Attn: I-485 dudes (not married)

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Good for her!

For centuries, Indian men have ill-treated their wives. Its PAY-BACK time!

You go girl...!!

She asked for only 100K. Thats too less. Should have asked for the whole lot and sued him for dowry harassment in India
My friend went through a divorce wherein his ex brought her parents and sister's family into their marriage. Eventhough he thinks of accepting dowry as a demeaning thing, he somtimes wishes that he should have accepted a huge dowry. Because some of the wives who come on a "free" ticket think that they can armtwist their husbands into anything due to the fact that their actions are not accountable in the US. They can't do the same in India where their actions are noticed by society and relatives. I'm not saying that all husbands are saints.
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good saint - Haven't you heard of women marrying for money in advanced countries?
I was commenting on 40 - 50 Lac dowry .... curruption, dowry etc. is so OK that nobody even think about it.

Guy openly accepts bribes and still becomes chief minister. This guy comes out of jail on bail on curruption charges and there are hundred thousand people outside to receive him. A father wants to see his son go into civil service so that he can earn "extra".... The whole society is currupt. Its has gone into the "blood".

So what, one girl did something wrong to one guy (and who knows what the true story... it just what he is saying... girl wanted to pursue studies but this gulty wanted to keep her home washing his cloths... doesn't something smell here. He is making it look like that he did a big favor on the girl and the whole society by not taking the dawry..)
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Originally posted by goodsaint
I was commenting on 40 - 50 Lac dowry .... curruption, dowry etc. is so OK that nobody even think about it.

Guy openly accepts bribes and still becomes chief minister. This guy comes out of jail on bail on curruption charges and there are hundred thousand people outside to receive him.

reminds me of Jayalalitha (TN chief minister).. What a joke.


the wives are not angels either. Nowadays they misuse the laws to get the guys in trouble and to feed their ego's
Originally posted by goodsaint
I was commenting on 40 - 50 Lac dowry .... curruption, dowry etc. is so OK that nobody even think about it.

Guy openly accepts bribes and still becomes chief minister. This guy comes out of jail on bail on curruption charges and there are hundred thousand people outside to receive him. A father wants to see his son go into civil service so that he can earn "extra".... The whole society is currupt. Its has gone into the "blood".

So what, one girl did something wrong to one guy (and who knows what the true story... it just what he is saying... girl wanted to pursue studies but this gulty wanted to keep her home washing his cloths... doesn't something smell here. He is making it look like that he did a big favor on the girl and the whole society by not taking the dawry..)

aren't you taking the moral high ground here? You were born into that society, I presume. Is it in your blood?

I am sure the society is corrupt today, but which one isn't? (or wasn't?) The ones with the most money are able to control it to an extent. Developing countries are just that, developing...
Defamation case on FPfinally


Your case number is JJDC-03-219-101

A Defamation Case will be filed on FPFinally for downgrading our

"Honorable Purathi thalaivi DR DR DR Future India's Prime Minister and ever long Tamilnadu's Chief Minister J Jayalalitha"

For On the spot case status, please visit

Chennai, Tamilnadu

Note : 1. You may have to face 'potta'
2. Almost all the journalist and opposition party leaders
are facing similar case
Re: Defamation case on FPfinally

Originally posted by wowgc

Your case number is JJDC-03-219-101

A Defamation Case will be filed on FPFinally for downgrading our

"Honorable Purathi thalaivi DR DR DR Future India's Prime Minister and ever long Tamilnadu's Chief Minister J Jayalalitha"

For On the spot case status, please visit

Chennai, Tamilnadu

Note : 1. You may have to face 'potta'
2. Almost all the journalist and opposition party leaders
are facing similar case

What's a potta?

You can't downgrade a person who has already fallen rock bottom.

Surprising to see that people like wowgc are still blind followers of criminal politicians.
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Indian women everywhere must stand up to a dysfunctional society.

We talk about Indian culture. What culture? What values?There's nothing there.

India is a country where...

..Women are treated badly
..Health sytem is non-existant
..Education system STINKS. Eveybody studies hard and comes here...INSPITE of the education system NOT BECAUSE OF!
..CORRUPTION is rampant
..People are UNCLEAN. You dont need to be literate to understand basic civil sense
..Population out of control


I think we were better under the British. 1947 was a bad year for India.


