what they dont want to.....keep it nice a simple....:) thats all...

if there are backlogs they will be removed sometimes or the has happened in past and it did got cleared far as i know there were very few campaigning and other things....which in my opinion makes no diffrence to USCIS
I have to agree with mygcwaiter.

Not to diminish the excellent work of Kasmir, frankly I don't know where you get your energy - can you lend me some?

I think you do an excellent job and no doubt you are frustrated by the lack of participation by people, I too have been there as well.

But I too will add my thoughts (at the risk of being flamed). Your approach should be a little different.

Before Kashmir there was PCee and before PCee there was CIBA (yes that's right CIBA, I know most of you have never heard that name before, but how many old timers are still here that remember CIBA???)

All three of these individuals have donated extensive amounts of their time to help the board because of their genuine interest as well as their technical ability.

The difference I think is that CIBA and PCee tirelessly contributed, but they didn't hold the board ransom for those that didn't contribute. Kashmir, I believe you are passionate in what you are doing and you are doing excellent work, but you try incentivize people to participate but the result is it comes off like coercian (sp). It actually drives people away. I myself used to be actively involved in the board but haven't participated much in the last 6 months. Now before anyone jumps down my throat, I've mailed and faxed all senators, representatives and even the president and have received messages back.

I think you started out well doing the statuses and it was very informative for the board and everyone divided up your script and ran them and gave you back the numbers. But I think somewhere in your passion you got frustrated with peoples empathy and that's where the change happened.

If you look at PCee, he tirelessly helped anyone, answering all questions with a cheerful attitude - what a saint. I know I certainly wouldn't have, and I certainly wouldn't have had your patience either.

But when PCee finally got his GC, I think there was something like 10 pages of congratulatory emails from people here. I hope you get the same.

My suggestion to you is to not get bitter or resentful, but keep up the fantastic work you are doing and just realize people are people and your reward may never result in thankyous from all the 485 waiters that come after you but benefit from all your hard work.
Hi Kashmir, also please stop wasting your time on scanning for others. You spend so much of your time and resources on scanning. Atleast, you can get to spend more time with your family than doing a free service !!
Lots of people are interested ONLY in your scans than anything else and they want it free!! People never found the forum bad, when asking to scan their series and when lots of threads were filled with your scan results and the reports and analysis that goes with each and every scan of yours. I sincerely hope you stop scanning!!

And you know what keeping up the "good work" means, right ? Scan for free.

Also, please post the yahoo groups that you guys already created for people who are interested in campaigns.
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Since I am a harami I am thinking a way of exploiting this new
system. This new system has the added advantage of sending
you alerts when a case is touched which Project kashmir and
Project Anaconda both lack.

Given the new system one can create multiple accounts with
a simple program and add the Project Anaconda 485 numbers
to these accounts. I could add atleast 25 numbers to one account
and I am sure I can add more. Somebody needs to find out how
much the limit is. If the limit is lets say 1000 numbers then all we
need to do is create 36 accounts.

Then we process the daily alerts for a much better report.

Now the advantage of this project is that we don't need any
more proxies. We can use USCIS resources to do the job and
we can accurately tell which cases were touched. Sweet huh?

Now this may involve dealing with mail systems and mail but
thats my speciality. Mail. I can write such a automated program
which creates these accounts and adds the wac numbers in them.
And then write another mail to process mails coming to these

Now thats what you call ingenuity. Right brother?
Some time back kashmir decided to write a script which divides
the work between number of people of scanning various

Such a tool was very hard to do because it would be hard to
protect all 485 numbers. But if we show some faith then we
can use USCIS resources to do just that.

Here is what this project will require you to do.

1. Pick a wac 02/03 series that nobody has picked.
2. Run Project Kashmir Scan to find the valid 485 numbers in the
3. Run a simple program that will add these numbers to your
4. Run a program every day to process the received email
and file a report on this site.

What do people say to an idea like that?
Remember you may get false alerts. It says clearly that your case may be touched and yet the status mat not change. Inter adminstrative Processing ...................

But it is good tool for monitoring individual cases. I would rather have an email sent then go check the status 5 times a day.
That would be an abuse of the facility provided. It's a very helpful tool for many people (especially ones who are not up to the task of running a scan etc) and we shouldn't abuse it.

I think we should continue scanning using our resources. I think as long as BCIS doesn't take away non-portofolio status checking, why should anything change for us?
Good thinking Harami.. :)

Just one note of caution though...

Make sure you are not violating any of the Privacy clauses of USCIS by doing so. Remember we do click on "Agree" button when we open an account with them. Make sure you have read that agreement before doing this.

Good luck.
Looks like this USCIS is also junk mail SPAM..
I got like 8 mails from USCIS since today morning and it just says what it reads...