August Filers Post Here

Congrats, ilovethe80s
Good to see you making progress :)
Maybe we'll also have the Interview on the same day as well...
next month!
I just received my AP doc today too.
I have a question though:
Does anybody know if it's supposed to have a stamp at where it says "National Benefits Center Parole Stamp"? There is no stamp there :( Is this a mistake or is it supposed to be like that?
I actually made a research on that, they stamp it when you get back to the US from your travel. I got worried at first too.
Congrats Everyone, It looks like we are all on the same path....We have our EAD's and AP's!

Hopefully we will be getting our IL's SOON!!!
I did little lookup on July thread and feel like 30-40 days is general time from paroole approval that people get there GC.
Do you guys agree?

My mother can wait here till say max 10th of Dec. I am wondering if she should wait till then and hopefully if everything goes smoothw ill she have her GC before that. Not sure if that is better or she should just go on her paroll.

Does the GC processing stop once she goes out on parol? Appreciate if you all can share your vies on it.
Hi All,

I am happy to see that August filers are progressing. I have sent I-130/485/765 on August 22. and my FP were on September 26. I dont even know why I had my fingerprints so late when I see that most of the poeple here with similar dates had FP much earlier. I can see my 485 and 765 online -case received and pending. My I-131 is approved on November 1.
Do you guys think I should be receiving my EAD card anytime soon?
Hi All,

I am happy to see that August filers are progressing. I have sent I-130/485/765 on August 22. and my FP were on September 26. I dont even know why I had my fingerprints so late when I see that most of the poeple here with similar dates had FP much earlier. I can see my 485 and 765 online -case received and pending. My I-131 is approved on November 1.
Do you guys think I should be receiving my EAD card anytime soon?

I would think so. My EAD and AP were approved simultaneously. I would wait a little bit longer and I am sure you will receive it.
It usually takes about 7 days after the "Card production ordered" alert to receive the EAD/AP. I was observing other people's timelines too (particularly the Jul thread) and mine did come after 7 days :)
I just got my EAD card yesterday. I didn't know it was going to look like a driver's license. Plus, I didn't shave or had my hair cut or anything for the FP appt, and the picture they took at the FP appt is on the card (ie I look bad). Oh well :)
Should I start bothering USCIS about my I-130 not being online yet?
It does seem like not everybody has their I-130 showing up online though.