GOD BLESS AMERICA. Im glad Im here! I love this country
We desi's are a bunch of whiners. We always whine and don't do much to improve our country. Look at wowgc...being in the US, he sings praises for a criminal politician like Jayalalitha..

I know I Know.. you are going to ask me .. why am I here and not go back to India if I am so concerned... I am here cause US needs me and I need money(fair?)..Well I want to earn money and will go back in the near future and do social service. Why am I going for a GC? Cause I can keep coming back when I run out of money..;) ;) ;) :D
Wake up gracgom

people who complain are cowards as long as they don't have the courage to take upon themselves to solve it.

..Women are treated badly

>> I don't disagree. But its part of revolution. It takes time. I don't support it. But there are worse places than INDIA.

..Health sytem is non-existant

>> Dah..we are developing country with 1 billion population.
US is supposed to be the most advanced/developed/industrialized nation. What happened to their health system/medicare???? people cannot pay for their prescription drugs after working here for long.. And every yr this is a poll plank for all the parties...

..Education system STINKS. Eveybody studies hard and comes here...INSPITE of the education system NOT BECAUSE OF!

>> If its' not for indian education u wouldn't have been here. realize that... its never inspite of education. We have one of the best technical education in the world(inspite of lack of adequate resources).

..CORRUPTION is rampant

>> Well..why don't u go and clean the system up. Corruption is there everywhere. In india its politicians.. in US its ENRON/WORLD COM/MARTHA STEWART/GLOBAL CROSSING(to name few)....its a high level corruption which will indirectly affect you...

..People are UNCLEAN. You dont need to be literate to understand basic civil sense

>> did u ever walked on the streets of san francisco?? if u can see people in US, how can u expect people in INDIA( a poor country where half of the people is below poverty) have a better standard of living. u have solution, y don't u take a head start...

..Population out of control

>> main reason is bcas of illiteracy. And y do u think many jobs from US are moving to INDIA..bcas of abundant QUALITY HUMAN RESOURCES....


>> Including you..

I think we were better under the British. 1947 was a bad year for India.

>> THIS IS THE MOST STUPID COMMENT I EVER HEARD, and supposedly from an education profession literate.. May be some one will give you a million dollars to live like their slave. Go take it.


>> Since you don't know what independence is....Imagine yourself under the rule of some one who dictates your each and every step, every day for your life..Then u will appreciate freedom and independence.

GOD BLESS AMERICA. Im glad Im here! I love this country

>> GOD BLESS AMERICA and the whole world.
You have raised several good points friend4al. My few have to follow. :D
The couple in question: None of us actually know what was wrong with their marriage. I do see several guys who "did not take dowry" but there end their values. One of them doesn't help in the household chores even though they both work outside of home, one does'nt trust his wife could ever drive on her own and so he drops her to her work and picks her up even though she wants to try out on her own, one used to fight with his wife whenever she wore shorts, I the only one who knows all these freaks or is the average desi guy a pseudo sexist? :eek:
dowry: where from did the modern concept and word come from....could it have come from good old England? Any ideas gracgom? For as far as I know the vardakshina of olden times is drastically different from the dowry of today, and from what I heard, it changed around when the English introduced us to their modern ways.
We aren't really worried about our GCs, are we?
We have SUCH a lot of time for diversions such as these...

That is not to say that we haven't seen valid arguments here; it's doing nothing for immigrationportal, is all.

SM, time to label thread as SPAM? Just askin!
Ur right niladri

Sorry for my message. I got so emotional with the last statement of the previous message, I started writing my comments. This is not the right forum to discuss these issues.

Right now I am not even thinking abt my GC. I know its gonna take time or I might not get it at all..but there is no point in thinking abt that.

Sorry all..

Note for waitingforbreak:

Urs is a very good point. Just not taking dowry doesn't make someone great or special. Its how they behave in the relationship. As I am not married..I cannot comment much, but I think there are certain problems with arranged marriages, which you have to deal with/compromise with as you exactly don't know who the other person is, and you mentioned the consequences of it.

Its time to pull the wool from your eyes, and start seeing India like it really is....not through some rose tinted glasses

Lock youself up in a room and think about the points I have written, without getting emotional and you will find its the truth

The writing is on the wall on India. Its time people read it.

That country stinks and needs some serious cleaning up

If you dont agree you are deluding yourself
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