Australia to send Asylum Seekers to Camps


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Australia to Send Asylum Seekers to Camps By ROD McGUIRK, Associated Press Writer
Thu Apr 13, 2:08 AM ET

The government will send all asylum seekers arriving by boat on Australia's mainland to island detention camps, the country's immigration minister announced Thursday.

The move was seen as an attempt to avoid further inflaming tensions with Indonesia after 42 people from its Papua province were granted refugee status.

Prime Minister John Howard denied the new policy was designed to appease Jakarta, though he added that if it helped improve relations it would be a "very good thing."

"It's not done as a concession to Indonesia," he told reporters in Sydney. "It is designed to regularize our policy in this area."

Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone said Canberra will also boost patrols of waters off its northern coast that separate Australia from Indonesia.

"Any claims to refugee status will be properly assessed at an offshore location, as they have been in previous years," Vanstone said in a statement. "People found to be refugees will remain offshore until resettlement to a third country is arranged."

Under a policy introduced in 2001, asylum seekers arriving on outlying Australian islands were sent to detention camps on impoverished South Pacific neighbors Nauru and Papua New Guinea and the Australian Indian Ocean territory of Christmas Island.

But those who reached the mainland were deemed entitled to Australia's full legal rights — allowing them to launch appeals which could take years to resolve. Now, even those arriving on the mainland by boat will be sent to island detention camps.

Indonesia's government demanded a review of Australian refugee procedures after the 42 Papuans who arrived on Australia's coast by dugout canoe in January were accepted as refugees last month.

Many in Jakarta saw the decision as tacit acknowledgment of Indonesian human rights abuses in Papua and a signal of Australian support for a long-running separatist movement on the half-island province.

Refugee advocates and opposition lawmakers attacked the proposed new policy as an overreaction to the furor over the Papuan refugees.

David Mann, from the Refugee and Immigration Legal Center, said it breached Australia's international obligations.

"This is an extreme and alarming development, and a radical and very dangerous overreaction," Mann told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio. "Under international law, people have a clear-cut, fundamental right to seek asylum in Australia, and to have their case for protection fully and properly heard in Australia."

Opposition Labor Party Leader Kim Beazley accused the government of buckling to another nation.

"The danger of letting it be known that your policy can be changed at the behest of anyone else is that they will think of a few other policies that they might like to change as well," Beazley told reporters.

Vanstone said that despite the changes Australia will continue to deal with asylum seekers in line with its obligations under U.N. rules.

"The new measures emphasize the government's strong commitment to effective border control while ensuring we continue to meet our international obligations," she said.

Indonesia ... what a messed up country. hehe I am sorry. I am from there. It's not that I hate the country so much, it's just .. I disappoint with that country. Hoping one day ... I can forgive the stupid system that they have there.
Im with you !!!!

Im a chinese Indonesian, hated the country, hated the people freaking racist discriminating, blaming Indonesians.

they blamed their poverty on chinese, what the hell ??

Im making USA my new home, Indonesia will miss my intelligence.
welcome to new life! :)

vinisterz said:
Im with you !!!!

Im a chinese Indonesian, hated the country, hated the people freaking racist discriminating, blaming Indonesians.

they blamed their poverty on chinese, what the hell ??

Im making USA my new home, Indonesia will miss my intelligence.
hi Pink,
r u a chinese idonesian? i heard that they have alot of chinese women raped out there.... hum....god bless..

Miss.PinK said:
Indonesia ... what a messed up country. hehe I am sorry. I am from there. It's not that I hate the country so much, it's just .. I disappoint with that country. Hoping one day ... I can forgive the stupid system that they have there.
Well Indonesia has a history of persecuting Chinese people.

The sad thing is that even today many Chinese clamor to go to Indonesia. Their desperation to leave China knows no bounds.
come on man, where did u hear that??? rumor's always rumor

thankful said:
Well Indonesia has a history of persecuting Chinese people.

The sad thing is that even today many Chinese clamor to go to Indonesia. Their desperation to leave China knows no bounds.
It is true. The Chinese even want to go to mosquito-infested Caribbean, war-ravaged Iraq and the Gaza Strip.

China is sick

nope. I am not chinese indonesian. IMAGINE THAT?! .. I am native but they still attacking me. whatta crazy people. I am bataknese. My case was on religious issues. I born in christian family. my great great great grandparents already christian. we simply juz wanna celebrate xmas. yet they come with stone and firecrackers and God knows whatever. Everything messed up. the cops come like 2 hours? The incident started 10 pm .. where those people banging my gate ... I dunno what time the main gate fell to the ground. how can I keep track of time, I was in the 2nd floor with NO LIGHT. DAD turn off all the light .. , It was a miracle that those people didn't have time to step on my main house.

In case u all confused. My house is like a letter "U" shape. Main house is in the back. the right side is my dad's office (they juz finished putting the last window in the morning before the incident.) and the left side was open garage + storage room. In order to get to the main house, they have to passed 2nd gate that made from bushes (?) .. hard to explain. but anyway .. I dunno what prevent them from gettin' into our house. I mean .. if they can torn the main gate 'n make it fall into the ground. they can easily wipe those bushes (although it's kinda tall). for me it's a miracle.

I hate the cops !!!! it took them forever to rescue us. 'n once they got to my house. all those people disappear. what the heck? how can +/- 100 people disappear like that? .. some neighbor said they saw trucks coming to my house .. bla bla bla bla bla .. nobody wanna be a witness .. nobody wanna interfere .. all people just wanna look for their safety by KEEP QUIET.

so ... reasonable rite for not liking my own country?
once again "i am native btw" .. makes it more hard to believe. some indonesian are psycho, I must say. but definitely NOT my family and relatives.

I feel sorry for the poverty in my country. some uneducated people in my country willing to do anything for juz $1 ... , go try it. pay them $1 and told them "hit that person over there" .. , he will do it for u. (This is a fact btw. coz' I overheard the police who talk to my dad after the incident, they interviewed some of the "bad guy" that "they said" they captured. those people confessed that "someone" pay them Rp 10.000 EACH. errr that is around $1 btw) ... even my mom said. "they should just ASK 'n negotiate , if what they want is money. coz' the total of the messed is MORE than what "that dude" paid to "those people" ...
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comcast said:
It is true. The Chinese even want to go to mosquito-infested Caribbean, war-ravaged Iraq and the Gaza Strip.

China is sick

Come on man my boss is chinese. The nicest person you will meet..Bright as hell.

Every person's story is unique. Chinese people are tortured and yes they are persecuted. Any country that limits how many babies you can make..i mean imagine that...

But also majority of chinese people come through Employment & student visas. So Not all chinese are frauds as people are claming here.

Every person has their own story and history. No one can judge one clan of immigrants because others behaved the same way.
wantmygcnow said:
So Not all chinese are frauds as people are claming here.

I never said that Chinese file fradulent applications.

In fact I think they should get special consideration for their applications because of the unbelievably atrocious nature of their government.

China is a leading country of refugees in the West for obvious reasons.
Miss.PinK said:
nope. I am not chinese indonesian. IMAGINE THAT?! .. I am native but they still attacking me. whatta crazy people. I am bataknese. My case was on religious issues. I born in christian family. my great great great grandparents already christian. we simply juz wanna celebrate xmas. yet they come with stone and firecrackers and God knows whatever. Everything messed up. the cops come like 2 hours? The incident started 10 pm .. where those people banging my gate ... I dunno what time the main gate fell to the ground. how can I keep track of time, I was in the 2nd floor with NO LIGHT. DAD turn off all the light .. , It was a miracle that those people didn't have time to step on my main house.

In case u all confused. My house is like a letter "U" shape. Main house is in the back. the right side is my dad's office (they juz finished putting the last window in the morning before the incident.) and the left side was open garage + storage room. In order to get to the main house, they have to passed 2nd gate that made from bushes (?) .. hard to explain. but anyway .. I dunno what prevent them from gettin' into our house. I mean .. if they can torn the main gate 'n make it fall into the ground. they can easily wipe those bushes (although it's kinda tall). for me it's a miracle.

I hate the cops !!!! it took them forever to rescue us. 'n once they got to my house. all those people disappear. what the heck? how can +/- 100 people disappear like that? .. some neighbor said they saw trucks coming to my house .. bla bla bla bla bla .. nobody wanna be a witness .. nobody wanna interfere .. all people just wanna look for their safety by KEEP QUIET.

so ... reasonable rite for not liking my own country?
once again "i am native btw" .. makes it more hard to believe. some indonesian are psycho, I must say. but definitely NOT my family and relatives.

I feel sorry for the poverty in my country. some uneducated people in my country willing to do anything for juz $1 ... , go try it. pay them $1 and told them "hit that person over there" .. , he will do it for u. (This is a fact btw. coz' I overheard the police who talk to my dad after the incident, they interviewed some of the "bad guy" that "they said" they captured. those people confessed that "someone" pay them Rp 10.000 EACH. errr that is around $1 btw) ... even my mom said. "they should just ASK 'n negotiate , if what they want is money. coz' the total of the messed is MORE than what "that dude" paid to "those people" ...

God bless you, Thank god you are alright !

My whole family was in singapore when muhammeds disciplines decide to rob my house and my fathers stores in May 1998.

We came back to find our house all gone, furniture, light bulbs everything !!!!
yupe .. MAY 1998 .. was like in HELL !

to tell u the truth. My mom and I doesn't really look native. (although we do have a big eyes). we both have lighter skin like chinese. so I was forbid to go anywhere. and have to wear a long sleeves wherever I go. It wasnt a pleasant experienced at all. imagine hot weather? have to covered all ur body like that? .. 'n stuck at home. people can get insane that way.

Thx. I am sorry to hear that evthing in ur house is gone :( .. I know how it feel. the fear. THE HATRED. blahhhhh .. we can go on and on ... about that country .. haha ..

but I remember my dad told me "no matter what that is our country" ..

heheheh .. :p he doesn't know that I am planning to apply u.s citizen. My dad put me in U.S just for temporary because I almost go insane after the incident. but he never expect that I would give up my indonesian citizenship. uhmmmm ... let's just see what's gonna happen 4 years from now ...

people changed over the years. I might changed my mind too. but who knows?